

Deuce Deuce

Let's begin this post with visual evidence, shall we?

You see, my friends, that is our Garmin [a GPS running watch sent straight from the gods]. It reflects the fact that Nate and I ran nearly 22.5 miles on Saturday morning. Can I get a, "Holy Crap!" from anyone?

Ignore the fact that I look deranged in the last picture. I wanted to fully capture my feelings after this run and I think I managed:)

Here is a generic picture of us after the run. Can you see the grimy salt on our faces?

So you want to hear details then?

We ran with the same running group that I've frequented for a few weekends now, but finally Nate was able to attend with me. We had the choice between 20 miles [which is what our training program calls for] or 22 miles [which is what the running group suggests to make the race itself easier]. We were gunning for 22 but promised ourselves to stop at 20 if we were dying and with that, we were off to run for nearly 4 hours.

We did not wear our iPods for this run and it's been awhile since Nate and I ran a long distance together. Sometimes we have nothing to say and we'll run in silence the whole time. But on this run we were complete chatter boxes and it was Seriously. We talked about where we want to vacation in the future, if we would ever run another marathon [we are thinking probably so----or at least some halves], work, school, family. We also spent a decent amount of time talking about Keri since she was weighing so heavily on both of our minds. It was quite therapeutic for me to pound out my thoughts on that pavement and I was grateful Nate was there to listen and support me. I'm having a tough time accepting this potential new fact about her cancer and I just needed to vent a bit. And that's all I will say about that right now.

We stopped for 8 water/nutrition breaks along the way and we didn't stop our clock because they were pretty quick. Our pace averaged just under a 10 minute mile by the end, which is a lot slower than some of our shorter runs---but I'm okay with it, I guess. For the majority of the run we were clocking a 9:30 minute mile but we slowed down as the pain increased:)

I did a much better job of staying hydrated and eating my Sport Beans/Powergel [Strawberry Banana is the only decent kind, I swear!!] and I could tell a huge difference this time. I can honestly say that the run was not THAT bad.....and it was a heck of a lot easier than the dreaded 15 miler in Missouri. I kept a positive attititude and did not allow my mind to panic. When it came time to decide between 20 and 22 miles I really wanted to push for 22, and Nate agreed [or so I thought]. The last 4 miles were really tough and my knees felt like they were about 70 years old. But we did it and I've never been more proud of us.

After the run I was happily chatting with Krista when Nate announced that he needed to go home. Right now. He also tossed the car key at me saying, "I think you better drive," and I could tell by his furrowed brow that he was officially done. As we hobbled to the car I asked if he was okay and he replied, "I don't know." Hmmmm, that's not good. Then he said, "I should NOT have done that," meaning the 22 miles versus 20. Of course, Mr. Tough Guy didn't say anything during the run because he wanted to 'push himself.' So until he got his nap and coffee he was quite the treat, as you can imagine:)

Speaking of fluids, this is not a joke:

Chocolate milk [we heard it was the perfect ratio of protein to carbs for recovery?], Gatorade, water, and coffee all consumed simultaneously makes for the perfect hydration plan:) Please note how unimpressed Henry seems in the background.

Also, please look at the bottom left screen from our Garmin:

Calories burned: 3627. Holy crap! Of course, this is set for Nate's weight so I burned a little less than this but it's no wonder we shovel massive amounts of food into our bodies after a run. And now you understand one of marathon training's perks----eating guilt free. Pretty insane, huh?

Now that we've had a few days to recover we are walking less like cripples and more like humans again. You should have seen us try to go down our stairs yesterday---it was quite the spectacle. But now we are in the home stretch for training: just four more weeks! We'll taper our runs to 16, then 12, then 8 on the weekends leading up to October 5.

And on that date, Oprah better watch her back:)


  1. Congrats!! You're both simply amazing! I can't imagine chatting on a nearly 4 hour run. I'd be silent by the 45 min mark :)

  2. You are an ANIMAL! I am so impressed. My knees start aching like a geriatric patient after 2 miles! I might have to take on a half marathon though...the guilt-free eating might be enough to convince me!

  3. You guys AMAZE me! Congrats!!

  4. I'm using you guys as my inspiration for next year. Congrats on your longest run until D-day. You're in great shape for the real thing. Can't wait to hear about it!

  5. You should be so proud of keeping that pace for over 22 miles! Enjoy the taper-you deserve it. Now running 15 miles will seem like a breeze;)

  6. You go girl!!! I am SO impressed with you both. I just don't think I could do it.

    And, I am keeping Keri in my prayers. She has been through so much, I only hope her long journey is coming to an end.

  7. Wow!! Nice job. :)

    It feels good to have that one behind you, huh? Now you know you can run the marathon, and you're going to kick ass!!!

  8. Seriously, that is awesome that you were able to converse and enjoy each other!

    Your time rocked, I can't believe you seem a little disappointed with avg 10:00 miles! You guys are amazing!

    I had to lol at the "we need to go, now" scenario, I think we've all been there!

  9. Great job! You are almost there, girl! You two have a lot to be proud of.

  10. You are a superstar! Congratulations, that is amazing.
    I have loved reading about this journey, and I can't wait to hear your D-day reenactment!

  11. YOU ROCK! that is absolutely awesome! the furthest I ran last year in my marathon training was 18 miles and I was A-OK for the marathon, you two will be AWESOME! also - a sub 10 min mile is awesome - you ran TWENTY TWO of them!!
    I run around 8 min miles when I go out for a 3-4 mile run and I run about a 10 min mile when we get into the looooooong distance, it's the nature of those long runs, they just wear you down. You guys are awesome and I can't wait to hear about the marathon! Your training has been so impressive! Also, I find that when I'm conscious of my water/gel intake (as much of a pain it is to think about) I run so much better. Most of my 'bad' runs are when I go out unprepared. WAY TO GO!

  12. I just passed by your blog for the first time and just wanted to tell you how gorgeous you looked on your wedding day! The main picture of you on your blog is beautiful. That dressed looked like it was made specifically for you! Wishing you a happily ever after : )

  13. You both look thinner even since I saw you at the Block Party in August, but I can really see a difference in Nate in those couple of pics. You guys rock!

  14. Yes, Nate's neck got all scrawny and stuff. I guess I can see that now:)

    But I swear I've only lost 5 or so pounds. I dunno, though, since I don't really believe in scales nor do we own one.

    Until my pants start looking like I crapped myself, I'll go ahead and say all is well on the weight front. And so far I don't *think* I look like I've dumped my pants...

    Thank you guys for the words of encouragement [on the running, not the weight loss]. You guys are the best blog readers around:)

  15. Wow! I found your blog through another one, and I am so glad I did! You two are such an inspiration. I have always wanted to run a marathon one day, or at least a half, and you guys have completely motivated me!

    Stop by our blog sometime!

  16. Cool new layout Julia! and congrats on finishing that run! I can't imagine running for 4 hours straight!

  17. WOW....that is freaking impressive.
    If I ran 1 mile I think I might die.

  18. i can not all- it looks very funny when i attempt to- even darin thinks so :0)

    congrats on the long run! :0)

  19. J- I am so impressed and I know I have told you before but I want one of those watches. TOO COOL! Maybe for those next runs that you emailed me about! You are in the home stretch now :)

  20. w00t! You guys kicked ass.

    I'm heading out for a 10-miler today, so we'll see how that goes after my 20 on Saturday...

    You rock.

  21. Just wanted to pipe in and add my words of encouragement. You two are amazing! I'll be thinking of you running the marathon as I'm enjoying my large post-wedding brunch :)


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