

One of those mornings

Can I vent a little bit, please? It's been awhile since I whined to the internets and I need to get this off my chest.

This morning was one of 'those' mornings that really sucked. Nothing out of the norm, really, and some mornings have been even worse. But for whatever reason, this morning was just difficult on all fronts.

The kids went back to daycare today after being away for a week, since Lori was off for vacation days, so that in itself was a huge adjustment. I absolutely despise the hurried hustle and bustle of work day mornings---'Come on, Truman---we have to get dressed. Hurry up and eat your breakfast. We need to get going or we are going to be late. Please put on your coat/shoes/hat. And Cecelia, did you REALLY just poop your pants as we are walking out the door?! Ugh.'

Except she isn't pooping in her pants right now and is pretty backed up, making her extra cranky and disgruntled. AND I'm certain that her top teeth are hurting her more than ever, all swollen and seemingly ready to pop through the gums (finally). She is just not herself, she's tired, woke up three times last night (10:30, 1:00, and up for the day at 5:00) and she is NOT liking daycare drop offs. For about three weeks now she will literally lose.her.mind when we get to Lori's. Crying real tears within an instant of walking in the door, then looking at me like I'm abandoning her. It's so sad and I know it's just a phase but it's hard. I will hold her and calm her down but then when I have to go she cries again. Lori says Cecelia is fine by the time I pull away but it's still really difficult to see my baby upset before we are apart for 8 hours.

Also, it's freaking 7 degrees outside. Seven. I hate getting the kids bundled up to get out the door in the mornings. I much preferred the last week when we could just take our merry little time waking up, getting dressed, and starting our day without time restraints. I normally love my job but I haven't seen patients in five days and I'm just not feeling it today. I'm sure once I get going the day will fly by, my kids will be fine at daycare, and I will enjoy helping others. But right now, as I pump for the first of many times today, I am just in a funk. Don't even get me started on how much I hate this darn pump right now. Over it, and I know it's a good thing to keep my supply up, to allow me the ability to nurse. I wouldn't trade that part of it but the time commitment of pumping three times during the day, once before bed, washing pump parts and bottles, preparing milk----it's all so annoying to me now.

Have I unloaded on you enough yet?

I have to get started on my work day and don't have time to read this post for errors, or to lessen the whiny-ness. I have a feeling a lot of other mamas out there have mornings/days/weeks like this, too----when everything is just hard and annoying and tiring. I'm tired. I'm cold. I'm ready for spring and ready to sleep again.

But I do have really cute kids (who I will miss dearly today, I'm sure) and I have a great, flexible job that I enjoy. So that is how I'm going to tie up this downer post---searching for the positive. And with some cute pictures. (That you've probably already seen on IG but I like them enough to post here, too).







Come on, day. Let's get this thing started so I can see my babes again.

Much better now, thanks.


  1. We had one of those mornings today also. Little mister (who turns 3 on Sunday) was in slow motion this morning. Didn't want to potty, didn't want to get dressed, didn't want to eat breakfast, slow motion. Baby girl is getting her bottom molars and is very needy, crabby, whiny, won't let me outta her site. And just as we are walking out the door to go to daycare- with not a minute to spare, Princess poops her pants. I'm embarassed to admit that she rode the 3 miles to daycare with poopy pants. I feel your pain.
    We are in MN. I believe the temperature was 7ยบ this morning also which equals going out to start the car and then hats, mittens, huge coats, blankets and a little girl who HATES getting into her car seat with a coat on.
    Hang in there mama. We will look back on these days in 10 years and want our little babies back.

