

Colorado Trip 2013: Day 2

This day was not quite the marathon that Wednesday was for us, but it was still packed full-o-fun. More relaxed fun without the traveling part. Holla.

Thursday, October 24: Day 2

Mom came into our room at 5 am saying CC wanted 'Mama' and wouldn't go back to sleep for GoGo. I got Cecelia to rest on my chest in bed until 5:45, but neither of us actually slept. Nate and I and CC went downstairs and my mom must have been listening for us, because she came down, too. Truman got up at 6:15 and we put on some TV for them while we made breakfast, chatted, and then we all played a bit. Mom did her first craft of the trip with the kids and I think Pinterest might be her most frequented website after seeing all of the fun activities she had for them.



Nate and I showered, then we took the kids with my mom to a nearby playground called Stewart Case. It was pretty cold this morning and really overcast, so my mom busted out her crocheted pumpkin hats she had made for T and C. Adorable. The four of us had fun at this very modern playground and a little pond was the perfect spot to force a little photo op.





Anything goes on vacation. Especially pacifiers at non-sleeping times of day. #survivalmode




Mom's hat, LOL!

The attempted photo sesh






We went back home and then Nate and I walked to the super close/super awesome liquor store. He was totally amped up about local microbrews after New Belgium the day before and we ended up getting two six packs from O'Dell brewery. We wanted to that brewery tour at some point, too, but for now a few bottles of beer at my parents house would work for the evenings. Vacation! Also, Nate found some really rare beer that he says 'is my favorite beer of all time', that is brewed in Oregon where Nate's brother Jon lives. The beloved beer is Black Butte Porter XXV from Deschutes (because I know you are all dying to know), and apparently you have to age it and can't drink it BEFORE June 2014. Anyway, this might have been the highlight of Nate's trip thus far and he was literally giddy from such a find. He informed my parents that they have a top notch liquor store right across the street and had to text Jon ASAP.

The kids played some more, we all ate lunch together and then my dad and Nate were off for their first golf round at 11:00. The sun started to peek out and it did actually warm up by the afternoon, which is crazy since it was pretty cold in the morning. I think that must be a mountain thing: cold in the mornings and at night, but warm during the day. Makes it harder to dress than just being plain old cold all of the time (a la Wisconsin....not really, but sometimes).



The kids went down for their naps at noon and I think I passed out on the couch for a bit, too, this day. Cecelia slept until 2:45 and Truman until 3pm, which was right when I left to go shopping;) Nate called when I was pulling out with my mom's car and he wanted to come with me, since they were finished golfing. I met him somewhere off the highway and the two of us continued on to Windsor to a GIANT outlet/outdoor shopping mall complex. We only wanted to do three returns at three different stores but let me tell you, it was quite the feat to find all of the various stores. I was hoping to exchange a few things and get our family photo shoot outfits nailed down but came away feeling like I still didn't have it all pulled together.


Nate and I came home and it was time for dinner---nachos this night. Mmmmm. We gave the kids baths, put them to bed at some point, and then us adults watched the Cardinals game yet again. I believe a few of those bottled O'Dell brews were had this evening, too, but it all gets a little blurry. Not from the beer but because our trip was so beautifully long that the evenings run together. We were super tired again this night but I felt like I was finally adjusting to the time change and altitude. I mean, being on vacation doesn't suck no matter how wiped out you are from the traveling. Duh.

Pictures from the evening:

Nope, not tired at all. Also, riding toys found at garage sales for cheap, too!

Loved seeing my parent's new pristine row house looking a lot like our house at home (hint: toy explosion everywhere).

1 comment:

  1. Vacation + built-in babysitters - maybe the best combo ever!


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