

getting the cobwebs out of the corners with a broom

Um, seriously? Two weeks since my last post? Definitely a new record around here. Don't say you didn't miss me:)

Where to even begin....

I guess I could tell you a story about me almost being eaten alive by 5 million mosquitoes, while trail running with my husband for 6 miles through the freaking forest, with insane hills and uneven terrain, during the hottest part of the day. That was sweet.

Or I could talk about how Truman was sick with a cold last week which meant he couldn't breathe without rattling, which meant the idea of sleep was a thing of the past. I also diagnosed him with teething some phantom teeth that are invisible to the naked eye, but produce all the classic symptoms. Poor baby boy was still flashing those killer grins at us from behind a sea of snot and drool and coughing and sneezing, which was heartbreaking and adorable all at once. And then he decided to wake up (for the second time that night, of course) at 2:45 am one night and remained awake until 5 am...when my alarm went off for the day and I subsequently gouged my eyes out with a spoon (then drank obscene amounts of coffee and cursed my role as a working mom). Yeah, that was fun. He's feeling better these days and thus my sleep deprivation is fading slightly.

Maybe I should write about Truman's first meeting with his Great-Grandpa (Pepaw)...


or his fun play date over coffee donuts with baby Charlie (born on the same day as Truman! Betrothed!)...

or his other fun play date with baby Eli and Henry and their awesome parents, when we hosted a BBQ at our place...

Henry the boy with Henry the dog!

or how I went a little nutso at the Carter's outlet. What? It could have been much worse my friends. And considering that he's in 9 month clothes and our generous supply of a baby-shower produced wardrobe pretty much stops after this size, I just HAD to buy a bunch of 12 month outfits. Well, and a few niners but who's counting. I've discovered that I am obsessed with my baby wearing shirts with collars. Cannot get enough.

Plus, we took Truman to his first church service last weekend and it was a success! We were even brave enough to send him to the nursery to avoid the chaos of bringing a five month old baby into the service. Besides his freaking adorable outfit (Sunday best, baby) the highlight of the day was when I just couldn't stand it anymore and asked Nate to go check on Truman in the nursery. When he came back he had a goofy grin on his face and said that Truman was being held by one of the teachers and was totally content....until he saw Nate. Then he started to bawl. Great idea on my part to check on him, right? But really, he did great and they loved him and we are all about this church-going stuff. Our goal is every-other weekend so we don't burn out. And the baptism talk is still in the works.

church shoes!

Oh, I know! I should write about how my baby boy turned 5 months old last weekend and then I took approximately 384 pictures to commemorate the event. But that's going to be a separate post of it's own, one devote just to the passage of time and Truman's favorite things (and tons of cute pictures, of course). And of course, that post will include pictures of him tasting his first bites of rice cereal because I feel like he's ready for that step and it was absolutely hilarious to watch his facial expressions while 'eating' his new dish. We'll see if I can get that post up before his six month birthday...

I've been meaning to tell you that my milk supply is finally somewhat predictable now, as is Truman's intake (remember: the ability to predict the numbers equates a very happy nursing/working mama). If I pump three times a day, I can bank on getting 15-16 ounces total. And if I squeeze in a session before work, as Truman still sleeps (ha!) while I'm getting ready I can boast 18-19 ounces total. Which is sweet because little man is taking three or more often four bottles a day while I'm gone, always 4 ounces a piece now. So yeah, all is well in this pumping mama's breastfeeding journey for the time being. And hooray for making it to five months without needing to supplement!

Maybe instead of talking about all of those things that have happened in the last two weeks, I should just remind you that I have the most disgustingly adorable kid evah. He's growing hair and being chunky and is generally amazing. I don't hate to take pictures of him you know.

hey ladies. check out my hot bod.

Run DMC shirt = hilarious


My little expressive man:

And even though we never ever have poopie blow outs in our cloth diapers, there is a first for everything. While I snapped away photos of my boy in this shoot, pretending to be a photog, I saw him give me this face:

which was followed by a huge wet fart. No big deal, I thought. I'll change his dipe when we are done. When I went to pick him up I found that the poo had exploded from the side of his diaper and was all over the couch, in between the cushions and totally grodie. Those poor couches. But can you get over his pooping face up there? I can't. :)

My last update tidbit (because this post is getting to be ridiculous and rather scatterbrained): I am flying to St. Louis on Saturday morning for Keri's bachelorette party! Of course I am totally pumped about it but then again, it will be my first night away from Truman so I hope Nate can pull of being mister mom at night especially. Not too sure how Truman will handle being away from the boobs. I will have to bring my pump and use it while we are out and about on the town which will be pretty hilarious and disgusting at once. I'm worried about carrying milk back with me on the plane and worried about having too much to drink and needing to dump it all out (the horror!). But mostly I'm just excited to have an entire night to sleep without interruptions. That is reason enough for me to stay sober, just to enjoy un-broken sleep! Now if I can only find an appropriate bachelorette party outfit for a nursing mama: don't want to look like I'm trying to be a 20 year old partier anymore but I don't want to look like a frumpy mom, either. And the boobs must be somewhat contained or I could look rather slooty. I'm going to get creative with the outfit I think...


