{Wednesdays are my longest day home with both kids on maternity leave, and therefore my most challenging. Let the games begin! I'm going to make this very detailed because I love reading back over these in time, so beware.}
5:25 am | Nate's alarm goes off. Wonderful. It usually sounds at 6 am but apparently he wants to run before work today, and this automatically makes me irritated. I always complain that Nate's alarm wakes up the whole house and now we'll see if I'm right today. Cecelia wakes up immediately since she is in our bed, and I wait to hear Truman wake up in his room, too. CC starts fussing for the boob so I offer her leftie in the sidelying position. But crap! I just nursed on the left at 3 am and haven't done the right side since 12:30, so I notice that rightie is turning into a hardened grapefruit. After a quick few minutes on left I prop up in bed to properly attend to rightie, and Cecelia nurses like a champ to help me out. And really? Waking twice to nurse before Nate's alarm just went off? Pretty darn good night!
5:35 am | Done nursing. Nate's downstairs working out and I'm still waiting for Truman to wake up and then I'll have both kids BRIGHT and early. But instead I drift off to sleep with Cecelia in our bed again. Much needed.
6:30 | Now the toddler dictator is awake and yelling for mommy. I'm so tired I can't quite make myself get up, even though he did technically sleep in 30 minutes longer than his norm. Luckily Nate is done working out and comes up to get Truman without me even asking. I guess he could sense my annoyance at him this morning already and is now redeeming himself. On the three days I take Truman to daycare, I would already have to be up and about getting him and me and CC ready. But today? I'll take this extra little snooze time, no problem. It takes a bit of convincing but I get Cecelia to nurse a bit on the right which has the desired effect---baby goes back to sleep, too! Compared to our days when we are all four up at 5:30 (and 6 at the latest), this morning is turning out to be a winner. Yay for 'sleeping in.'
7:15 | Nate comes up to say goodbye as he leaves for work. I was sleeping hard just now and really don't feel like getting up, but now I have no choice as Truman is downstairs waiting for me. I decide to leave CC in my bed with the monitor on because she is shockingly still asleep. I figure she will wake as soon as I get up but it's worth a shot. Love that she is still asleep right now, since this is a world record for her. Why do I breed early-risers?
7:20 | Downstairs to say good morning to my buddy. He's happily watching Sesame Street. So I go back upstairs to gather his clothes, Cecelia's clothes and get myself dressed. Stare at my sleepy baby in our bed in wonder. She's really too adorable sometimes.
(look who I found downstairs!)

(decisions, decisions. A highlight of my morning every day)


7:30 | Back down to check on T as it's way too quiet on the main level. Cannot locate my boy and slightly panic before finding him in the basement, with Henry, feeding the doggie some dog food. Whew. Convince Truman to come back up with me as I brush my teeth for the day--can't risk having Tru downstairs alone anymore after my first panic attack of the day, imagining him walking out of the house into the street or something. In the bathroom, Truman first asks where Cecelia is and then he proceeds to run into my bedroom, screaming, 'Hi, baby!!'. So much for her sleeping in.
(I don't believe in makeup while on maternity leave, so brushing my teeth and pulling my hair back is about all I need to do in here)

7:40 | She's up and happy! Play time with big brother in bed. Bath toy trains involved. I notice that our sheets are freaking filthy as I stare at the giant drool/spit up/boob juice stain next to her head. Decide it's time to wash our sheets and also Truman's sheets.
(good morning!)

(hopefully the cute kids will distract your eye from the drool stain)

7:45 | Truman helps me with this sheet change process by throwing down the dirties into the laundry chute. CeCe is in the co-sleeper observing her brother sing and talk a mile a minute already. I think she is excited he is at home with us today instead of going to Lori's, and I am, too--otherwise we'd be on the road to her house already.
(did I mention that I love our new canvases in our bedroom?)

8:00 | All done with the great-sheet-exchange and Andrea texts me, wanting to go to the zoo today. Take 2 seconds to agree, a little nervous about this first 'mom only' trip to the zoo with four kids. But we can do it and we have nothing planned for today, so I'm just going to go for it!

8:05 | Downstairs with the crew, pumping while CC plays on her activity mat and Truman watches Curious George and munches on his remaining breakfast. My goal is to get 10 minutes of pump time before we have a meltdown. Checking email on my phone and computer.

