

New trend

So apparently my new thing is this: on weekends I take an obscene amount of pictures, then I get really into editing them and posting to flickr/the blog. You don't mind, do you? Today I took over 200 of absolutely nothing special. Just Henry and the Lake...I know you are shocked at my subject choice, right? It didn't even seem like a lot of images to me until Nate saw the number and said, "Holy crap! You took some pictures today, huh?"

Very astute observation by my number one fan.

Henry always comes up with new and interesting poses for me, like a good supermodel should do. For instance, his nose can be long and angled like this:

His rump can be THIS cute:

His paws are simply adorable and that little black pad where his dew claw used to be is my favorite:

Then there are his crazy-long eyelashes. If the groomer didn't trim them they would probably scrape the ground by now. He's blessed with the Cocker eyes, for sure:

If you look closely you will see the photographer in his eye. Kind of creepy and kind of cool, right?
can you see me in his eye?

Sometimes I'll pull his ears down like this just to make him more if that's possible:

Don't even get me started on his perfect little nose:

The paws I love to a puppy they were pink with black spots and now they've matured into nearly all black. Quite possibly my favorite part of his little furry self, save for his nose:

And then there is the Lake. It's cold, it's big, and it's pretty sweet. My husband is seriously considering partaking in the Polar Bear Plunge next weekend, you guys. Imagine jumping into this giant ice cube as you view these pictures....insanity, I know. But you better believe I'll come along for the photographic opportunities:

These ducks are obviously bad asses...or else they are completely lost. Weren't you guys supposed to fly south for the winter? Because we have at least another month of this filth.

I really like lines like this:

This is very Milwaukee to me:

Color! I spotted some color other than gray and white! This red bush is my friend because it promises Spring is around the corner. In my mind it does, at least:

Be still, my heart. Summer and the subsequent Fest will be here soon enough. Beer will flow, sweat will drip, and fabulous concerts will play. It will be heaven and light years away from this horrid winter crap:

I guess winter sunsets are decent:

Who knew snow could melt when it's only 20 degrees outside?

Yes, and with that I'm off. But I just thought you should know I'm on this weekend photography kick. Cold weather, schmold weather. My camera can hang with me...I hope.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful pictures Julia. What a great way to spend the day!

  2. The pics look great! And I understand how shutter clicks go by quickly! I took 112 the other day and I thought it was about 40. The pup is way cute. I want to snuggle with him!

  3. In agreement regarding "all those pictures". When I get home to upload my shots, I'll assume I have about 100 or so. My mouth drops when I realize it's closer to 250+!

    Great pictures by the way :)

    And can I say I love the fact that you admitted to loving the smell of Henry's paws? I'm absolutely obsessed with Bailey's and could burrow my nose in his all day long! I'll always pretend they are "stinky" and make fun of him, but in reality, it's just another excuse to sniff away.

    wow..I'm weird...

  4. Polar Bear Plunge?!?! Brrrr.

  5. Henry is so cute. And if I had a camera like yours, I would be taking 200 pictures as well. That camera is awesome.

  6. Beautiful pictures! Who knew Milwaukee COULD be pretty in the winter????

    And, totally thought I was the only crazy who liked to smell my doggy's paws. Glad you and Andrea do the same thing and can back me up here. ;)

  7. I just love your photos. You may have already told us this, but what kind of camera do you have? I love photography and would love to make it my full time job but do not have the time to dedicate to it at the moment.

  8. My favorites are the red bush and Henry's paw. So cute!!!

  9. Ahh! Your dog is sooo cute!!


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