

Slow down, baby girl.

It seems like Cecelia has grown up over night. I know it's cliche, but just like a lot of the other parenting cliches out there---it's true. She is changing at lightning speed now and I'm not sure how I feel about that.


She is determined to become fully mobile. Up on all fours and rocking. Making a plank look like the easiest thing ever. Scooting. Getting stuck under chairs/couches/beds. Legs thrusted out of her crib rails. Moving, moving, moving.




Big brother isn't sure why this four point stuff is a big deal. He was doing this for us back at Christmas, like--big whoop.

She is happy. She is hilarious. And she is so pretty it hurts my heart to look at her sometimes. How can it be that she is ours? We MADE this beautiful creature (with a lot of help from God, obvi). It just takes my breath away sometimes.

Also, she got these amazing new leggings from Go Go---who sewed them out of adult tube socks. The stripes don't do a lot for her thighs but my goodness. I can't get enough of them.


And we pulled out a lot of stored baby toys the other day. Not sure who is more enthralled with the revived goodies.


Oh, baby girl. You give new meaning to a 'million dollar smile'. If I could bottle up the happiness I feel when you smile at me, I would keep millions of those bottles in storage for a rainy day. Or for the years when I don't have the privilege of seeing this precious grin every day. Lord help me when you give me more scowls than smiles. I hope your teenage years are kind to us all but regardless, right NOW you are just the sweetest baby I could ever imagine. Beautiful baby girl of mine, I love you.



And don't you ever forget it.

Cut mama a little slack though, Cecelia. Stay little and snuggly and smiley forever, okay? I know you will mature into the most amazing little girl someday but I'm quite content with you right now. Can't imagine life any other way than having you as my daughter. I suppose I'll go along for the ride as you grow up before my very eyes. Not that I have a choice in the matter;)

You're the best, little lady.


  1. They say that the second child does thing "so much quicker than the first" but I don't know if that is really true... I think time just flies when you have more than on child and before you know it, they are walking and talking and eating real people food.

    I feel like time is flying... Little CC is darling. I love her hair bow, hair and all the cute things that Gogo gets her! So cute!

  2. Awww, love this post so much! I just love (older) babies so much :)

  3. Seriously - I nearly die when she smiles at me and I'm not even her mama. Can't imagine how you feel!!

    Well, I CAN imagine it and I feel so lucky to know that exact feeling. ;)

    She is precious, precious, precious!!

  4. What a sweet post :) adorable leg warmers! I have a stock pile of leg warmers m dying to put on baby girl-have to wait a bit since she's just 3 weeks and has skinny little chicken legs!


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