8:15 | Got my 10 minutes! And got 7 ounces which is a lot more than my typical 4-5 oz. Holla. But when I go to transfer the milk into freezer bags I spill an ounce. Not cool. Baby starts crying so I pick her up and begin to make my coffee and toast my bagel one handed. I'm freaking starving and HAVE to eat or this whole morning is going to be brutal. Since I usually eat breakfast around 6:30 my body is not too happy with me, I guess.
(I love my coffee French pressed!)

8:20 | Truman says, 'Mommy, Truman has poo-poo but no change me yet. Still pushing it out.' Great. I give him a few seconds and then he says, 'Okay, all done. Change me!'. Note to self that we MUST consider potty training in the near future. Put my breakfast on hold, place baby in the pack-n-play and change Truman's diaper and put on his clothes for the day. Get CC's bath set up in the dining room. Finish putting my peanut butter and honey on my toasted bagel---because that is one step I just can't do one handed while holding a baby. Get CC stripped down for her bath. She is starting to get that crazy look in her eyes like she might melt down at any moment. Yep, it's been about 45 minutes since she woke up and her standard is one hour of awake time in the morning before already needing a nap. Me too, sister. Me too.
8:30 | Quickest bath for baby ever. Melting down. I'm sweating and Truman is yelling for me to fix his train tracks.
8:40 | My friend from work comes over to visit briefly and I'm in the middle of getting CC dressed while she screams at me. Henry freaks out over the doorbell and is barking/yodeling like a rabid dog. Note to self that we must contact our dog trainer again for him. This barking is getting ridiculous! Visit with Sarah after dressing CC, then I nurse while eating my now cold bagel. Show her the house quickly before she leaves to see her patients. Note to self that I'm really glad to be on maternity leave right now, not seeing patients. :)

9:05 | Friend leaves, baby is asleep, and Truman content with trains. Get the email that the Thomas set I wanted on Craigslist is ours! We have a deal and I cannot WAIT to see Truman's face when we give him this giant set for Christmas! Chug some cold coffee and start packing for our zoo trip.
(could you die? Jackpot!)

(packing for two kids is quite the task, but I'm getting better with practice)

9:25 | Leave for the zoo. Here goes nothing! Have to wake CC up to get her into car seat. I hate that.
(note giant stroller in my trunk, threatening to swallow my children)

9:35 | Arrive at the zoo. Arranging the giant bag, snacks, drinks, baby carrier, baby and toddler into the double BOB is no small feat.

9:45 | Not even 5 minutes into walking with Andrea and her kids and Cecelia freaks out. She is probably hungry and also tired and annoyed by her car seat (ie the Trifecta for Freak Outs). So we make a pit stop at the playground while I nurse CC on a bench and Andrea tends to the boys playing on the equipment, holding Gabby. It takes a village sometimes, right?

10:00 | Off to enjoy the zoo with Cecelia in the Bjorn, me pushing the double BOB. Totally loving this beautiful day although it's rather hot and we are all sweating. Have some great mommy talks, see a bunch of animals, and ride the train with a now-awake CC who happily watches the big boys feed the goats, too.

(whee! train!)

(Our brood. I am a giant compared to miss petite Andrea)

(me and the baby girls watching the rest of the crew with the goats)

(omg, train is coming!!)

11:30 | Say goodbye to Andrea and get the kids into the car. Truman is looking mighty tired and C has been handling her car seat well---but I figure I should change her diaper in the front seat to give her a little break before we drive home. Crazy eyes emerges. She is going to lose it on me, I just know it.

11:35 | Yep, she loses it as we drive home. Truman still manages to zone out and nearly falls asleep. Five more minutes on the road and he would have been a goner for sure. His sister screams in defiance.
11:45 | Home! Truman just requested to take his nap and wait on lunch. Um, okay? Cecelia is hungry, so I take her upstairs and lay her on T's bed as I change Truman's diaper, then sing a song to him in bed. I have to nurse CC while standing up and walking all around Truman's room because she still isn't happy but Truman still deserves some structure at nap time. This is one of those moments when having two kids ain't easy.
(tot clock is blue, meaning nap time! And this is us walking around and nursing.)

