

Casting Call: Moms Make it Work


It's crazy to me to think that the Moms Make it Work series began back in January. And now it's MAY, and I'm going to have a baby in two-ish more months. Woah. Where has the time gone?

So far we have had 34 fabulous posters for our series, focusing on supporting each other despite our differences and finding comfort in our similarities. At first I thought I would be done with the series at the end of April, but I'm still loving this collective voice of real moms with various situations. I just don't think we should be finished yet, considering the fantastic positive response this series has gotten from you sweet readers. There are more stories to be told, more moms to be heard, and more head nods to be had when you read something a mom writes that rings true for your own life. It's nice to feel like we are all living different lives with different circumstances and yet we are all moms, just doing our best. We struggle with a lot of the same concepts no matter how/where we spend our hours each day. We appreciate a lot of the same joys in life, too. Alike/different---but motherhood can be a pretty awesome bond between women and should NOT be a reason for judgement/criticism. Again, kumbaya, and fist pounds, and all of that supportive stuff.

I watched a segment about mommy bloggers on the Today show last weekend, and it said that 1 of 3 bloggers is a mom (I knew we were a rare bunch!!). It also went on to say that we all just want to find common ground, to feel like we aren't alone in this big motherhood thing, to identify with someone else who is going through it 'with' you. I could not agree more---about blogging in general, but I also feel like this series really pin points that feeling of commonality. Even the moms that lead completely different lives than my own have taught me so much, caused me to reflect on how we are different, and mostly they've shown me that the grass is not always greener.

So yeah, I still really like this guest posting series and want it to live on for a bit longer;)

For the second phase of the MMIW series, I want to do a few things differently: first, I'm going to take a bit of pressure off myself and not feel bound to the twice weekly posting schedule going forward. Sometimes I might put two posts up in a week but more often it will be one post 'every now and then.' Second, I am on the hunt for a few select situations that haven't been represented in our posters quite yet. This is where I need your help!

On Instagram, I just briefly mentioned a few of my 'most wanted' posters for the rest of the series, and got a lot of really fast/awesome responses. I now have two dads that are going to post for us this summer---both of which are the primary caregivers of their kids for at least part of the week. Really looking forward to a male perspective on how to make it all work! I also have one mom who is a single parent due to divorce, one international mom from England, one younger mom/military wife, and one mom with a 'big' family of four (going on five) kids. I have other posters lined up, too, but who else do we want for this series?

Here is what I'm thinking:
-Other international moms
-Other single moms
-Other moms with 4+ kids
-Moms with teenagers/all school aged kids (past the 'little kid years' part of parenting)
-Moms of moms (grandmas! Like Memaw's post) who raised kids in a different time than our own.

Is there any other 'type' of mom that you are dying to hear from in this series? And does anyone want to offer themselves up for the above categories? Know of another blogger or friend that might write a post for us? Let me know in the comments or email me at mylifeintransitionblog at gmail dot com. If you don't fit any of those roles but you still want to post for the series, email me. I think everyone has something unique to offer anyway, even if it's not one of the specific situations listed above. You don't have to be a blogger or on Instagram, but you do have to be willing to share pictures of you and your family along with your story.

Another thought for you readers: are there other questions you'd like for the posters to answer going forward? I don't want every post to sound exactly the same but I *do* like the basic questions the posters have been asking already, too;)

I'm trying to round up everyone for this next phase of the series before baby boy comes, so that I can have posts scheduled out through the summer. I want to keep the series fresh, informative and fun to read without veering too far from the original premise. Which is why I'm hunting for specific moms that haven't told us how they make it work.

Ready, set, nominate yourself/your friends for the series! And go! ;)


  1. I was thinking there hasn't been any posters yet where the Dad stays home and the mom works. That has been our situation for the past 3 years, and if you are interested I would be glad to write about it. It is about to change next month as my husband starts working again though. Thanks!

    1. Yes, Julie-would love that ! Email me!

    2. Great! I just emailed you :)

    3. Looking forward to this post! My little one is only three weeks old, but I'll be starting back at work full time in three weeks while my husband stays home. I'd love to hear how others manage it.

  2. I always love reading these posts - they're so interesting and I can identify with so many other moms, it's great!

  3. What about moms who did not become moms until later in life say late 30's. As a 38 year old women with no children who reads your blog I would like to know older moms thoughts. I guess I am still trying to figure out if motherhood is right for me.

    1. I will definitely put some feelers out there!!! And let me know if YOU know of anyone who fits the bill.

  4. I'm not sure if my situation is unique at all, but I'll throw it out there. :) I'm a full-time working mom, but I work from home as a graphic designer for a company in California. Working from home has been a both freeing, but also a lot to get used to since I have to force myself to be on a schedule. My kids still go to daycare, but I have a bit more flexibility on when they can go in and such. On the other hand, I have to go to CA for work about every month or so. I'm usually gone from anywhere from 1-2 days, but sometimes have been gone as long as 4 days. In those times, my husband takes over on kid duty since we live in Arizona and don't have family here (and let's face it...nanny's are expensive.) I'd love to write about it for you!

    1. Yes! The combo of working from home, traveling, and having dad help out at home sounds like a very interesting one. Email me!!

  5. With Mother's Day on the horizon this weekend, I am aware of the relatively unique situation of being a mom without having a mom ... Motherless Daughters was a fabulous book in this light, followed but Motherless Mothers. It does not necessarily impact the day to day parenting grind, but it does indeed make an overall difference, I believe. And it sometimes makes me feel on the "outside" when among my peers who have their own moms to fall back on for advice, assistance, etc.

    1. Just replying to Joanna to say I totally agree with your sentiment. It's hard being without a mom, especially when your kids are babies, but at all times too. You can feel so alone in everything, because your mom loves you unconditionally and you'll air your dirty laundry to her no problem. But then she's not there and that piece is missing.

      Anyway, it's a club I wish I wasn't a member of, but I hope you know there are more of us there. Not that it helps all that much, but may be a comfort?

      (Julia posted my Moms Make it Work piece back in March and I mention this in there, if you want to go back and read.)

  6. I don't fit into any of your categories, but I'd love to contribute if you're interested. I think my situation is somewhat unique -- I'm a community college professor, but after 2 quarters back to teaching, the commute and being away from my kid like that with a schedule that changes every 3 months that I have little say in got to be too much. So now I only teach online classes and have a nanny to cover some of those hours. If that sounds like something you'd want to feature, let me know. :)

    1. Julia~yes, email me if you want to contribute!!

  7. I agree with Dina's comment about having "older" moms. I am 37 with no kids but trying for our first. I'd love to hear perspectives from those who had kids in their late 30s and the viewpoint on how it's changed for them, as well as how others perceive them.

    1. Allison~ I will put some feelers out there. And if you know of anyone who would write for this topic that fits the bill, let me know!

  8. I really like this series and will be glad to keep reading. They are long posts so one a week would be nice. I definitely like more ways, descriptions, etc on meal planning and shopping. I like reading all of the scenarios and feeling the mom support.

  9. Hi Julia,

    I'm not sure if you are still looking for guest bloggers but I'm a mom of 4 and originally come from Germany but live in the States now (moved here almost 10 years ago). I'd love to participate in this series if there is still a spot available :-)


  10. Hi Julia! I'm not sure I've ever commented here, and I know I'm way late to this post, but I'd really love to participate in your series -- I have so enjoyed hearing other moms' stories! I don't fit any of your categories, but I'll send you an email. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Sorry that commenting through Blogger can be a royal pain. I'm glad you are commenting despite that, and please email me if you are having issues.