

total teenie-bopper

Guess who rented Twilight tonight, like all of the other 17 year old girls in the world? Yup. 

Full review to come later, but first: classic conversation post movie [and no, Nate did not watch the movie with me. He refused and watched two basketball games simultaneously on the computer. His loss]

J:"See? This is Edward Cullen, er--Rob Pattinson. Isn't he attractive?"

N: [staring into the computer screen with critical eyes]. "He looks really weird, baby."

J: "Like what kind of weird? A VAMPIRE weird?"

N: "I don't know. I guess he is a pretty good-looking guy."

J: [secretly thinking, "Yes! My husband approves of my new lover boy! I'm sure he won't mind if I tack a poster of him up in our bedroom, then."]

N: "But really, he looks kind of faggy."

J: [dying of laughter]

N: "At least the guy you married isn't faggy because you have tendencies."

J: "What are you talking about?"

N: "That vampire? Faggy. John Mayer? Faggy. Leonardo DiCaprio? Faggy."

J: [laughing, while wanting to defend myself since I haven't had the hots for Leo since his Romeo and Juliet days back in high school.] "You just called him 'that vampire.' " [convulsing from laughter]

N: "Vampires don't have names. Vampires don't even effing exist, Julia. You're such a dork."

J: [dying laughing, crying at the thought of Nate analyzing the existence of vampires. Then crying some more while watching my husband flex his muscles in the mirror to build some self confidence again. I'm sure it's hard to compete with a vampire, you know.}

N: "Why am I so freaking pale? I need a tan."

J: [cannot resist] "You mean, you are pale like a vampire?"

And why do I have a feeling similar conversations happen between other newlyweds when the wife is minorly obsessed with EC? I know I'm not the only one:)


  1. First of all, there is nothing wrong with having a poster of Edward hanging in your house (we do). I loved Leo too! LOVED! Seriously. And your convo seems spot-on to ones we have had about the same topic.

  2. so funny! I should have gotten that movie today..I loved all the books and saw the movie too...along with all the middle schoolers in the town...

    funny dialogue...thanks for sharing..


  3. I got my husband to go with me to see the movie premiere in the theatre, by telling him that "it's a movie about VAMPIRES!", and I'm sure he envisioned something more akin to From Dusk Till Dawn. He realised his mistake when he saw the entire theatre filled with giggling girls - I think the audience was 90% female.

    As it turned out though, he didn't hate the movie! :D

  4. Cute :)

    Jim and I have conversations about Edward all the time. Except ours revolve around the fact that Jim thinks he's unattractive and I..well, I'm in love with him.

    Another example. Just last week we were talking about what I wanted my next car to be. I said I wanted it to be red, to which Jim replied "Fire engine red?". I answered (without thinking), "No, blood red." Jim just looked at me and rolled his eyes.

  5. I think I must be the only female in the world not in love with RP/EC. I just don't think he's attractive and the 4 inch hair really bothers me. And when he talks his head is bent down and his eyes are looking up and it's just creepy (like creepy old man creepy, not scary vampire creepy).

    After reading the books, I was really disappointed in the way Edward was portrayed in the movie.

    But the convo? Hi.larious!

  6. I totally agree with Katherine - I do not think RP was a great casting choice. He doesn't do anything for me. EC as a character, ummm yes. I need a fan when I read the book.

  7. I totally want a poster too!! I keep telling myself if I ever have a classroom, I can hang it in there and that will be my excuse to get one. I also want a t-shirt so bad... but I would feel like a total dork being 27 shopping in Target or at the grocery store with a Twilight shirt on, but hey, I just love Edward Cullen. :)

  8. J- I love you and Nates convos...I always feel like I am sitting there with you guys...they make me laugh! Countdown on...see you in a month!


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