

October in Bloom

We had an amazing summer here in Wisconsin but I think this Fall is taking the cake for the most glorious time of year. There is just something about the pops of autumn leaves and the brightest, warmest hues peppering our landscape with color that cannot be beat. The cooler temps, the smell of a pumpkin spice candle, football on the TV, soups and chills, BEER, boots, fleeces and vests, crunching leaves as we walk down our sidewalk….it's just such a great season. I love living in Milwaukee in the fall and am so grateful to reside in a climate with four seasons. Let's not discuss what follows Fall though, alright?




Last year I took a bunch of pictures with Truman under our favorite tree in October. I've been going a little crazy snapping pictures of the leaves with my iPhone this year when we are out and about. But then Sunday was simply too perfect to ignore the pull of my real camera any longer. Nate was at a course all weekend and the kids and I didn't have plans. So I put Porter in the Ergo (where he took a fantastic nap), grabbed my camera, had Truman and Cecelia take their 'leaf collecting' bags, and we were off to have some fall fun. It was one of those moments in time when the sun is shining just right and the leaves seems to glow around us, illuminating the air like we were in some sort of dreamy bubble. Tru and CC had a ball throwing leaves at each other, jumping in a leaf pile we made over and over again, and playing Simon Says with me…all as I snapped away. Some of my favorite shots feel like photographs that I will seriously cherish forever because they capture T and C and this season so well.








big time fave:

another fave:


and yet another fave:

The weekend before this we did the Pumpkin Farm thing for our first real Fall activity this year. It was really chilly but the kids had a blast. My nice camera came out to play again. As did Cecelia's new adorable boots and vests for almost every member of the family (ahem, NATE!)




I'll be the first to tell you that this season of our life is heavy and challenging and I feel like I'm struggling to keep my head above water. But when I step back and really look at October, taking a breath and remembering that every season seems short when it's gone, I realize that life may be crazy right now but I'm embracing the crazy. I might feel spread thin and a little frazzled, juggling needs of others along with my own. But the leaves are changing, the temperatures are dropping, and that crisp fall smell is out there for us. Embrace the crazy. Soak in the season. It's sure to change before we remember to take a breath and life will feel more organized someday.

And then I'll spend too much time looking back on the pictures of this season, wondering how it could have seemed so wild when it was all so beautiful. I think my biggest goal for this Fall is granting myself some grace, cutting myself and everyone around me some slack, and riding the wave of change. Plus I want to really appreciate these pretty leaves before they blow away and the white stuff replaces them for months upon months upon months.

Thank goodness for Octobers.


  1. Beautiful photos! Fall is my favorite time of year to take photos of the kids!

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! The trees have been so pretty around here lately, I agree! Fall is such an awesome season and I too don't want to think about what comes next. Looks like everyone had a great time at the pumpkin farm!

  3. I love the leggings that Cecelia is wearing in the last picture. Where did you find those?!

    1. They were actually a fab find at a consignment sale---brand new but I cannot remember the name of them. The tag inside is super generic and of no help. Sorry!!

  4. These pictures are so good!! Love the love between your two "big" ones (and of course when they share it with little guy too!).

  5. Totally agree with your thinking. Don't miss the forest for the trees. Which is easy to do when you're in the thick of it. (But, hey, that's what beer is for). Love your pictures. I'm straight up JEALOUS of your cool weather and beautiful foilage!

  6. You take the most beautiful photos! I wish you could teach me because manual mode scares me.

  7. Oh Julia, these photos are absolutely GORGEOUS and totally melt my heart! I can't wait for MO to look like this. We're getting there. So incredibly beautiful! Embrace the wild. Give yourself grace. Wonderful advice that will be taking myself.

  8. This made me cry, my friend! What beautiful photos you captured, and you're right, when we look back on this crazy, frazzled season of life, we will likely remember the beautiful parts the most, and long for them again! It's been a dreary week - hopefully we will get more gorgeous sunny days before ... well, I don't even want to say it. Great post - I love those goobers of yours!


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