12:00 | Nurse CC in an actual seated position, then she falls asleep. Pull her off me and place in swing where she wakes right up. And Truman is still awake, singing songs into his monitor for me. Go up to check on him when he starts calling my name. Just a wild boy, fighting a nap, throwing all of his blankets on the floor. Sigh.
12:10 | Make myself some lunch while listening to Truman on his monitor (not sleeping) and watching Cecelia in her swing (not sleeping). It could go either way with these two and I'm hoping they both drift off as I eat my amazing 'bacon encrusted turkey' and cheese sandwich.
(note Nate's awesome frat glass I'm using)

12:25 | CC is looking at me and I feel like she needs a bit of help falling asleep. Swaddle, walk around the house with her, while grabbing a few bites of my lunch on the move. Cannot believe Truman is still awake, either. He never fights naps like this!

12:30 | Both asleep! Scared to put C back into the swing but I need to tackle a few things on my to-do list. Begin with returning a ton of emails to friends and family. It seems I owe everyone a response today! I love keeping in contact this way, though, and look forward to these connections via the web with my girls. I'd say email time is one of my 'must haves' in a given day.

1:45 | Kids are still sleeping and I finally finished my emails. Would love to check Google Reader, my blog for comments, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest but I feel the need to do something other than computer time. Dual naps from the kids mean I'd love to whip out the following to feel satisfied: workout, shower, nap, housework, internetting. But I have a feeling I won't get all of this done with my remaining 'me time' so I have to prioritize. I unload the dishwasher, clean pump parts, and go to start laundry. Since I did all of our regular clothes and all of our cloth diapers yesterday, I figured I'd only have one load of sheets to do today. But WRONG--three loads total, with two loads of bedding. It just never ends!
(beautiful sight = a dishwasher! Can't believe we lived without for so long. And drying pump parts)

(laundry chute PACKED and our new awesome washer--touch screen, baby!)

2:05 | Um, need to figure out dinner, too. Search around then settle on defrosting some beef to make a meat sauce with pasta. So boring but whatever. We didn't meal plan this week because Nate's brother is in town and we knew we'd eat with my in-laws a few nights. But tonight we are on our own and therefore I have to scramble. Too bad this pretty menu board is from last week:)
(just a regular picture frame, scrapbook paper, and a dry-erase marker!)

2:15 | Still unsure how to use the rest of this nap time. Settle on more computer time, figuring I'll skip my nap, run with the kids when they wake, and shower at night. Start to upload the pictures I've taken with my phone from this day onto Flickr. Takes forever. Also start to type up this post while it's fresh in my memory.
3:15 | Cecelia wakes up and is hungry. Almost a three hour nap from little lady! Time to nurse.
3:35 | Spits up while nursing and simultaneously fills her diaper. Sweet! Diaper change, take dog out to pee, change laundry. Then smiling time between me and little lady. I grab the 'real' camera and take a few shots since she is wearing a new outfit and is super happy. Love cooing at my girl after naps.
3:50 | Hear that Truman is also up now, which means he clocked 3 hours 20 minutes. Go up to get him and he's dropped 'Kevin's' box into the radiator behind his bed. Takes me entirely too long to retrieve said magnetic box because it's stuck inside the freaking radiator. Not happy about this and T knows I'm irritated. Luckily CC is still happy downstairs on her blanket.

4:00 | All downstairs now, make T a belated lunch-slash-snack. He takes some coaxing to eat instead of diving right into playing with trains. Tummy time with CC!

4:10 | She's over tummy time and Tru is over his lunch, onto trains. Nurse CC on the other side just to fill her up before our run. Eat a banana myself, too, to do the same.

4:30 | Done nursing, change her diaper then change Truman's diaper. Assembly line, what? Convince Truman to come on the run by bribing him with my phone. Watching You Tube train videos while riding in the BOB? He can't turn it down and I'm surprised I never thought of this genius idea before. I mention maybe stopping by Starbucks but he doesn't seem too intrigued. Pack up for the jog. Man it's hot out.
4:45 | And we are off!

