

Found me, part deux

More interesting search terms used to find my blog:

We have the boob varieties:

Tootsie roll size lump in breast

good breast

"expander boobs"


"hung by my boobs"

The loss of bodily functions:

"what if I poop my pants"

i peed my underpants blog

An occasional hair search:

chopped-it haircut

hair bangs nose style

hair cut off scissors

cute wigs for african americans

Lots of thigh chafing out there, huh?

thigh chafing vacation

wife big thighs chafe

girlfriends thigh chafing

orange cheerleading skorts

And of course, totally random terms:

henry cockapoo life in transition

kid leash

died, honeymoon

disgusting e-cards

how is important to show my mother love by teenage daughter

And the mother load:

pictures of girls with a birthmark shaped as poodle


  1. They just get better and better!

  2. Gosh. There is just no privacy on the web anymore. I never thought when I searched for girls with birthmarks shaped like poodles and stumbled across your blog would I actually get CAUGHT! I'm so embarrassed. ;)

  3. LOL......What the heck are expander boobs?

  4. Hahahahaha these are so funny. Our blog gets some funny ones too - we have them on our "FAQ" I think? And I love to spontaneously readn them over again because they always make me laugh. Yours made my laugh too!
    Thanks for sharing the goodness.

  5. those are so funny. I get really boring ones like varieties of "how to make a tissue paper pomander" and "catholic wedding songs". I want to see something scandalous.

  6. Love this! I get nothing this fun when people are looking for my blog! Maybe I need to throw some raunchiness into my posts. Hmm...

  7. Umm...if you poop your pants, change them. Didn't that person see Sex and the City???


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