

Truman and Cecelia's Shared Bedroom Reveal

I'm excited to finally reveal the kids' shared bedroom with you today! As soon as we found out we were expecting baby #3 my mind started imagining Truman's room as a shared room with his sister. Maybe someday we will move CC back to the nursery and let the boys (!) share this room, but for now it makes sense to have the older two together.

My only real direction with decorating this room was to keep it bright, fun, playful and young. I basically reused everything and bought almost nothing new aside from Cecelia's new big girl bedding and a few new wall letters, so this room was created by blending both of their original nursery decor together. It's a bit of a hodge-podge, rainbow, BRIGHT room and we love it.


The bunk beds:

The split panel wall art, wire hanger for kids art, dresser, and 100s of stuffed animals:

The bookshelves with a bright wall gallery:

And the best panoramic I could manage:

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Want more pictures and an explanation? Twist my arm.

1. The bunk beds:

We are so lucky that Nate's parents kept his bunk beds that he shared with his brother when they were little. They can be split up to be two twin beds, and Truman's single big boy bed was one of these. We considered keeping the two twins separated in this room and they would have fit just fine, but there is SO much more room this way. Plus, bunks are fun. If we were buying them new I would not choose a natural wood finish and am trying very hard not to imagine these bad boys painted a BRIGHT color (who is obsessed with painting furniture? Me.). Tony and Lois bought these almost 30 years ago, unfinished, from a local store that hand makes them. Then Tony finished the wood himself---so obviously, way too sentimental for me to go nuts with a can of golden yellow paint on these bunks. Just happy to have them and the natural wood may not be my style but it certainly works!

I wanted to use the kids' baby quilts that my mom made each of them for their respective nurseries. They seem to fit just fine in the room with bright colors although they certainly don't 'match.'


I might get Cecelia a fun pillow to add to her bed, since Truman has his truck pillow. But for now they both have their special blankets and a stuffed animal or two and that seems like enough.
Super fun to climb on the top bunk on this 'special ladder'. Luckily Cecelia can't quite climb up there on her own just yet. I give her about a month before she figures it out.

The giant "T" and "C"--a favorite part of the room for me. We already had the big C in Cecelia's nursery, so I bought the T and covered it in fabric. I got the ampersand on Etsy and yarn wrapped it---a total beast of a job, but it worked. If we would have kept the two twin beds separate, I wanted to put these across the entire big wall as a focal point. Once we bunked the beds I worried there wasn't space for my letters but we made room! Just had to remove a few pennants from the ceiling and now it works.

2. The dresser, art wires, and stuffed animal area:


I am not sure I will keep all of the stuffed animals out like this, but this dresser top is pretty huge so it's fine for now. In fact, this was another awesome Craigslist find for Truman's big boy room a few years ago---the dresser is huge enough to house both of the kids' clothes no problem. These stuffed animals are all gifts from before Truman was born. Added a few of CC's gifted animals to create a few pops of pink in there, too.



Our 'caught ya being good' jars: you can see that Truman 'accidentally' touched my black fabric paint on the T before it was dry. Sigh. But Cecelia had to get a jar now that we are teaching her to stay in a big girl bed until 6:30 am. So far it's working!! Once they each fill up their jars from especially good behavior and 'sleeping in', we take them for a 1:1 parent-kid date of their choice. Truman always picks a theatre movie and I have no idea what CC will want to do with us. She just started her jar so we have awhile before she fills it up.
A few of my favorite kiddos.

Split panel wall art:

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I got these from Etsy seller Saturday Designs as a gift and I seriously love these panels! I picked the color and the quote and when they arrived I was excited to see how light weight they are. I hung them with 3M Command Strips--super easy. I like how this adds a little bit of sappiness to the room full of bright and fun and loudness.


3. Bookshelves and wall gallery:

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These are all old frames recycled from both nurseries. So are all of the photos and prints. I am seriously in love with the chaos of this wall gallery.

My babies.

The owl print was an Etsy purchase for CC's nursery. A lot of the photo prints I already had stored in a drawer somewhere. It was fun to attempt keeping the photos and prints equal between children, too.


I bought this tiny letter C and we already had the T---added feathers to the C and added felt circles to the T. There are so many other fun ways to cover wall letters online---hard to decide on which craft product to use.
Their 'announcement' prints that I made on Photoshop for each kid after birth. Tear. I made a lot of prints for Truman's nursery just using photoshop--bought two bigger prints for Cecelia's, and they all made it onto this wall.

Closet, night lights, rug, etc:

The closet actually has a LOT of unused space right now. And Cecelia's clothes/hair bows probably takes up 75% of it, too. It's chaotic and not really 'picture worthy' but whatever! This is also their favorite spot to play upstairs right now.

In order to convince Truman that he had to get rid of his lamp for sleeping, we had to find something else 'fun' as a transition to sharing his room with his sister. We found these night lights on of all places, for $10 each. They light up but also shoot a big picture up on the ceiling at night. CC's has Disney princesses that she calls 'Eel' (Ariel) and Truman picked a Monsters Inc. light. They have worked perfectly for our boy that used to be 'too scared' to sleep without a lamp!

