


Seven years married to this man. Together for nearly twelve.

It's cliche to say, but I love him more today than I did when we were two clueless college kids. I remember the 'world stopping' feeling when I'd spot Nate across campus. I remember those butterflies that would rise up into my throat when he'd email/call/talk to me. He was something different, and I probably knew he was The One from early on. Oh, how I loved that college frat boy and he fell hard for this sorority girl, too.

If you would have told me back then that I'd marry Nate, move to Wisconsin with him, start this new life together, and that I'd have three of his children I don't think I would have been surprised. But there would have been no way for my 21 year old self to fully comprehend what this life with him would entail.

It's so much better than I could have predicted. It's harder, more challenging and more chaotic than I dreamed. But it's full of such joy, gratitude, and laughter---how can you possibly tell a 21 year old girl that it really does get better each year? How can you tell her that the dreamy frat boy turns out to be the most amazing man, husband, and father that she will know? That it will be quite the ride but worth every bump?

Our wedding day was hands-down one of the happiest of our lives. But it was only the beginning of our happiest days. There have been plenty of ugly moments thrown into the past seven years but today, on our anniversary, I can't stop smiling thinking about the good ones.

(our wedding invitation, framed and on my night stand)
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To my husband, on our seventh anniversary: I love you. Thank you for balancing my crazy side and supporting my strengths. Thank you for making me a mother to these children that are our world. Someday we will have time for Julia and Nate again, without the demands of little kids on top of our marriage. But until then, just know that I can't imagine doing this with anyone else. We are quite the team. Here's to the next seven.

Wedding Day: 2007


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First Anniversary: 2008 (San Diego trip)



Second Anniversary: 2009 (Chicago Trip)
nate threw down gang signs

soaking it all in

Yours truly

Third Anniversary: 2010 (New baby! No trip!)



Fourth Anniversary: 2011 (Chicago Trip)



Fifth Anniversary: 2012 (Last day of being pregnant with Cecelia!, dinner and dessert...then labor)


Sixth Anniversary: 2013 (dinner and drinks, a family of four)

Seventh Anniversary: 2014 (place holder pictures until we can go out to dinner together later this week. Memorial Day Weekend fun at Lake Michigan (another post to come)!)

Super pregnant for two out of seven anniversaries--not too bad.

Picture by Truman, taken yesterday.
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Happy Anniversary, Nate;) Lucky number seven, baby.


  1. Love the trip down memory lane! What excellent photos you have from this year, someone awesome must have taken them ;)

  2. Happy Anniversary! You two make a great team, good memories! And, I'm impressed you've traveled so much for your anniversaries, how fun!

  3. I love that I've known you for almost all of these, crazy to think how long ago we met now! (Yes, your anniversary is all about me, duh.)

    Super cute trip down memory lane. And hey, T did a great job of snapping that pic of you guys!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Love the little trip through time. Just think what 8 will be like in a year's time!

  5. You two are the cutest! Your love for him shines through whenever you write about Nate. Happy anniversary!

  6. Congrats!! So cute, love these posts and feels like I just read your last anniversary post

  7. Awww, happy anniversary. You were the most beautiful bride.

  8. Awww I love your hair from your 6th Anniversary


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