

Christmas Wish Lists for the Kiddos and a Target Gift Card Giveaway

{Giveaway is now closed, we have a winner as of 12/12/13!}

Another #MyKindOfHoliday post brought to you by Target. Keep reading for a $25 Target gift card giveaway!

Remember how I said I want to keep things super simple this year with gifts? I'm still on that wagon and have not purchased many gifts yet. I need to get on it, but I keep going back and forth over options. I just want every gift to be thoughtful and special and amazing and it's hard to find THE gift for people, you know?

For the kids it's not all that difficult compared to buying for the adults in our lives. In fact, Truman helped us make a detailed list of what toys he wants for Christmas. Cecelia doesn't care too much but she's fairly easy to read when it comes to which toys would rock her world;)

It's no secret that we wander the toy aisles of Target frequently, because it's a favorite activity for the kids and they are still surprisingly great about not begging for stuff and leaving when I say it's time. In our window shopping at the store and also with me searching on the website, I've come up with the top five gifts that would cause my children to squeal with joy. We will see how many of these end up under our tree this year!

Can I have them all, mommy?

Oh, boy.

Much safer when confined to the double cart.

Truman's 2013 Target wish list (age 3.5):


1. Bruder Man Tow Truck with Cross Country Vehicle: $52.99. The child is obsessed with our Bruder garbage truck and when our friend Eli got a Bruder crane for his birthday, Truman would not stop talking about it. He keeps asking to play at Eli's house because 'I want to play with his crane.' Ha! This is the tow truck Truman hand picked and I'm shocked it's not Eli's crane, but whatever. Must be something about the hook and lifting up a car that floats his boat.

2. Thomas and Friends Take-n-Play Shark Exhibit: $18.99. Truman still loves him some trains and also loves sharks. I love that this seems semi-small and won't overtake our entire family room like some other train tracks we own.

3. Play-Doh Magic Swirl Ice Cream Shoppe Set: $17.99. Although I personally despise Play-Doh and it's horrible never-ending crumb disaster, my boy loves it. He wants to make Play-doh ice cream and I cannot say no to the cuteness of this.

4. New Bright RC FF Drone Squad Missile Launcher Vehicle: $17.99. In Colorado, Truman played with my brother's 1980s remote control car and LOVED it, despite the fact it's batteries would die after 4 minutes. I think this one would last a bit longer and it shoots missiles, so obvi.

5. Nitendo Wii Console with Wii Sports and Sports Resort: $125.00. This one is all Nate's idea. I think Truman is too young for a Wii but Nate disagrees and thinks it could actually be a great indoor activity for us during the long winter. I don't want it to be another source of addicting screen time but I guess if he is jumping up and down and working on hand-eye coordination, I can't be a total Scrooge about this forever.

Cecelia's 2013 Target wish list (age 1.5):


1. Step 2 Lifestyle Custom Kitchen: $99.99. Both of our friends Henry and Gabby have awesome play kitchens at their house, and Cecelia is glued to those things every time we visit. I don't love that this is another giant plastic monstrosity, but I know she will go nuts for it. Perhaps it can be relegated to the basement once it's refinished to lessen the burden on the main level of the house?

2. Minnie Shopping Cart: $19.99. When we go to Target, Cecelia immediately grabs a toy shopping cart and pushes it around like a boss. I like this Minnie Mouse one and definitely want ours to have adorable little food items in there. Just like the kitchen, it needs to have 'stuff' to place and remove in order for CC to like it.

3. Pink with white polka dots 3-in-1Doll Pram, Carrier, and Stroller: $30.99. My mom is making Cecelia a custom baby doll this year (!!) and what baby doesn't need an adorable stroller that converts to a carrier?? Again with the wheels and the ability to push it all over the house = winner in CC's book.

4. Mega Blocks First Builders Lil' Princess 3 Story Enchanted Castle : $31.49. Cecelia loves playing with Truman's blocks and Legos and this is just precious, if you ask me. I'm really into the girlie, princess-y toys right now mostly because I still can't believe I get to buy GIRL toys!

5. Princess Cozy Coupe with Glitter: $59.99. She loves Cozy Coupes and it would be amazing to have one for the warmer 'driveway play' weather. I selected the glittery one because, duh.

And now for the $25 Gift Card giveaway!

What about the youngsters in your life? Do they want anything at all this year (wink)? 
Check out the great deals on Kid's toys only @Target.

Then leave a comment on this post telling us what you would buy at Target for the kiddos. I will randomly select a commenter with the number generator on Thursday, December 12. I will need your email address for the $25 Target gift card and will post the winner on that same day. Good luck and happy shopping!

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Target.