  1. Two weeks? Pfew! That's nothing. I'm sure I've done lots worse and I have zero children! The poop picture had me laughing at my desk! Love it!

  2. I figured Truman was sick. It seems that mommy bloggers always disappear and come back saying their kids have been sick. LOL to the gouging my eyes out with a spoon comment! Totally been there.

    First off, dear Lord, he is getting cuter by the second!

    Secondly, the church shoes and "dinner's on me" onesie are both my faves.

    Way to go on the pumping. I just did a whole post on how I feel like a friggin' cow. But I am finally getting the hang of it. Just can't say I'm enjoying it in the least. I seem to be pumping a whole lot of milk for baby boy though so I refuse to throw in the towel (or pump).

  3. I love his church outfit...such a cute little man. love ur top as well with those ruffled sleeves.

  4. Oh my gosh, you are hilarious and I truly, truly will not live a complete life without meeting you. :)

    I totally understand how a snot covered teething sick child can still be the most adorable guy ever. Glad Tman is doing better.

    Yay for Pepaw! Yay for Carter's! Yay for bloggy friends with all adorable sons! Yay for adequately producing boobs!

    Boo for exploding poop. Lol!

  5. Yay, you're back! I've come to count on Wednesday posts, you know. :) I am OBSESSED with those church shoes. How adorable!

  6. SO CUTE!!!! Can I ask where you got his hat from? I'm def going to need one of those...

  7. I am crazy about your kid. Seriously.

    My Henry was a BIG fan of your Henry!

    I'm going to have to hit up the Carters outlet for fall clothes - they have such cute stuff!

    No worries taking breast milk on a plane, I've done it twice. They just do a quick test on it at security and you're on your way! As for the pumping while out and trying to find something to wear - well, I feel your pain and I wish you luck. ;)

  8. I was so glad to see a post from you in my reader! I DID miss you :)

    I LOVE those church shoes - I never put shoes on Annie, ever, but maybe I should start...!

    I always think little boy clothes pales in comparison to the cuteness of little girl clothes, but I think this post might prove me wrong :)

    Good luck pumping while out and about - a few times I've gone 5+ hours without pumping and my supply hasn't suffered - I just pump right before leaving and right when I get back (in your case I guess it would be a hotel or something - not sure if you meant you were going to pump in a bar bathroom??? Now THAT would be interesting!)

  9. I couldn't stop laughing after seeing the 'wet fart face'! Love it!

  10. Yeah...totally jealous of the full night's sleep in your future. ;)

  11. those church shoes! He looks like a little man :)

    Have fun this weekend. Don't worry if you have to pump and dump. I've done it once and felt pretty good about it considering how loopy I was!

  12. I love collared shirts on Andy too...they look so cute in them!

  13. Ok, the church outfit is just too adorable!! :) I love when baby boys wear "grown up" clothes too. Too cute! Glad he had fun in nursery - I work in my church's infant nursery and when any parent comes to the baby gates - they all go nuts hoping it's for them :)

  14. I totally can't get over the poopie face! His expressions are all so cute. Glad to hear he is feeling better!

  15. when you get back from stl - would you mind mentioning how you did with your milk on the plane? i was recently out of town and had to pack my milk in a cooler bag with ice packs (and check the bag) because they told me i would not be able to put it in my carry on as it was more than 2oz. apparently if the baby is with you it's not an issue. thank goodness it was a short flight... good luck and have fun!

  16. The hat is from Old Navy according to the tag. It was a gift from my Aunt Dana (and the Run DMC shirt was also a gift from a couple of friends, and so hilarious).

    Trinity~I went to the TSA website tonight and printed off this page

    I should be able to carry on my milk without it needing to be in 3 ounce bags or anything. I was planning on using a little cooler or bags full of ice, too. I hope they don't give me trouble! I can't really check my 'carry on' which will be my pump bag b/c I'm afraid it will break. STRESS!

  17. YES - you were missed! And Truman is SO cute! Thanks for the update.

  18. He is SO cute!! I love his little church outfit!


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