


This time of year calls for refreshing drinks, and I have two suggestions for you:

1. Raspberry-Apricot Sangria:
  • 1 package of frozen raspberries, thawed
  • 2 cups of apricot nectar
  • 1 bottle of white wine
  • 1/4 cup of apricot brandy [we use regular brandy]
  • 2 cans of lemon-lime carbonated soda
  • 1 cup of fresh raspberries for garnish
  • 1 orange sliced for garnish

We made this last year when Hannah and Michael came to visit and it was the bomb. So Nate and I decided to make it again the other night and WOWZA. I love it.

You put the thawed raspberries in your blender, then puree them. Then you add the puree to a pitcher [make sure it's big!! You'll see why later]. Mix the nectar, wine, and brandy in with it. Just before serving add the 2 cans of soda, add garnish and voila! Our problem was the pitcher: although very cute it was too small and we ran out of room for our soda. So Nate had to do some scooping:
The end result was glorious. My in-laws got to partake in the fabulosity.
It's kind of thick and fizzy at first but then it settles down nicely. You are technically supposed to strain out the raspberry seeds but I'm way too lazy for that.

2. Fruit smoothies:

We've been making a ton of smoothies since we started training. It's the perfect summer snack packed full of healthy fruit---what's not to like? The difficulty lies in finding the perfect combination of fruits plus 'other' ingredients. I think I've found the master recipe my friends!

Always start your base with ice cubes and orange juice. Then my new favorite combo is:

~apricot nectar [left over from sangrias!]. Only a little bit
~Vanilla soy ice cream [no more dairy for us....for the most part]
~banana [this is a must for yumminess]
~strawberries [another must for me]

Definitely the bomb! I've added cantaloupe, grapes, pineapple, and watermelon to our smoothies, too. But the above is my absolute favorite.

Enjoy! And drink up:)


  1. Can I just say I love your granite countertops????!! :)

  2. YUMMMMM!! Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. That sangria sounds amazing!

  4. YUM! I am going to definitely try the Sangria recipe!

  5. YUMMY!!! I'm definitely gonna try that sangria recipe.

  6. Have you ever gotten a comment this late in the game?!?!

    I was contemplating a fun drink for the bachlorette party I'm hosting tomorrow night...and for some reason your sangria post popped into my head! Fingers crossed that it turns out as good as yours!

    Oh and Jim and I spent an eternity in the juice aisle looking for that dang Apricot Nectar. We looked and looked and looked. Lo and Behold, there it was on the bottom shelf :)


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