

The Big Bang Theory

The bangs are here! I'm sure I will push them to the side like this:

Even though I'm supposed to wear them straight across like this:

I like them pushed better, don't you?

And the back:

Sides worn down straight:
And how I'll wear it, tucked behind my ears:So once I push the bangs to the side and tuck my hair behind my ears, I like it. As for running, I sport those little rubber band headband things, anyway. And I can just squeeze most of it back into a tiny ponytail, so we are in business! Fresh haircuts always feel so good:)

On another note, are these real life pictures less creepy? I printed off two creepy ones [#2 and #6] to bring into the appointment and had to apologize for them. They were really freaking me out and the hairstylist didn't get it. He was like, "Is that your real hair?"

I hope these new ones are better.


  1. I love it! I even like them with the bangs straight across. It takes some getting used to if you haven't had them like that. YAY for a great haircut!

  2. It looks great! I, too, like the bangs straight across - even though I know from experience that they can be a pain like that!

    And um, I'm with Nate. Those pics in the post below were slightly creepy. ;)

  3. I like it a LOT

    You rocked the bangs!

  4. I agree, the bangs straight across can be a bear to style. So cute though! great choice.

  5. I love it! All of the ways you could wear it!

    And, yes, it definitely looks better than those creepy internet pictures from below.

  6. Very cute!! I also like the bangs straight across...and um...yeah. I totally thought the internet pics were freaky. I'm all over this website with my pic right now and I think I look normal. But I wonder if I post if I'd look creepy, too! Weird!

  7. I think that they are cute both ways!

  8. Oh yay!!! I love em! I would probably wear them to the side for an everyday look but put them down when you go out! I like the edgy look with the bangs! They look great!

  9. Very nice! I am glad you said the other fake pictures were creepy I was thinking that but didn't want to be rude and say it! Love the new haircut on you!

  10. i really really like the bangs straight across. you look so mod! :)

    yes, the other pictures were freaky. part of it, i think, is seeing your face over and over again with the same exact expression, but with different hair. you're beautiful, of course! it's just the repetition of it. you look like you stopped into a crazy wig store.

    love the new 'do. and love the bangs straight across.

  11. I love your new cut! I like the bangs both ways too. You look adorable.

  12. I adore your new cut! The bangs pushed to the side look good but straight across looks awsome. I agree with PP totally mod.

  13. I LOVE your haircut! The bangs worn 'straight down' look very fresh - tres chic. I am so jealous of your hair, I'd love to cut mine super short and get cute bangs, but that's impossible with the curls, oh well.
    Great cut, love it!

  14. Ohhh! So super cute! I love the feeling of a new haircut, and this looks like it will be easy to maintain and make you feel great EVERY morning!

  15. Julia, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new do!! Your bangs look great both ways! And those pics on the other post were a bit creepy, but it got your ideas across.

  16. You look great! I like the bangs and think they look good when they are all down straight....the cut really suits your face.

  17. I love the cut. I want bangs but am so afraid that I will hate them.

    And your hubby's kinda right, I didn't even realize that was you in those other pics. The new ones are much better :)

  18. ::whistle:: Hot lady! Love the new look. Totally better pics than before as well. :)

    I like the bangs both ways in all honesty.

  19. Oooooo....I like it. My fave is the last photo, tucked and pushed. (Sounds a bit like plastic surgery, doesn't it?)

  20. I love it. The bangs look great either way. So cute!

  21. Oh, it looks so nice! I always tuck my hair behind my ears too and I don't care how it looks. I also enjoy a good haircut- of which I've had two my entire life!


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