


Sometimes I just like to look at pretty pictures, don't you? Let's do it, shall we?

Two pictures from Desire to Inspire, interior design by Mabley Handler:

There are a ton more pictures that I love from this blog but I don't have the energy to post and link them right now. But if you are in the mood for eye candy galore, check it out.

Keri sent me a link to a fabulous design company, after purchasing one of their cards. Seriously adorable website and super fun designs, too. Check them out here: Curly Girl Design

[very appropriate for those of us who move a lot, and feel a little out of place at times.]

[probably one of the cutest engagement cards ever. I kind of want to frame it for myself. Is that wrong?]

[So true.]

[awwww, so cute it makes me want to puke.]

[Love. It.]

[mmmmm, umbrellas in my drink....]

[I couldn't have imagined a more perfect thank you card.]

[How about both?]

So there you have it, some random eye candy to enjoy:)


  1. What a cute card site!!

  2. How fun! I love those cards.

  3. Love the eye candy, LOVE those cards. I might have to get some!

  4. I love that kitchen, and the living room looks so calming!

  5. I'm so glad you posted this! There was a store in Kirkwood that sold these cards and even canvases of the cards...but they recently closed!!

  6. I love the cute pups in the kitchen shot!

    Those cards are super adorable...I may need to browse that website

  7. I saw that living room shot a couple of days ago and fell in love with it too. You have great taste! :-)

  8. Wow I LOVE that kitchen and living room. I went to the designers website and I think I saved just about every picture in her gallery.

  9. Lovin' the house pictures. Wishin' my house looked like that. Too bad that after kids come along it's so hard to keep your house looking that clean and pretty!! It went from designer housewares to thinking hmmm, at least Emma's 'play-kitchen'(which is stationed in the living room) kind of blends in with the paint color. Kind of.
    Oh well, she's way more important to me than having some fancy, schmancy house! But I still like to look too!

  10. I love that blue and white living room. I'd die to have a house with that molding in a room.


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