

The List of Moments II

let's continue, shall we?

Moments 26-50
26. Begging my late Grandpa B. to pop out his dentures because it was the funniest thing I'd seen. He'd do it over and over and I couldn't stop laughing.

27. Giving myself a mud bath in a creek with my brother and friend. My mom lovingly took pictures of the debacle because we were so excited.

28. Hearing Nate's beautiful vows for the first time at the altar.

29. In Memaw's kitchen, helping her bake my favorite breakfast rolls. The smell of brown sugar and butter lingering in the air as she taught me how to prepare my favorite dish.

30. My family saying, "We're so proud of you, Jules" as I graduated from PT school.

31. The look on Nate's face when he's trying to cheer me up and make me laugh. This sometimes includes a classic little jig.

32. Playing with my Barbies in the most fabulous wooden Barbie house made by Pepaw. This bad boy had real working lights in each room, wallpaper, carpet, and hand-painted shingles on the roof. It was my pride and joy.

33. Peeking over the edge of the balcony before our ceremony to see so many friends and family there to celebrate with us. That special group of guests will probably never be together in the same room again.

34. Learning to drive a manual transmission car with my Dad in the passenger seat. No matter how many times I killed it he never got frustrated with me and told me to keep trying.

35. Waking our parents up at 5 a.m. to open our gifts on Christmas morning.

36. My Mom's daily lunch box love notes in grade school. Man I wish I would have saved those.

37. Oooo-ing and aaaaah-ing over pretty fireworks while laying on a blanket in the grass. Feeling the power of a big boomer shake the ground.

38. BBQ cheeseburgers off the grill on a hot summer evening. Most likely paired with french fries and baked beans, too.

39. Sleepovers involving 'truth or dare' and girlie movies.

40. The smell of fresh, clean sheets.

41. Road trips with Nate, spending hours in deep conversation and then perfect silence.

42. Henry's slobbery kisses every single time I come home, complete with smelly dog breath. And an eager wagging tail. It's as if to say, "I thought you were never coming home!" even if I've only been gone 30 minutes.

43. Back to school clothes shopping with mom each fall. Trying to keep a budget but somehow finding too many deals:)

44. De-stressing after killer exams with the best group of girlfriends a girl could have.

45. Stepping onto American soil after studying abroad. The sight of my parents waiting for me at the gate, immediately looking down to my new foot tattoo and asking, "Is it real?"

46. The first warm day when we can open all of the windows in the house to catch a refreshing breeze. The smell of fresh cut grass.

47. Catching lightning bugs with neighborhood friends on a warm summer night.

48. Smelling the salt of the ocean while listening to the waves break. Digging my heels into the wet sand and vowing to live near a beach someday.

49. The voice of my Mom coming in to turn off my alarm saying, "You don't have school today, it's a snow day." Then immediately hopping out of bed to play in the snow all day long.

50. Hearing Nate call me his wife for the first time. And being able to call him my husband.

Feel free to share your own memories. It's quite therapeutic, I must admit, but I think I'll stop at 50 for now. I'm sure I could go on and on but you get the idea.


  1. My Paw-Paw used to pop out his dentures for me too and it cracked me up too (but it was only on special occasions). Oh and my mom used to write me notes on my napkins as well. :-)

  2. You have an amazing memory! :-)

    In regards to #29, I loved cooking with my nana, too. My sister and I would go over to her house - just 7 houses down the street from us. My mom taught us to cook moreso, and nana taught us to bake.

    She taught us how to make delicious pies and snails (pie crust with butter and cinnamon sugar and rolled up). We always baked the Christmas cookies with nana, too. We make a lot less than we used to, but we still bake some with her every year around Christmas. It's one of my favorite memories and things to do every year.

  3. Geez, lady. You have one hell of a memory! Since my long term memory is shot, I'll have to say that I personally love #50! I also still get a kick out of times when people call me Mrs. XXX. Love it!

  4. That was so beautiful, Julia! I loved reading each one and picturing your happy face. You are so precious!

    I love your Memaw and Pepaw, and I don't even know them!

    I will try to do my own as well.

  5. What a great list!!

    Also, TAG you're it ;) See my blog for details


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