

Thank you, Mr. Jobs, for helping me document our life

And really, thank you for all things Mac. What would we do without our MacBook/iMac/iPhones/iPods? Contemplating an iPad just to complete our family of Apples. Seriously. We are 'those' people now.

I digress.

Taking photos with my big Canon is still my fave. The picture quality obviously blows the iPhone 4 away and it SHOULD or else I wasted a whole lotta moolah on my SLR. But the iPhone is just so darn easy to use and so accessible since it's basically an extension of my hand most of the time. And I can upload the pictures directly from my phone to Flickr without ever plugging anything into the computer. So easy! But this means that iPhone pictures comprise about 80% of my photostream these days. Which is fine but because the quality isn't so hot, I tend to reject these pictures for my blog. I'll agonize over which picture to choose for an Instagram shot, and talk myself down from posting about 120 images per day over there because I don't want to flood IG feeds with 25 variations of the same pose (at least not regularly, but occasionally I can't help myself). The other non-IG'd images will just sit. Neglected. Lonely. Poor guys.

So I feel like I want to make a semi-regular blog post dedicated to iPhone pictures. It's okay if the quality isn't great. They certainly do tell a story and even if you follow me on IG (user name mrsjuliagoolia, of course!), hopefully you will see a few different angles so it's less like Groundhog Day over here and more awesomeness of oversharing the details of my life. Yes. That is my goal.

(really bad quality to start with, but whatever. Didn't even IG this one at all. But me and the babes in the bed at 6 am. Why are early-morning bed shots a fave lately?)

(this is a scene that I did IG but there were a lot of other shots that were super cute and didn't make the cut. Sunday morning at Starbucks. Henry came along and was not happy about being outside. Freaking out.)



(our treats)

(unreal sky)

(Monday night after a loooong day. Daddy got just a few minutes with the kids on the couch before CC was begging to go to bed. Hate the quality, love the moment)

(oh yeah, and before Nate got home---guess who is sitting at the dinner table now? I know. She is TOO big!)

(Tuesday morning, 5 am, the gym. IG'd one of these to mention how much I desperately needed that 'me time' kicking my own butt. Needed. And also? I have to wear pigtails to exercise now with my shorter hair)



(on Tuesday I decided to ask Andrea if she wanted to come to the zoo with us. It was 27 degrees outside but sunny! And there are indoor exhibits! It was seriously so much fun to have the entire place practically to ourselves. Blurry shot of my little crew in the bathroom before we went inside the zoo itself. Took the wagon in with us to the handicapped stall, and managed to pee with CC in the Ergo. Epic.)



(mommy monkey with one very large breastfeeding boob and one non-existent boob. I felt her pain.)

(cool jelly fish)

(Eli and Truman being two years old)

(And Tuesday afternoon---just a little photoshoot with my girl. She was being so freaking cute with her new toy keys from Truman's attic stash of baby toys. And I tried to wear my hair curly---read: air dry---and liked it better this time around. Therefore I probably won't use a blow dryer again for quite some time)




(Wednesday night: single mom fun at dinner time and bath time)






(And this morning, Thursday: home after my gym time and mister T had been awake the entire time. Since 5am. Not my problem when at the gym, holla! My coffee tasted abnormally good and Cecelia was in a fantastic mood. Therefore, numerous pictures followed)



(the front and back cameras on the iPhone are pretty different, huh?)

(my babe would love to try some coffee. Too bad I'm selfish and she can just get it indirectly through my milk)

(And! Figured out what to do with her long bangs!)


And that's a week in the life through the eyes of my iPhone. :)

 Also? Can I just mention that I'm totally stressing out about our family trip to Missouri next week? We decided to suck it up and fork over the money to fly instead of making an 8 hour drive with two children. Obviously both methods of travel are potentially scarring but Nate was the one who decided that a 45 minute flight, then a 2 hour drive to my parents house would be less risky than 8 straight hours in a car. I tend to agree considering that Cecelia fell out of love with her car seat again. And if we made the drive then we'd SURELY realize that we need a mini-van and I don't think Nate is mentally ready to go to that dark place just yet. So he's avoiding it by purchasing plane tickets instead. Good move, Nate!

Truman has flown a ton in his 2.5 years, so much that I honestly lost count. Maybe 10 round trips so far? But the last time he flew was in February, when he was still able to fly for free. This was also the last time I was at my parents house which is just NOT okay, and Nate wasn't even there for that visit so it's been even longer for him (and Cecelia has never been to MO, obvi). So anyway, Truman is an old pro with flying although it's now a different ballgame financially to pay for three tickets. I think he will be just fine during the trip and I have a few 'Target dollar bin' finds for him up my sleeve to keep him entertained. And Cecelia should be okay as long as she can be attached to the boob most of the flight (nursing cover win!).

