

Pray Hard

Quick post:

I'm not sure if all of you read Keri's journal at Caring Bridge, but please pray for her with all of your might.

They did another CT scan and it seems the teeny tiny spot on her lung discovered in March might have grown----despite the aggressive 8 rounds of chemo. They weren't too concerned about it before and didn't even call it a metastases but it should have stayed the same size [or shrunk!] with treatment. It's still questionable and they are going to re-scan her to be sure, but this is obviously not good news. Very bad news. News that makes me want to puke.

Dear God, please be with Keri right now. And please let this suspicious spot turn out to be nothing but an awful scare. Please don't let it be spreading cancer. Amen.


  1. I will definitely be keeping Keri in my prayers!!!!

  2. I've been following your blog for awhile and have been deeply touched by Keri's story. I'll be keeping her at the top of my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Absolutely.
    At times like this, prayer is all we have.

  4. she will be in my thoughts and prayers- hang in there!

  5. I've been keeping up with Keri's page....and yes, prayers are definitely in order. Cancer is the suckiest.

  6. Absolutely. Good thoughts being sent her way!

  7. I am definitely keeping Keri in my thoughts!

  8. She is definitely in my thoughts.

  9. She's in my prayers tonight, and always.

  10. Julia, I'm so saddened to read this. She is and has been in my prayers.

  11. Oh God, I'm sorry.........
    She's on my prayer list.

  12. Keri has been and will continue to be in my prayers. Please give her our best!

  13. She is constantly in my prayers!


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