

Hidden baby chronicles: The Reactions

July 19, 2009

Were you wondering about this one?
Reactions to the pregnancy...

From Nate:

On that fateful Monday, July 6, Nate was at class all day while I just so happened to be off of work. I took my positive test around noon that day and spent the next 4 hours freaking out, calling my OBGYN for an appointment, freaking out some more, and sitting in a catatonic state for awhile so the news could sink in to my own mind.

Then Nate got home and although I had intentions of telling him in some cute way, my excitement got the best of me. I was sitting on the couch with the test hidden behind me when he came in and my heart was pounding so fast I think you could see my pulse in my eyelids. I let him say his hellos to Henry, get sufficiently licked all over (from Henry again, not me), kiss me hello, and put his stuff down. Meanwhile I was still sitting there like a total dweeb, trying to act cool. So he comes to sit down next to me and immediately picked up on my doofus face, since I was grinning ear to ear. "Do you have something to tell me?" he asked. To which I replied, "Uh-huh, " still smiling too hard to form any intelligent sentences. Then he asked, "Was it positive?" and I said yes, then whipped out the hidden test from behind the pillow. He was well aware that I'd already taken two tests before this, and knew of my plan to test Tuesday morning. I explained that I simply couldn't wait until the next morning to test and began mumbling incoherent phrases together. I don't remember exactly what Nate said next but I'll never forget the look of happiness/shock/excitement on his face as we hugged each other. His bottom line: "This is so cool, I am into it." I think he said that about 5 times. We hugged and laughed and had a little moment for sure.

His first concerns? "Oh man, now I have to run this marathon by myself? Who will do my long runs with me?" Then, "Who will drink beers with me now?" and "Do I have to drink coffee all alone?" Funny, because we weren't exactly boozing partners in life, slamming down alcohol every night just because we were wild and free....and the coffee thing? I didn't think he'd mind losing his partner in crime for that one. The training buddy part makes sense, because it really does blow to run long distances alone. But after I soothed his fears about running, boozing, and drinking coffee alone he was able to embrace this idea of a baby even more fully. I'll also never forget this classic quote: "You know what is really great? Now we don't have to have those stupid conversations about when we'll start trying. That was really dumb, you know." Hee hee. I have to agree with him there:)

I've absolutely treasured seeing Nate's reaction to this whole thing. He is definitely dying to tell people, even more than me at this point, and I could get used to his gentle little pats on my tummy at the most random of times. His happiness and pride is obvious to me and I feel closer to him than ever before. Nothing like 'taking the next step' to make a marriage even stronger, right? He is going to be such a great dad, you guys.

From our parents:

We both knew we had to tell our parents early, since we'd definitely need their support if anything happened and we knew they'd be ecstatic with the news. This will be the first grandchild for both sides but I think both sets of parents assumed they'd have to wait a little longer to get their beloved grandchildren out of us.

Since Henry was the vessel for one major life event---our engagement, as Nate tied my ring around his neck during the proposal---I figured he should probably be the main character for this big event, too. I made him this shirt using an iron-on transfer sheet:

muscle shirt

Work it Henry

Do I have to, Mom?

Before we left for our Missouri trip, we told Nate's parents. It was Tuesday night, July 14 and I was barely 5 weeks along. We put Henry's shirt on and carried him downstairs. Then Nate said to his mom, "Look at Henry's new muscle shirt, mom." She read it out loud while Henry wagged his tail which shook his whole body, making the text even more difficult to read. Her first reaction: "WHAT?? Who is pregnant???" Obviously a little confused:) Nate clarified that I was pregnant which made her scream and grab both of us for a big hug. Her favorite phrase was, "There is going to be a baby here!" which surprised us, since we weren't sure they'd be okay with a screaming newborn living above their bedroom.

Whether we'd stay or move was a huge question mark for Nate and I because we did not want to push the boundaries of our living situation and interfere with his parents' sleep. I kind of thought we might move out and rent a place for awhile, just to avoid any potential to damage our wonderful relationship with my in-laws. But seeing my mother-in-law's genuine reaction solidified the fact that we are still welcome in the duplex. When we relayed our concerns to her she said, "Why would you move? That is just silly. We've had babies in this house before and we can definitely do it again." Then, just to torture us, she threw in there, "Well maybe I'll just have to quit my job to stay home and play with the baby all day." Obviously, that won't actually happen but a girl can dream! I am so incredibly blessed to have them in our lives, you guys. And this means we can still add to our savings until Nate graduates, since daycare costs plus rent plus tuition and one salary would have definitely cut into the savings a lot.