  2. Oh sister, I hear this today! It's a rainy and cold morning here in AZ after a beautiful weekend and my husband walked out without a coat today just because "he is sick of this crazy weather." We were late to school, again, and it's Lemon's 2nd day in a row at day care because my mom is out of town this week, AND she cried when we were dropping her off too, that is the WORST. I am over the cold (even though it is only in the 50s here), we have 3 more weeks until Spring Break and no more holidays until then and Lemon goes to day care twice next week too. I am tired as well, want a week off with my babe and miss the sun, even though it has only been one day. And I have no idea why we can't get out the door on time, it's so annoying. Hang in there, you are definitely not alone and I hope you have a better day once it starts to get moving. xoxo

  3. Oh girl, I SO get the hectic mornings. It is my most unfavorite part of being a working mom.

    I don't have the pump part of it anymore obviously. But I remember how very stressful that was. I hated that pump and hated pumping in my car even more!

    Here's hoping CeCe gets happier and starts sleeping again.

    Vent all you want. It's normal.

  4. "I absolutely despise the hurried hustle and bustle of work day mornings---'Come on, Truman---we have to get dressed. Hurry up and eat your breakfast. We need to get going or we are going to be late. Please put on your coat/shoes/hat. And Cecelia, did you REALLY just poop your pants as we are walking out the door?!"

    Yep, can totally relate to that statement. Mornings are just SO hard! I feel like I'm always running late.

  5. Sorry mama!! I've been there and we ALL have those mornings...don't feel bad! I know it sucks to leave your kids and the working mom guilt. It took me quite a while to get over the latter. Hope your day and week gets better!! :)

  6. Hope the rest of your day gets better and runs smoothly. We all have these kinds of mornings where you feel like you need a nap and it is only 8 am:). I judge the day by how our 3 year old wakes up. If it is with a smile we are good. If it isn't then watch out. The day is shot!

  7. I hate mornings like that. And difficult day care drop offs SUCK! My daughter used to cry upon pulling in the parking lot. Made me feel so guilty.

    GOod news- this will pass.

  8. Hang in there, mama! As I said in my email already, I know all too well the feeling of not actually wanting to be a stay-at-home-mom overall, but in those moments of hustle and bustle in the morning, of course you'd rather just stay home than have to get your babes out the door, especially in the cold weather!

    Vent away - you are doing an awesome job as a mom and your kids are happy and well taken care of and life will be so, so much better soon when the weather is warm and you are finally sleeping again! The day will come when you (we) will sleep again, I just know it. ;)


  9. I think about you working moms often when I have to get both kids ready, fed and out the door early in the day. I'm a huge stressed mess those mornings and I can't imagine doing it several times a week. I can imagine that there are moments are you frazzled. No shame in sharing those feelings!

  10. Ugh, we had the exact same kind of morning. Normally it takes me 15 minutes to get Luke dressed and ready to leave the house. This morning he was whining/crying from the first second I had to wake him up. Days like that are horrible. I just feel like he'll have a terrible day at "school" when our mornings start like that, but I know he's well cared for while I'm working. Doesn't make things any easier though.

  11. Oh you know I can relate! I soooo hate the crazed morning routine, with the baby it's not so bad but those dang TODDLERS just suck the LIFE out of me every morning where by the time we've dropped them off (and we're even doing it together now that we carpool!) we just get back in the car and breathe a sigh of relief and relish the SILENCE and no WHINING for a few seconds :) Weekend mornings are that much more cherished just because of that!

  12. I so get this. Whine on mama!!

    The mornings of rush rush rush, then the late evenings of only a hour or so with a crabby baby trying to get ready for the next horrible rushed morning was why I had to stay home (even though I never thought I would.). I could not handle it 5 days a week. And it was never 7° when I was trying to do it... and I only had one baby. Props to you and all you working mamas. (Although I secretly wish I could find a parttime job.)

  13. YES!!!!!!! This is the story of my life. I'm so ready for Spring! I totally get the crying at drop off, it suck big time.

    We have no teeth in this baby's mouth and i'm not looking forward to them!

  14. I hope your day got better!! And I'm glad you vented- seems like that usually helps me kind of get it all out and feel like I'm starting fresh!

  15. We've all been there, and been there and... been there! I'm convinced my little one has some sort of internal queuing device that tells her to poop just as we're walking out the door. Hang in there and keep writing/venting. I love you blog!


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