  1. My daughter would love Anna and Elsa dolls from Disney's Frozen.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  2. I had no idea that Target carried Bruder toys! Thanks for the tip...that's what's on my 3 year old's wish list.

  3. I would buy my daughter shoes.
    She loves shoes @ only 7. lol

  4. Paint. my little has gone through so much watercolors that she needs more!

    Jes.nurse2b @

  5. I would buy my nephew the LEGO duplo Number Train 10558

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  6. I'd probably buy Ashlynn a FP little People set, the klip klop castle or princesses maybe since we really dont have many princess toys. Or something for her new "big sister" doll so she can mimic me more ;)

  7. I would love to buy my son any of the B. toys. I especially love the musical ones- fell in love with a little guitar that I saw in Target tonight. :)

    jssclndn at

  8. I would buy my son some Duplos as he loves them!

    kitykat086 at hotmail dot com

  9. We're focusing on crafts and board games this year!

    PamelaCspencer at gmail

  10. My son would love a bean bag chair to sit in! The ones at target are super cute.

  11. I would get a Barbie doll house for DD.

    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  12. My little man is getting a kitchen too, but we could use some extra food to go with it! :)

  13. Monsters U and anything related!

    karenrippelmeyer at gmail

  14. My daughter needs some new pants & target has the best kid's clothes! She also loves any music-related toy :)

  15. I'd get my little guy the Little People Tractor and farm set. Both so cute!

  16. Anything princessy here! My daughter goes crazy for them :)

  17. I am loving the Melissa and Doug toys that Target is carrying now. My son loves their toys, art supplies, and anything that drives/flies.

  18. Oops, I just left a comment without my email address :)

  19. I was thinking of getting my 2.5 year old daughter some puzzles finally. My son who's 5 months I'm still trying to find him one of those fox hooded towels. Must get him all things fox!

  20. i would get the LEGO Friends Olivia's House for my niece.
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

  21. My daughter has been asking for dolls. I think she would like the Lalaloopsy Silly Hair- Jewel Sparkles from Target.

  22. My son loves playdoh right now, and the Trash Tossin Rowdy the Garbage Truck is at the top of his list


  23. We have the Thomas shark set and the Minnie shopping cart. Both were big hits!! And for the kitchen, what about a wooden one instead of a plastic one? Ours is wooden and I find it much less offensive. Ha!

    Isaac's main gift this year is a basic building lego set, and then he's getting a few Star Wars themed toys (his two current biggest obsessions). Miriam is getting a little peoples farm set and a Noah's Ark shape sorter. I'm super pumped for them to open gifts because I think they're gonna be thrilled!

  24. We work off of the want, need, play, read model of gift giving.

  25. For my oldest (Tru's age), I would buy Toy Story (he loves Buzz and Woody everything even though he has never seen the movie, so it's a must on this year's Christmas list) and light up shoes. I abhor them, but it's the ONLY thing he wants from Santa. Bring it on, big guy. For my littlest, I want one of the band in the boxes. He loves to play on the xylophone in the church nursery and loves to dance along to music. Get him started early!!!

    aeobows at hotmail dot com

  26. My son, who is 5, has been playing the wiiU for awhile now. I'm sure Truman would love it! There are some pretty great family games too.

    My little guy has been eyeing all the ninja turtle toys. Wish I would have kept my brother's from when he was that age!

  27. My youngest is anything regarding Elmo.

  28. I would probably buy some duplo blocks for my daughters. They love playing with them at friends' houses. Btw, they don't sell it at Target, but we bought a Melissa and Doug kitchen- it's wooden, small and blue and red. It's cute enough that I actually don't mind looking at it. It was around the same price at Amazon.

  29. There's a Tonka tanker truck my kiddo has been eyeing like mad!

  30. My 15 month old would love that cozy coupe!

  31. The big hitters on Luke's list this year are Legos and Gordon. We also go him a ride on Jeep which will be a huge hit.

  32. Something MICKEY!! Or some play food and kitchen gear. Maybe a boy version of the minnie cart.
    brynrellis at gmail

  33. I want to get my daughter (who is also Cece) the Couzy Coupe!

    ckutchback at gmail dot com

  34. I would buy arts and crafts supplies for the girl I have adopted from a local angel tree this year!

    gingerine93 at gmail dot com

  35. 25 things from the Dollar Spot.

