

So mondays CAN be fun?

First of all, I'm about to break up with Blogger. She's acting up again, taking YEARS to upload pictures. She is officially on probation.

Secondly, I didn't have to work today!! I called in first thing this morning and it was kind of iffy, but my boss came through a hero stating, "I'd really like you to enjoy a day off." Thank the Lord in heaven. Much needed indeed.

So what did we do all day? Let me show you.

1. The refrigerator arrived! It's beautiful, just like my husband in this picture:

The only problem is that our kitchen floor is far from being finished so we have to store the fridge in the dining room. Not optimal but it will do. We are very happy, can you tell? Also can you tell that "operation Teepee Brown" is complete? The detail painting is done for awhile at least.

2. We started polyurethaning our cabinets. It sucks big time. First you sand, then vacuum, then wipe, then polyurethane, then wait two hours and start all over again. We have two coats done and I really want to stop here. It's just like a plastic seal so it doesn't really stain them too much and I like the end result. BEFORE:
Big difference, huh? I can't wait until we put on the hardware, add the shelf liners and have storage! But I've decided that if we EVER renovate a future kitchen of our own we will be purchasing finished cabinets. This unfinished stuff isn't worth the saved money, in my opinion.

3. I finally bought stain for my neglected "H." I went with my favorite style of wood which is "dark as hell." The darker the better for me, so I went for it. BEFORE:
The grain still shows up and I really like it. Can't wait to hang it up somewhere!

4. Speaking of hanging things on walls, I had a miniature breakdown last night. I freaked out because the place doesn't feel like ours, or comfortable, or homey without my pictures hanging on the walls. So Nate lovingly hung our big fat mirror in our bedroom! Now I feel much better.
Of course, once our kitchen is done, guest bedroom cleared out, and storage space is available I'll feel much more comfortable, too. I just keep reminding myself that we won't be living in chaos much longer. But Mr. OCD is really kicking in these days and I'm struggling with cardboard boxes in general. Only a few more weeks, right?

5. We went to Target, a.k.a. The Black Hole of Doom. Seriously, how is it possible to spend $70 on 11 measly little items. And we didn't even buy anything fun just random cleaning supplies, razors [the culprit, I swear!], and gum. I used to love Target but lately I despise it because they are so inconveniently located in this city and they suck away all of our money.

6. We researched vacations. This is our new pass time! But we aren't getting anywhere because now the list is even longer: San Diego, Vegas, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Cancun, Cozumel, and Cabo San Lucas have all been added to our possibilities. I really hope the travel agent emails me back soon to help with this decision. But until then it's fun to dream:)

So yeah, Mondays aren't so bad when you don't have to work. Too bad it can't always be like this!


  1. Ooh Ooh! Switch to wordpress - you'd love it!

    I LOVE the H. That's a great idea! And I vote either Boston or Ft. Lauderdale :)

    So glad you had a great day off - you've earned it!

  2. Ugh, I hear ya on the unfinished wood. Never. Again. But everything looks really great so far!!

  3. Love the new blog look. And your place is really coming together! As for the trip... we loved San Diego! It was one of the most relaxing vacations we've taken. It's a beautiful place.

  4. love your blog! so cute- polka dots were a major theme in our wedding- and now in our life- polka dot everything! yea!

    lol to target- it really is the black hole of doom

    hope you enjoyed your day off!

    the cat pic is totally going on the blog tonight :0)

  5. I load my pics onto Photobucket and then copy the code into Blogger, and I've never had any problems!

  6. Looks like things are slowly coming together! I LOVE the H. I, too am a fan of the color "dark as Hell" as you put it. :o) I can't wait to see your finished kitchen too!!!

    Isn't it so much fun?

    Can't you not wait until it's done?


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