View from above---the wall panels and my old favorite rug from Truman's nursery. I briefly thought about moving this rug into the baby's nursery but I just can't do it. It's too 'Truman' and the rainbow colors are perfect for this bright room.

They approve.
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Progression of shared room:

We started with Truman's single bed against the wall, then moved it by the window to see if there would be room for a crib. There was! And that is when I started thinking about two twin beds instead of bunks. When my mom was visiting us, we needed an extra bed for sleeping so we assembled the bunks AND kept the crib in the room. Mom slept on the bottom bunk, we officially moved Truman to the top, and I realized that fitting three kids in this room wouldn't be totally out of the question (wink, wink, Nate). And then we took down the crib and the room opened up for just the bunks.
I'm too lazy to do actual links and prices here, but you can email me if you need more specifics on this source list...

Source list:

Wall paint color: Gentle Rain by Behr
Bunk beds: hand-me-downs from the in-laws (built locally about 30 years ago)
Bedding: both big quilts and sheets from Target (T's is Circo, C's is Room Essentials)
Colorful quilts: made by my mom for each of their nurseries
Wall letters T&C: Michaels, wrapped in fabric or yarn by me
Fabric pennants around ceiling: sewed from fabric scraps by me and my mom back in 2009
Striped rug: Ikea in 2009
White dresser: Craigslist (find of the year!)
Stuffed animals: all gifts throughout the years
Rock jars: made from old plastic containers and random craft supplies
Art wire hangers: Ikea on Amazon in 2012
Split panel wall art: Saturday Designs on Etsy
Bookshelf: Target back in 2009
Picture frames: some from Ikea in 2009, some old black ones hand painted with acrylics or spray painted by me
Wall prints: made by me in 2009 for Truman's nursery and Etsy sellers in 2012 for Cecelia's nursery
Night lights: Walmart

And now it's time to focus on the nursery!


  1. Such a happy room! Love the bunks! I'm a natural wood girl so I think they are perfect as is. And I think Casey needs one of those cool nightlights.

    1. You have Walmarts in Canada, right?? We love the night lights !!

  2. So bright and colorful! It looks like it would be really tight if you had 2 seperate beds, so I think the bunks were the way to go. And super fun for the kids too! I'm impressed with how much room you have in the closet. My girls share room and their closet is huge- and totally PACKED FULL! Must downsize their wardrobe. But it's so hard with little girls ;)

    1. Well, CC does have more clothes (especially hanging) compared to Truman, but I feel like Im pretty good at keeping their stuff to a minimum. And yes, the two twins would have cut down on the play space in the room but I still like that look a lot! Glad bunks worked out, I wasn't sure they would.

  3. Julia - this is just plain fabulous. I love every corner and it's just such a wonderful space that C&T will make tons of memories in. I am DYING over the photo wall. It's just too cool with all those colors and something different than what I've seen. I'm also thinking I missed the post about Miss C moving to a big girl bed. We aren't even close (I don't think) to that transition, but I'm curious how it came about.


    1. Thanks girl!! I pretty much just mentioned the bedroom move a few times randomly in pregnancy posts---but it's gone VERY well so far!!

  4. So cute!! Love the bright colors.

  5. This room is so cute!! I love it.

  6. Thank you for a million pictures (seriously). I looove getting a real feel for the space. And I gotta say, I love it! You mixed so many things together and it worked out! Amazing. I like the idea of displaying all the stuffed animals since we also have an overabundance of them. My favorite thing, though, is the hanging wire for artwork. So much room for flexibility and changing it out as the kids grow!

    Great job! Can't wait to see the nursery. :)

    1. Thanks! LOL about the number of pictures---this was even after narrowing it down! We love our art wire and definitely have to keep it pared down to the minimum number of projects to keep it from being too overwhelming.

  7. Super cute, love all the colors! Those nightlights are awesome, we have those too and my kids love them! So fun to add a little touch that they're obsessed with! I really like your "caught ya being good jar." So fun to focus on the positive behavior in kids, I feel sometimes I get too bogged down with changing the bad things, nice to remember to focus on the good!

    1. That is totally why we did the jars---it's easy to focus on consequences and naughty behavior, but there are so many 'wow---that was awesome' moments, too!!

  8. I am in LOVE with their room! Everything about it! Good job!

  9. Love it, love it! And I think the natural wood on the beds looks great - I love painted furniture, too, but there is way too much history there! Glad you left them as is. :) So fun!!! I wonder when Benny will be up for room-sharing... I think we'll have to take apart his crib and leave him no choice!

  10. Thanks! I feel like I did design it to my tastes but luckily the kids like it, too;)

  11. so, so wonderful! you have SUCH an eye for this!

  12. Love, love, love this room! Great mixing of all the colors!!! Someday E and Caleb will probably share a room (if we in fact have what we currently refer to as Mythical Baby #3), so I love seeing how this works for you guys.


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