  36. My 3.5 year old interested in trains so any one of the Thomas toys would make him super happy. My 1.5 year old would also love that play kitchen - we think he's going to be our little chef. :)

  37. My 1 year old would love a shopping cart. Well technically she got one for her birthday, but her sister stole it and we could use two... one for each. :)

  38. I pretty much bought all my kid's Christmas presents from Target. Love using my Target debit card and getting the free shipping! My daughter goes nuts over anything Doc McStuffins and my son anything Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. :)

    ashleyjeaton at gmail dot com

  39. We're going to get Finn (3 months) a jumperoo for Christmas.

  40. My son loves anything thomas the train! And my youngest loves elmo!
    Nicoleeggert88 at yahoo dot com

  41. I'd love some winter boots for my son!

  42. The kids in my family LOVE playing board games. I'm thinking 'Sneaky Snacky Squirrel' is the next purchase for them! :)

  43. My daughter loves anything Our Generation (Target version of American Girl). And for me son? Anything Thomas...he's not picky!

  44. I would buy shoes for both my daughters!!!

  45. My daughter would love any of the lalaloopsy dolls.

  46. Anything that plays music, and perhaps a sparkly Cozy Coupe. ;)

  47. My niece wants the Barbie RC Convertible.
    myfoxypup (at) gmail (dot) com

  48. I'd get frozen dolls and anything Mickey Mouse for my kiddos. Esible at

  49. A building kit. .. either blocks or more bristle blocks. We have both, but it's fun to be able to build really tall towers. Plus with 3 boys, it's nice to have plenty to go around

  50. Take-n-play trains for Theo and Eva has been obsessed with Rupunzel. Maybe get Nate the Wii! ;)

  51. My son would shriek with delight over Big Hugs Elmo and the Little Tikes Cozy Truck!
    Jenniferdaleswenson (at) yahoo (dot) com

  52. My daughter is going to have the Fisher Price Tea set under the tree. I think she will love it.

  53. I would buy my son a Thomas gift- probably either new trains or tracks. Thanks!

  54. My son would like something from the Thomas the Train collection.

  55. My nephew wants this Green Arrow Imaginext thing, that's just one of many toys on his list.

    susiefresh at yahoo dot com

  56. Would love to get my son the 4 pack of airplanes from the "Planes" movie.
    bstein83 at gmail dot com :)

  57. My son loves anything Elmo but I would like to get him a toy kitchen and play food this year.

    Tebrazeal at Gmail dot com

  58. I would love to purchase some items for my daughters "big girl" room. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  59. I have the Elsa and Anna dolls from "Frozen" on my daughter's Christmas list!

  60. We definitely need more trucks, Ben is obsessed with anything with wheels...poor guy, most of Lily's toys just aren't his scene ;)

  61. Oliver is obsessed with all the trucks and cars in the car aisle so I think I'd pick out something digger/excavator-ish. As for Bella she is determined to get the Brave bow & arrows...not sure if I trust that as an indoor toy! Ha :)

  62. Eliza would probably go for cars/trains or some art supplies...tough to choose!

  63. I was looking at gifts for C online today and totally looked at shopping carts and shopping baskets - so fun! Obviously outside the $10 limit. ;) But glad I didn't decide to splurge and get one! Great gift idea.

    Dude, what *wouldn't* I get my kids at Target? That is the question.

    And you already know my kids' wishes for this year! Cannot wait til Christmas.


  64. My son would love the dvd Despicable Me 2! Thank you!

  65. We would be getting the daughter a dora backpack! She is obsessed with dora. She got a shopping cart last year for Christmas and LOVES it still. And her kitchen, cozy coupe... all awesome toys in her 2.5 year old book.

  66. My sweet girl LOVES a good baby doll. I'm sure she would love to have some accessories to help put her babies down for their naps.

  67. I have been struggling with what to purchase for my 3 year old nephew and 4 year old niece. I am thinking about purchasing one gift for the two of them. I am thinking about one
    of those ride on toy cars like you posted about while in Colorado. Those cars are pretty expensive so I figuered they will have to share it. Hope that goes well!

  68. the big hugs elmo

  69. Like you, I despise PlayDoh crumbs, but my 3 year old LOVES to play with it. I would pick out a fun PlayDoh set.

  70. Lego's are at the top of my daughters list this year!

    slecius at hotmail dot com

  71. My cousin has a hot wheels set on his wish list that I'm going to get him for christmas!
    mermont84 at

  72. What would I buy… um, anything. I stinkin' love Target! But specifically, probably some Legos or a big Crane for Cohen. :)

  73. I would buy my son some Legos at Target or a Power Wheel for christmas and some bigger clothes haha

  74. i would put it towards a lego barbie set!
    dtdady at gmail dot com

  75. My daughter wants the Monster High Dance Class 5-Pack

    Thank you for the chance to win!


  76. I'd get puzzles or Scrabble!

  77. Will be anticipating for next Giveaways ;) Great site.
    Jumping Castle Hire Werribee


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