

A little update and whatnot

Did I ever mention how much I adore my Wednesdays off? Sigh. They are the best. Time for things like laundry...




running with, then taking a walk with, then cuddling the heck out of this adorable little man with a new hat from Great Aunt Dana...
(pet peeve that it doesn't match his outfit, but Daddy insisted we take pics anyway)





dressing him up in a vintage outfit from 1981. Yes, this is one of Nate's baby outfits and I can't get over how sentimental that makes me feel when I see Nate's son in one of his outfits. And of course, there's no denying that Truman is Nate's son when you look at these pictures. Isn't vintage Pooh Bear too much to handle? And can you believe how good this outfit looks for being so old? It's super soft and T loves it.


except this is a total mommy face, no doubt
and this is all T-man:)

Plus, Wednesdays are my time to catch up on uploading photos and videos. It has been our life's mission to catch Truman's laugh on video and today, my friends, he finally opened up for all the world to hear his chuckle. FINALLY! I can't handle the cuteness.

Best sound ever:

And I have to post this one because the first little clip is hilarious and heartbreaking all at once. It's amazing how a giggle can morph into a cry within one second!

I have about 10 other videos on Flickr of various Truman-isms, but this is the only one I'll make you watch here on the blog. Truman, tweaking out over his canvas. I love when he goes crazy like this:)

So yeah, life is good in our world right now. Other happenings?

-I think we have finally found a church that we love! We are planning on officially joining as members and are meeting with one of the pastors to discuss baptizing Truman, too. I could go on about this subject forever but I know religion is a sensitive subject for a lot of people. I'll just say that Nate was raised in the Catholic church, I was raised going to a Baptist church and a Lutheran grade school (mom's side is Baptist, dad's is Lutheran), and we've wanted to find our niche in the various Christian denominations out there for awhile. I think that Lutheranism is a nice compromise between Catholicism and Southern Baptist, if there is such a thing between these two:) Lutherans baptize babies and since our new-found church is Lutheran, and we want to embrace the denomination as a whole, we feel like baptizing Truman is the right thing to do. This would coincide with the Catholic faith but Baptists don't baptize babies at all and I myself was baptized when I was old enough to ask Jesus into my heart. I still hope that Truman will someday decide for himself to be a Christian once he's old enough to understand, but for now I'm planning on this infant baptism while embracing Lutheranism.

So that's enough rambling about religion and baptism for now, but I'm really excited for this whole process. I have no idea where I'll find a baptism outfit for mister man that isn't too girlie, so any recommendations are much appreciated!

-Also, in other news, as of August 1 Grandpa Tony won't be able to watch Truman on Tuesdays and Thursdays anymore. Boo! Basically, one of his co-workers is having major health issues and they asked him to come back full time and help out the clinic while she is away. He pretty much has to retire completely or accept their offer of full time again and because he isn't really ready to retire and happens to be an extremely caring person, he obviously said he would come back to help them. He's really sad to leave his nanny days behind and is totally bummed about it--especially since Truman is getting to be SO much fun. But I know this is the right decision for him and we are incredibly appreciative of the two months he was able to help us out in the daycare front. For the month of August, Lois--my mother-in-law, has offered to take off Tuesdays and so we will be doing daycare on Thursdays and Fridays now. Then Nate has a 3 week break between his clinicals when he gets to watch Truman full time and we can pull him from daycare that whole time. I know---our place is awesome. After that little daddy-stint, we are planning on Truman going to daycare all four days that I work which is obviously totally stressing me out. Not because I don't like our place or don't trust them (because I do, and I'm over the whole 'letting him be with strangers' idea since the teachers there aren't strangers anymore) but because I will have to be on top of my game four evenings and mornings instead of just Thursday night/Friday morning. It's so much harder to pack Truman up with me and drop him off outside of the home instead of just leaving him here for Tony or Nate. But oh well, I'm sure I can handle it.

So it was great while it lasted and we are incredibly blessed that Truman won't have to be full-time (well, four days a week) in daycare until the middle of September, when he is 6.5 months. A little older, a little more interactive, and hopefully a little stronger immune system to boot!

