
21 weeks | Baby #4

2.26.17 | 21w1d
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Photo thoughts: Objects in mirror appear bigger in real life.
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Size of baby: The kids say he is an endive, old posts say a carrot or a banana. He's had a growth spurt, no matter which food he's become.

The Bump: Big at night, not so much in the morning. Kind of pointy. Belly button almost popped. 

Cravings/Aversions: Digging trail mix this week, Babybel cheese, La Croix, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch at night. 

Ideal meal, plus cheese and trail mix:
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What I’m loving: All of this movement. Food. Thinking of names with Nate and the kids. We have about four solid choices, created from my original list of twenty names. You know I won't be sharing the actual name here once we decide, but possibly I'll share the rejected options;) We aren't there yet, but Nate did seem pretty agreeable to 2-3 of my ideas the other night, which made me incredibly happy. I was expecting him to be 'meh' about them all and I know once we decide, Truman will probably paste it to his forehead so everyone in the world will know this baby's name. He's still so excited, you guys. They all are.
Also, love my new blazer for work!
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What I’m anticipating: The birth still seems like it's a million years away, but I've started thinking about how I will be experiencing the amazing-awful labor and delivery in about five months. This time I want to remain calm and relaxed, and not totally lose it at some point. Each birth has been better with this concept of remaining in control but it's so easy to let anxiety and pain overtake my labors. I mean, I'm all about the epidural, even if my last two haven't been as amazing as my first one. I just want to figure out a way to make my brain conquer the pain so that I don't freak out. My friend let me borrow her Hypnobabies CDs, so I might try those for an option. I always go into labor wondering why I didn't mentally prepare a little bit more. Might as well have a tool for coping with my fourth birth?

Miss anything? Alcohol, running, being fit. But honestly, I'm still feeling grateful and content at this stage of pregnancy and know that it's all so fleeting. It's going so fast. And I really love being pregnant.

At nearly midnight on Friday, after a neighborhood girls' night out.
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Worries? Not really any. 

Differences between pregnancies? Truman's pregnancy had me freaking out about gaining 13 pounds, along with the fact that my OB wanted me to gain more than 30 total. Mission accomplished on that one, since I did gain a whopping 43 pounds with him by the end. We also settled on a name for Truman this week, I remember that like it was yesterday and yet it was seven years ago. T's birthday is this week so I'm already feeling sentimental about my oldest getting so....old, and now reading this post has me all teary yet again. I'm crying a lot lately, actually.

With Cecelia, I had gained 11 pounds but wasn't freaking out about it. My belly button was really close to popping (same as now!) and we had just bought our current home. We hadn't settled on a name and I was gearing up to decorate her nursery. With Porter,  had a ravenous appetite and was worried I'd gained 15 pounds but was only at 11 again. I referred to it being my last pregnancy several times and we had not only settled on his name, but I also painted the nursery already. Woah. Apparently I was an overachiever with my first pregnancy and also my first-last pregnancy ;) 

How I’m feeling: Good! I just weighed myself after those above paragraphs and I believe I'm up ten pounds, which is about right and also shocking it's not more. This week I've been trying to reign in the appetite but Girl Scout cookies and Costco make this ridiculously difficult. I've noticed the changes my body is making this week, basically adding curves all over compared to my non-pregs state. I mean, all of a sudden I have a butt and thighs and boobs, and clothes fit differently. This is expected and I'm not complaining, it's always just an adjustment to my new lovely lady lumps;) 

I'm doing really well with my energy levels during the day but will hit a major slump as soon as I sit on the couch in the evenings. I think combining the new job, along with the house renovations and this pregnancy makes it seem like time is FLYING BY and also gives me more energy to handle all of these transitions. For now. I am anticipating hitting the wall in a few more weeks, I'm guessing.

Sleep: Good, but if I get woken up anytime after 4 am, I'm up for the day. I cannot shut off my brain after 4am even though I'm exhausted. This happens about 1-2 times per week when PORTER decides he needs me to come and cover him up in the crib. Or if he lost a sock. Or if he dropped Duckie. I greatly enjoy going to bed at 9pm those nights, and sometimes I have to nap but not usually. 

Movement: THE BEST. So much movement, it's my favorite. I might be feeling some hiccups every now and then, too.

Boy or Girl: BOY! 

Milestones: Over half-way? A good start on name ideas? Buying a bigger bra?

Best Moment of the Week: Truman is filling out his 'star student' poster, since his birthday is this upcoming Wednesday. The number of times this child mentions his baby brother in utero seriously tugs as my heart daily. Also, we caved at bought the digital copy of Moana this morning, and I made chocolate chip pancakes to create an awesome Sunday morning. I've cleaned the house, we have grocery shopped, and we believe weekends are just unbeatable. Even when it does snow a few days after being 70 degrees. 

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Sibling Talk: Porter --> "Let me see that baby. (I lift up my shirt). Hi, baby! You swimming? I'm a baby, too. I live in your tummy, too. Mommy has a baby in there, daddy has a baby in there, I have a baby in there...." Yeah, he's getting it but not quite. 

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Fun week!


  1. I listened to the first 3 'tracks' of Hypnobabies for my 2nd birth. Didn't make it all the way through. But I would listen to them and then pass out! She would put me to sleep and I'd be dreaming and drooling. My friend who let me borrow them said this was normal. I do think that even in those 3 lessons, it helped me through labor. (granted my labors are super intense and short) but I found the 2nd time around a little more manageable and in control of breathing etc. So give them a shot!

  2. You are looking great mama!!! LOVE these updates!!! Your pregnancy does seem like it is going fast - but, after all, we only just found out a few weeks ago :) The last half of pregnancy seemed to go slower for me - maybe it will for you too so you can soak it in!! Thankful you are still taking the time out to write these weekly posts!!!

  3. Hi Julia, longtime lurker here- congratulations on your new in-utero little one! :) Never commented before but when I read that you were considering trying Hypnobabies I just had to! I'm a mom of two-so-far and a passionate childbirth educator, and I can't say enough good stuff about using Hypnobabies or a similar mind-training program to prepare for birth, no matter what kind of birth you're hoping for. I had a painless (tho still intense-yet-manageable), drug free natural vbac with my second using Hypnobabies, and I think that mental prep for being totally relaxed and calm is the number one best thing you can do to prepare to give birth! Good luck with the big day, and I hope everything goes nice and smoothly for you :)


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