

April 5: Articles to read

Happy Easter!

So, I was quoted in an article on Huffington Post. CRAZY, right? I mean, it's hardly a feature presentation on me, but it is an important topic. The Huffington Post article links to the original Slate article and it's all about the cost of a miscarriage. Lots of interesting points about healthcare in America, loss, and financial implications of a loss with the complexities of healthcare in America. The author at Slate emailed me after finding my Cost of a Loss post and I emailed her a response to her questions. So much more to say about this topic but it's something I've posted about many times before. So anyway, on HuffPost, woah.

Other articles I read and am sort of obsessed with? Pregnant Chicken: about babies being 'cake'---and how I'm totally going to be that older lady telling young moms to savor this season of life. Because it's easy to forget the hard stuff, man. THANK GOD. Fantastic read.

And again on Huffington Post: It Goes So Fast. But not how you think---I have my 34th birthday this month and yes, I know that is far from being 'old'. But birthdays do make one ponder the passage of time. This was a great read and a nice change in perspective.


  1. Sara (running from the law) sent me to your blog after a loss I had two years ago. While my situation wasn't the same as yours, it really did help me get through some rough days. So basically I'm saying thank you for your posts and congratulations on being featured on HuffPo!

  2. Fantastic achievement!! Congrautlations! ;) Happy Easter xo

  3. I love this cake article! Yes! Cake! Love it! So much! But EATING TOO MUCH AND COULD USE A BREAK AND SOME SPINACH AND OMG! Anyway, yes :) Thanks for sharing.

  4. Way to go on the HuffPost article, so cool! Also, I read the Cake article and loved it - such a good analogy. The other one I hadn't heard of but you're right, it was a good read and a different way to look at things. I often feel like I'm the youngest parent in the room when I go to things at Allie's school, but have to remind myself that I'm probably not and it's just because I still feel like I'm a twenty-something trying to navigate this parent thing!

  5. I read that article last week and knew it was you they had mentioned since I remember reading about your insurance woes with that one :(

  6. Great Huffpost article! I can so relate, I was expecting my 3rd (I had reached out to you last summer as I was stressed about it!) and ended up miscarrying at 11 wks. My hospital bill for my D&C was as much as my two previous c-sections, and those had included a 3 night hospital stay. I'm still getting bills months later, and that wound keeps reopening. It's such a painful thing that sadly so many women can relate to.


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