

Rewarding ourselves

By spending some quality time with this little devil:

After a 12 mile run, with frozen veggies and fluids:
After burning a billion calories on the 12 mile run, with a little piece of heaven:

After discovering an old $75 Crate and Barrel gift card from our wedding:

And therefore, by furthering our ridiculous repertoire of coffee paraphernalia [pimp coffee maker, burr grinder, french press, and now this espresso maker]. Can anyone say caffeine?

Aren't weekends made to reward yourself after a long week of work? Does anyone else adore coffee as much as us? Or bags of frozen veggies? :)


  1. good for you guys!

    i hate coffee.

  2. Um, I know exactly how you feel!!! 12 miles today was really far and I'm sure we're all really sore. I think it might almost be time for some new shoes, again! Your new expresso maker looks awesome. Also, love the new blog design. It's crisp and bright.

  3. we just got a pot of coffee ready to go. we're walking the golden retriever and coming home to freshly ground and brewed coffee. and i'll be up all night.

    i need to start running!

  4. 1. Wow, that's a lot of coffee stuff.

    2. Yum to those cookies.

    3. I hate you for looking that good after a 12 mile run. If that were me..well let's just say I wouldn't dare post of photo :P

  5. I love coffee. I have the Krups double maker--regular on one side, espresso on the other. It's the best.thing.ever!

  6. Mmmmm coffee. One of the best pleasures in life.

    That picture of the two of you after your run amuses me. :) Good job on the 12 miles!!

  7. Hey, I have that same burr mill! Yes, I loooooooove coffee, coke, chocolate, anything with caffeine.
    Hubby hates coffee. He wouldn't even 'let' me (I'll get it without him) buy the Cafe Au Lait candle at Yankee.
    I think he needs counseling.

  8. Remember you're doing this willingly! :) JK, you guys rock and frozen veggies are soooo good for the bod!

    The hubs and I might rival you on the running, coffee and frozen veggies thing. Except on the Krups, you've definitely got the upper hand there! :)

  9. 12 miles...I don't think I could do anything for 12 miles except ride in a car...great job.

    Leigh Ann

  10. I had to use a bag of frozen hashbrowns on a bad sparin once. I'm with ya!

  11. Congrats on the 12-mile run! It's nice to go home and pig out on something yummy after burning all those calories

  12. Those cookies look yummy!q

  13. Um, yeah, I think our caffenine addiction is probably pretty similar. Our Tassimo is truly wonderful, it has been giving me oen the greatest beverages ever lately...aka the Mojo Chai, A Vanilla Chai Latte with a shot of espresso and just a tad of cinnamon bun creamer.

    I do love frozen veggies, but I haven't used them in the same fashion you do. :)

  14. That picture of you two icing your legs cracks me up. I was doing the same thing last night on my shins.

    Oh, the price we pay...


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