That's that: pictures, videos, updates. Whew!


  1. He's so stinkin' cute! Congrats on finding a church - I'm struggling with the same issues as I don't attend Trinity anymore. Don't worry, the daycare scene will get easier as time goes on...writing out that check is the hard part!!!

  2. Not to sound creepy or anything but every Wednesday I think of you and how much you're probably enjoying your time off :)

    That video of Truman laughing totally cracked me up. We have the same thing over here...smiles one minute, crying the next :) It must be a baby bipolor thing!

    Awesome about the church! It sounds like you and Nate thought a lot about this so any decison you come up with regarding baptism is a good one.

  3. Thank you so much for my weekly dose of pictures and videos. He is such a happy baby, and I'm sure he will do great in daycare full-time but I agree with you, what a blessing to be able to delay until he is over six months.
    BTW in the Catholic Church, young adults (usually around 13) receive the sacrament of Confirmation when they make their personal profession of faith, Lutherans may have a similar approach to infant baptism/personal commitment of faith. Anyway congrats on finding a church.

  4. Oh goodness he's a cutie! I love the hat!

    My parents were Baptist and Catholic and went middle-ground to be come Methodist which I believe Lutherans are right there with us.

    I think what's cool in the Methodist church (and it might be the same in the Lutheran - I don't know) is that we baptize babies but when the kids are in 6th grad they go through Confirmation and learn about what it means to accept their faith on their own and then on Confirmation Sunday they accept their baptism and join the church.

    Truman is very lucky to be raised by parents who care so much for him bot physically and spiritually.

  5. He just gets cuter and cuter! Love it!

    What church did you guys choose? Glad you found one and I'm curious to know which bc I'm Lutheran and grew up in my uncle is a pastor in Milwaukee! You can email me if you want (, or if you don't want to say, that's cool too! Just thought I might be able to give you an inside scoop depending on which church it is ;)

  6. Julia, you must send that picture to Bum Genius! BTW, did you hear they've discontinued the one size fits!
    Love your blog! Gives me a good break from mommy duties!

  7. Is that the suit from the infamous Big Baby Nate photo?

  8. I love those diaper pictures--your deck must be so cheerful on Wednesdays with all those lovely colors. :)

    And, I had no idea you could upload video to Flickr! This will be investigated in-depth tonight. :)

  9. Love the vintage Pooh! Disney Pooh, you suck!

    It's interesting to hear your reasoning behind how you chose a church. Neither of us is very religious, so I'm not sure what we're going to do if we have a baby. I mean, my Catholic guilt will tell me my baby will float in purgatory for all time if I don't baptize him/her. Jason is Lutheran, but could not care less. As far as the outfit-I think little boy wearing a dress = girlie, but it's okay for his baptism:) My family has one all the grandchildren have been baptized in and it's girlie as hell.

  10. My mom got Andy a baptism outfit at Macy's. It's totally boy (pants, shirt, vest).

    Also, I can relate to the laugh that turns into a cry. Andy did that just today.

  11. meg~me and Lois (my mother-in-law) totally thought this was the 'big baby nate' outfit, too...but that was when nate was just 6 weeks old and there is no way he was 17 pounds then:) So i think it's another one?

    molly~BG better not discontinue their one size dipes! I know they have a 4.0 now but it's one size, too. I'd be mad at them and not send a picture just for that. :)

  12. he gets cuter and cuter. i wanna squeeze him.

    brady had the same problem with waking up waaaaaay before these damn teeth popped up. teething is just mean. for baby and mommies :)

    and i don't mean to say that im glad he is waking up, but im so tired of hearing ppl tell me their baby has been STTN since they came out of the womb!

  13. My daughter-in-law had her wedding gown taken apart, and made into a long christening gown for my 3 month old grand-daughter. It was beautiful. There is enough material left over to be made into a boy outfit, if needed in the future.

  14. I just happened to come across your blog because I was searching for all things "Chicago" because we are planning a vacation there next month. BUT I had to stop and post that your son is adorable!! :)


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