

Video debut

I have four baby videos to share with you today:)

1. Truman's first day at the hospital. No, he's not doing much but just being cute and crying but I cannot help myself.

2. Truman's homecoming with big brother Henry's investigation. We cut the tape before things got chaotic with incessant whining, whimpering, and generally FREAKING OUT done by poor Henry. For hours. And hours. And hours. Yes, I will not go into that story just yet, but here was their very first meeting:

3. Truman as Mister Latch McGee. Enough said.

4. Eyes opening, looking around, and being generally adorable!



  1. Poor Henry makes me think of Lady and the Tramp! Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! He's going to be one heck of a heart breaker!

  2. That last video was too cute for words! And Henry. Poor Henry. LOL he's not an only child anymore. I have this huge fear of making Spencer an older brother since he's been an only child for 7 years!

  3. Awww!! I love the videos! Poor Henry. I hope he's doing better now! Keep them coming!

  4. Hi Julia! I've been reading your blog for awhile and I LOVE IT. I don't usually comment, but I just had to tell you that Truman is ADORABLE. Oh, and Henry too. Congrats and I can't wait to see more videos of Henry and his little bro interacting.

  5. ADORABLE! Henry will soon be Truman's body guard so watch out grandparents. Congrats!!

  6. So precious! I love that he latched onto Nate's nose. Too funny! :)

  7. Hehehe...those are too cute for words. Poor Henry. I can almost hear his thoughts. In the 4th video, I love how Truman's forehead scrunches up when he hears his mommy's voice. Too too adorable!

  8. Congratulations on your son! Good to see the video about how Henry reacted! That is one of the things I worry about when having all the pets will react!

  9. He is such a handsome boy! I look forward to hearing the rest of the story about how it went with Henry. Poor pup seemed pretty confused!

  10. Julia, you will treasure those videos. I looove how every newborn has a distinct sound. He is precious and I love hearing you guys lol.

  11. That video of Henry's first meeting is HILARIOUS!!!!

    And I think ALL daddies must put their noses in babies' mouths. I thought mine was the only one.

    He's super cute!

  12. Gah! I love it! Poor Hen - he's like, what the heck is that thing and what is it doing in my room? And Truman is so expressive already - that forehead wrinkle! Gah!

  13. So cute! Poor little Henry. I bet the crying really ticks him off!

  14. Henry and Truman's first meeting was hilarious! Henry looks completely taken aback -- I love how he freezes in shock when he first goes over to the baby carrier. He doesn't know what to do!

    On a semi-unrelated note, does Henry wear 2 collars? I ask because my dogs all wear 2, because I'm so paranoid about them getting lost. A martingale and a regular buckle collar. I even have a little safety strap that connects from their leash clasp (which goes on the martingale) to the backup collar, in case the leash ever falls off (it's happened). Do you do the same thing? Or am I seeing things?

  15. yes, he has on two collars. One is his regular one and one is for training him--it is from our trainer. Good eye!

    Thanks everyone!

  16. Just a request to see the rest of the nursery that you couldn't show because it had Truman's name on it. :)

  17. Oh my gosh, these videos have me just dying!!! My baby isn't even five months old and it already seems like so long ago that he was like that!!! So very new to the world. Oh, he is just precious. Love the videos.

  18. I love the video of Henry meets Truman! So cute!


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