The main thing stressing me out is making a list of what to pack, since we will be leaving on a Tuesday and coming back the next Monday. That is a long time and I always tend to overpack stuff I don't really need on long trips, and under pack things I could have actually used. Anyone else do this? So annoying. Also, I'm sure it will be a lot warmer in MO than it has been in WI which throws me off for outfit choices. All of this is really pretty dumb because we will have NO RESPONSIBILITIES down there other than to halfway care for our children (grandparents will most likely take a lot of that off our plates, too, the saints that they are). So who cares if we each wear the same too-warm outfit every day. We will be lounging around drinking coffee and chatting with my family non-stop. Nothing else matters.

Also, Nate and I work on Monday but then we will be off until the following Tuesday. This is a glorious sentence to type. Amazing. And very much needed.

So I won't be keeping up my newfound streak of posting frequently next week. I'm sure you won't mind as you might be busy stuffing your face with turkey and pie and potato dishes like me.


  1. #1 What kind of dog is Henry? I want him :)
    #2 Don't over pack. You can do laundry and if you need it, you can always buy it. Always gives me peace about packing. I'm an over packer myself.

    1. Henry is a cockapoo and a great dog--we love him to death even when he drives us nuts.

  2. Missouri is going to be gloriously warm next week! Like 65ish for Thanksgiving Day.
    I keep spreadsheets already made for packing. I have one for short, weekend type trips, and one for longer. Plus I keep a list of the kids current favorite things so we get those packed. It is much easier to make a packing list when there is no pressure or impending trip. I don't know why that is. Of course my kids can both actually pack their own bags now and I just double check that they have underwear (basically). And I know you want the kids in different outfits so you can get cute day pics, but just pack like 2 pjs and do laundry since those are less of fashion statement for them.
    Hope you guys have a wonderful trip!

    1. Totally going to plan on laundry yes. Omg--65 is hot!! Tank tops and shorts... ;)

  3. You probably already have heard of these, but it's a new discovery for us and my 2.5 year old LOVES LOVES (so may be good for the plane?):

    Toca Boca App for iPhone/iPad - it has a train one!

    Duck Duck Moose app: Trucks - dump trucks, car wash, tow truck, etc.

    It's ridiculous how cute and easy these are for our little guys. I thought of Truman this past weekend as my boy was loving the crap of them.

    1. Awesome!!! So cute, haven't seen these yet. Thanks!

  4. Hi Julia! Huge fan of the blog. Love everything from the home posts to your sweet fam posts (and the fact that you keep it real!). Do you share your instagram feed? I searched "My life in transition" but couldn't find it.

    1. Yes! My username is mrsjuliagoolia. Thanks for the sweet compliment!

  5. So excited I found this blog and instagram! We are the same way about apple products. We just got the iPad 3 and swore we wouldn't let the boys play with it (grandma gives the boys hers and they constantly fight over it) but of course that only lasted like a week before we were downloading games and books on it for them. It's been the best thing ever! So many educational games and books! Plus they only get to read/play with it on weekends. Good luck with the packing. Just remember, there's always a Target close by. Target is the Mothership, they have it all.

  6. I'm so glad you're blogging more often. There are lives that I like to keep up with more than others (hello, stalker?) and yours is one.

    Also? You're coming to Missouri? Wouldn't it be awesome to meet and have coffee? I just know Truman and Brigham would get along like whoa. They could share their trains :)

    It's supposed to be warmish next week so I say pack some cardigans so you can layer.

  7. You know I share your dilemma about using the phone vs DSLR for pics. I am HORRIBLE about not even bringing the DSLR out of the house lately. It makes me sad. But yet, I know my life is ooooooooobviously ridiculously documented, so whatever.

    So excited for you guys to get some R&R!!! And glad to hear I'm not the only one with packing spreadsheets already made in my Google Docs ;)

  8. Um, Molly took the words out of my mouth (not that you probably want to hang with bloggers instead of family), but if you do... :)

    I do the same thing when packing and lately have told myself to underpack. I freak out thinking I forgot so much but it always works out better. You'll be great, I'm sure!!

  9. I'm coming out of lurkdom to say that I LOVE the new layout! Not that I didn't like your other templates and headers before, but it is fun to see changes and this new one is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing photos from the sweet moments in your day. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks!! You got the sneak peek before I revealed the new layout--glad you liked it. Happy thanksgiving to you, too!

  10. Ha, I totally loved this post Julia. And you are totally making me want to start getting up ridiculously early to exercise. Or if not then, just exercise, PERIOD. Thank you for the motivation. :)

    Also loved the note about the "epic" trip to the bathroom at the zoo, with CC in the ergo and the wagon in the stall. OH MY GOD I HAVE SO BEEN THERE. I love doing outings like the zoo with the kids, but then there are always moments during said outings when you're like, "hmm... is this REALLY worth it? I could be at home drinking coffee and laying on the floor right now."

    Oh, and totally digging CC's little pony. PERFECT use of the bangs.


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