

You can only wash a bedspread so much...

Before: our beautiful Crate and Barrel bedspread purchased for us as a wedding gift, straight off of our registry. But the center portion is supposed to be WHITE and not a brownish-barfy color. We can blame a dirty little punk named Henry for that dingy disaster.

: a black comforter resistant to doggy dirt, purchased from Kohls for a steal. Hello winter bedding! Notice who is already on the bed spreading his filth? And of course he is on the only white part of the entire cover.
This new color scheme just makes me want to repaint our bedroom even MORE. The color on the walls was supposed to be a gray but as you can see, it's a powdery blue---totally lame and not at all what I had hoped. The name was even 'Stone Fence' and apparently I had false hopes for this color. I ignored it for long enough with our old bedspread but now I yearn for a true charcoal gray. YEARN.

So when my life slows down long enough for me to 1. Breathe, 2. Shop for paint, 3. Actually re-paint the room.....then I will be a happy woman. But until then it will just bug the crap out of me. Anyone have any good gray paint recommendations? I'm looking for a more brownish tint than blue. See the color of our gray-ish sheets peeking out in that picture? More like that. But way more awesome.

At least I could keep our white bedskirt, white headboard, white curtains, and white lamps. [Obviously, I planned it that way]:)


  1. LOVE the new bedding! And I agree painting the bedroom a gray. We have a gray room and I LOVE it.

  2. Oh, I'll be looking forward to a new paint color. I love the new bedspread :)

  3. I LOVE that headboard. I hope my brother and mom can help me make one too. I like the blue walls (I am slightly obsessed with blue, black and white) but I think the gray will be amazing. I hope you get time soon so we can see pictures! Are you and Kristal bedspread twins now? Did you see her post for their guest room? I think she picked one very, very similar. Such good taste!

  4. I also still can't get over that great headboard. top notch to you and your mom again on that one.

    I think the blue looks awesome actually - but I can also see how charcoal gray would be pretty amazing as well.

  5. Great minds think alike! My bedding showed up on my doorstep today and I adore it.

  6. Haha...Julia, we did the exact same thing to our guest bedroom. It was supposed to be "gray" but it is totally blue! What is up with those paint colors?!!?

  7. Love the new bedding. We used a gray from Sherwin Williams called Passive. They didn't have it on a swatch with the others... it was on one of the swatch fans they keep behind the counter. We used it for the spare room and laundry room. It's a true gray, which can be really hard to find. Good luck!

  8. I really like it and I like the blue paint but gray is good too.

    We had registered for a white bed spread for our bed too but changed our minds after we realized how gross Sampson had turned that old white and pink number I had.

  9. We have a white bedspread as well and are having the exact same issues. Lily has left a very lovely yellowish brown stain where she sleeps every night and I just can't get it out in the wash anymore.

  10. Ditto on the gray paint! When we bought our house I planned on painting the bathroom gray and now it just looks blue to me. My SIL just had the same problem too...they painted their bathroom twice with two different "grays" within a week and it still looks blue. I think the secret is to go all out gray [like "whoa! that's too gray!] and hope for the best :)

    But I love that new duvet! I had an obsession with changing our bedding when I worked in the bedding buying office. I was changing our comforter every 3-4 months or so. I finally settled on something that I really love.

  11. Love it! I have the same one in our guest room, but I got it from Overstock and probably did not get as good a deal as you got at Kohls!

  12. Your headboard is awesome! I made one very similar last year and it was super easy. I agree a dark gray paint would look fab with the new bedding!

  13. Restoration Hardware "Silver Sage" It's the bomb. Although, I think it may lean more to the blue side than you want.

  14. I love the new bedding! You know, we painted our old bedroom ANCIENT Stone and instead of being grey, it was a light lavender! Maybe there's something about paint with the word ancient...


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