Nate's dad came home shortly after we told his mom and surprisingly he got it right away! Hugs all around again and being the handy man he is, he immediately started rattling off all of the baby furniture they have stored in the attic. Of course they have baby furniture up there, right? I loved seeing how they looked at Nate after the news: proud, happy, and very knowing. They mentioned a few times how "Boy, your lives are going to change." I'm sure they are right:)

We told my parents when we came down for our Missouri visit and we waited until Friday morning, July 17, since we didn't get in until 1 am on Thursday. We were all sitting around the living room getting ready for breakfast when I said, "Oh, let me show you Henry's new shirt." I went and put it on him and had him run up the stairs to show it off. My mom read the first line of the shirt, stopped and stared at me and asked, "Are you pregnant?!?" and when I said yes she squealed and hugged me rather hard. She started yelling for my dad to read the shirt and my poor dad was so confused, he could hardly make out the words on the shirt. Once it sank in more hugs were had and I think my mom might have kissed Nate:) We spent the rest of the morning answering their questions and enjoying the moment.

My mom and I have had some fun conversations about pregnancy and babies, which is a new phase of our relationship that is pretty sweet. I mean, there is just something about bonding with my mom about becoming a mother to my own child that is priceless. Also, I learned that my mom did not get stretch marks and her labor time was always less than 2 hours. Whoo hoo! PLEASE let me have those genes.


  1. I love the shirt and how you told your parents. And, I know what you mean about the mother-daughter bonding that comes with pregnancy. It's awesome!

  2. Great story. Thanks for sharing. I love how you used your little puppy for the reveal. So happy for you guys!!

  3. Julia, you are too cute :-) I LOVE Henry's little shirt, very creative! This whole post just made me smile. Can't wait to hear more!

  4. So are you still running the marathon??

    I googled and I guess lots of people do but I didn't know if you were?

  5. loving these stories, julia!

  6. Oh my gosh...that shirt is hilarious! I LOVE IT! What a sweet post. I can't wait until we are at that point some day ;) It gets me all giddy inside reading your post!

  7. I totally teared up reading about the mom/daughter bonding because I can totally relate.

    Love Henry's shirt and 2 hour labors?? Girl, you better RUN to the hospital at the first twinge!

  8. I am so thrilled for you. My parents and I have always had a great relationship but having Avery added a new dynamic and I love seeing them as grandparents. My mom bought all the pregnancy books and read them each week with me. I loved it!

  9. Your idea on how to tell them was awesome!! I love, love, LOVE reading all about this! It's making me want to have a baby right NOW!

  10. I've obviously been out of the loop here for a bit as I was quite surprised by the new header image!


    I'm due Nov. 1st with our second baby and absolutely adore reading pregnancy blogs and following fellow preggo friends along their journey. Can't wait to "experience" all that lies ahead with you and Nate (and Henry, of course!).


  11. Henry's shirt made me laugh out loud--love it. Cute reactions and you're right, Nate will be a great dad!!

  12. there's nothing cuter! oh my goodness. except for maybe my baby and your future baby! :)

  13. I love that you incorporated Henry - too sweet! The last part about the bond between you and your mom is so true and just wait until the birth - it will grown even more stronger!

  14. How fun! Henry looks pretty proud to be a big brother. ;)

  15. I will send you all the good vibes I can for no stretch marks! I didn't get mine until the very end (and after!) and it looks like a bear got a hold of me. BLAH!!

    I LOVE the shirt! What a cute idea!

    I can't wait for more!! :)

  16. I have been reading your blog for awhile, but am rather shy about commenting. I wanted to tell you Congrads! I love your blog, and when I am having a bad day I know I can read your blog and you will make me laugh. The best of luck to Nate and you (oh and Henry too!) So many girls expecting in the blogging world at the moment!

  17. LOVE LOVE LOVE using Henry to share the news! So perfect!

  18. Congrats to the grandparents-to-be! If your Mom was anything like mine, she won't be able to stand being so far from you and her new little love! (We moved back to the Lou within 6 months, but we didn't have any family's good you have the I.L.'s)

    It's such a neat thing to see how your parents change with grandkids...I love watching my Mom love on my's very special...

  19. Aww, I love hearing reactions! Too cute!

  20. Congratulations Julia!! We told my mom and sister the same way - Leroy had a shirt that said "I'm the big brother". So exciting! Enjoy each day of your pregnancy as it will go by quickly. I loved being pregnant and having my peanut so protected and close. You think your wedding day was amazing - just wait :)

  21. oh and my mom and sisters didn't get any stretch marks - and neither did I .... I think you have nothing to worry about as it is all about good genes. As for the labor - I REALLY hope yours is that quick, 2 hours is amazing! Definitely didn't happen that way for me :)

  22. I loooooooved this post! Henry's shirt is priceless! I hope you keep it for memories. Congrats again! xoxo

  23. It's ONLY fitting that you included Henry in the reveal!

    I loved reading how goofy you got. I was the same way and somehow it was only Tony's reaction that made it real.

  24. OMG!!! I just read this post!! AWWWWW JULIA! I am soooe xcited for you!!!

  25. SO sweet! So happy for you two. Congratulations!


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