

Updates galore

So if you haven't come out from behind Google Reader you should do so now.

I completely overhauled my blog. I wanted my images to be bigger now that I have a shiny new camera that takes shiny new pictures. But that meant I had to delete all of my fun right column tabs....including my blog links. I haven't decided if they will go back up somewhere because I like this new cleaner look. Thanks to Andrea for mentioning this new template because it was exactly what I needed [once I sucked it up and said goodbye to my old layout, that is].

I added 'Our Story' post below to be a tab at the top of this blog. I also added a bookshelf tab because I'm a nerd and like to read a lot. I've always wanted tabs at the top of my blog so I'm a happy camper right now.

There are some columns at the bottom of my blog, as well. But mostly this blog is going to be all about big fatty pictures. You won't mind, will you?

Beneath the 'Our Story' post you'll find the newest Henry pictures I took this weekend, complete with Photoshop fun. I get a little addicted sometimes.

And since I had to completely ditch the old blog layout, I made a new header as well. That is actual frost that adheres itself to our family room windows. It's pretty but a little frightening as well, no? You can imagine our heating bills are a little ridiculous right now but at least we can take pretty pictures of the whole mess, right?

So have a look around and let me know if the pictures are way too big for smaller laptop screens. I tried to pick a size that would minimize the need to scroll over but who knows if I guessed correctly.



  1. Love the template! You guys are an adorable little family.

  2. i love it. so clean and pretty. i think i am going to change mine too - my 365 pics deserve some more attention.

  3. Lookin' good, Julia! How did you get your pictures so big? They look great! I think we are ordering out Rebel soon. Mike is obsessed with his friend's at work and has been asking me f he could buy one. We wanted to wait until we paid for the kitchen but after looking at your pictures and Kristal's, I think I will cave a little early!

  4. I have a 13 inch MacBook and the layout looks absolutely beautiful! Don't think you get much smaller than this, so well done!

  5. Nicely done woman! I'm jealous, at least your frost is pretty, our's is not lol.

  6. Looks great! The pictures came out fine on my tiny laptop.

    (I'm very jealous of your new camera - what beautiful shots!)

  7. Hi Julia, I'm taking your advice and delurking from google reader. I found your blog from Erin Stieferman's blog (oh and you'll probably recognize that I'm Jessie VanPool's sister Angie). I love the blog's new look and am so envious of the camera. It's so pretty.

  8. Love the new look; definitely worthy of your great new shots!

  9. Ooh, I love it! Nice and clean.

  10. Wowza - the layout is awesome! At some point when our times match up I may finally take the plunge and try to do something with my blog. (Yes, I realize mind still says Merry Christmas.)

    But I must admit, I'm totally intimidated. Step by step... Thank goodness I have an oh-so talented friend to walk me through it???! Oh at least answer my questions. Are you on iChat or Skype? I think the Millers are sorta on there, so we could have little virtual conference calls! Technology rocks, except when it outsmarts me! :D

  11. Gorgeous--love it and your pictures!

  12. I love the new layout Julia! The big pictures are fabulous. I think I'll have to steal this layout next time I change headers. But that'll probably be awhile, considering I haven't even had time to take any pictures with my fabulous camera lately - no point in big pictures if you don't have any to post!

  13. I love the new template! It's so clean and sleek. I also love the big pictures. Fabulous!

  14. I love the new layout and the big pics! You are doing awesome with your new camera!

  15. Wow, looks great! I LOVE the frost as your header. I have several pictures like that... this winter has been all too good for those shots!

  16. WOW, I love it! Looks so professional, crisp & clean! Very cool!

    How did you do it?!?!


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