5:10 | Home sooner than planned because CC fought a nap the whole time and got cranky half-way through. Plus she was spitting up a lot because she always hates running after eating, go figure:) Truman realizes we never made it to Starbucks and gets mad. I honestly didn't think he would care either way since he was so entranced by my phone.
(look, more new canvases! And a sweaty face pic)

5:15 | Inside Cecelia is tweaking out now. Doesn't want to nurse and seriously, a pacifier would be SO key right now. Truman playing with trains but then gets upset all over again about dumb Starbucks. Is really freaking out right along with his sister. This is one of those moments as a mom with two that really, thoroughly sucks. Give Truman a snack and pray it takes the place of a cake pop from Starbucks somehow. He tells me his belly hurts because of 'the doggie' and I have no clue what this means, but I can just picture him getting seriously ill with the flu, projectile vomiting all over the place. Very level-headed right now, yes. Swaddle CC and turn on DMB, bopping around the room with her. This day is starting to seem really long all of a sudden.
(life is hard without cake pops, apparently)

(we are all pretty cranky now)

5:30 | C is asleep in my arms and there is no way I'm risking putting her down. Place her in the Bjorn and start dinner while Truman entertains himself with trains and toys. I feel sort of bad that I haven't really actively played with the child all day but we've been so busy today.
(hate cooking over a hot stove with her on my chest)

6:00 | Dinner is done and CC wakes up right on cue. Sigh. I sit down with Truman to eat and CC gets progressively more ticked off. Truman eats a great dinner while I attempt to soothe little lady. I fail, even with a diaper change, walking around the house, try nursing but she won't have it, and laying her in the swing and the PNP. Nothing is working. She is mad again and I'm hungry.
(pasta with beef in a vodka marinara sauce, then cheese to make it fancy. So hard to pick from our many spices to flavor the meat!)

(one happy toddler is the highlight of dinner. The angry baby is not shown)

6:15 | Truman is done and wants to watch a Sesame Street episode. I set it all up because he is adamant that he doesn't want to come outside with me and the baby. The girls go out to do laps in the driveway and it works! She is calm. Have to sneak a peek at Truman through the windows every now and then. Take a break from the heat to check on the laundry in the basement. CC doesn't approve of this idea and also, I realize that I never started the dryer earlier when I came down. Great job, bone-head. Back outside. Dreaming of my pasta.
6:30 | T decides to join us outside and plays in the water a bit. Nate calls and is on his way home just a little early. Thank God!

6:40 | Get Truman ready for his bath, which he is loving lately. CC is crying again as soon as we come back inside. Man, this is the fussiest evening (and whole day?) we've had in a while. Ever since my darn run she hasn't been pleased. Both kids have been a little bit off since then, actually. That will teach me!
6:50 | Bath time for Truman as CC looks on from her bouncy seat. And she is somewhat calm as I play music from my phone, wash Truman, cut his dagger finger nails, and remember to breathe. Nice little moment of the evening.

7:00 | Change Cecelia on bathroom floor getting her ready for bed. This starts the crankiness again. Pleasant moment gone.
(but they have cute jammies! And matching disposable diapers for night time!)

7:05 | Nate is home, hallelujah. My 12 hours alone with both kids has ended. I swaddle the crying baby, nurse her while walking around between the nursery and the bathroom, watching Tru in the tub. Nate seems tired from work, too, but I really need his help right now with bed time.
(walking around and nursing, for about the 100th time today)

7:10 | I sit in nursery and...nurse. Nate takes over the bath, getting Truman out of tub, putting on jammies, brushing his teeth. Then time for books. The boys are so cute together and I'm feeling good about our new 'early' bedtime routine. Truman was staying up until 9:30 recently and we were all too exhausted to function---so now our goal is 8 pm. So far so good!
7:20 | Cecelia asleep at the breast. Since she woke up from her awesome long nap 4 hours ago, she has only been asleep for a total of 30 minutes with one short nap. No wonder she is a crank pot tonight. And I'm too tired to get up from the glider so I sit and stare at my sleeping baby, listening to my boys in the other room.
7:35 | Hold my breath and put CC into her actual crib! Maybe this will be the night she stays in the nursery for the first time? Go downstairs to change laundry, feed Henry, pick up toys, put away dirty dishes from dinner, and eat the rest of my cold pasta.
7:45 | My turn with Truman and I get to sing and say prayers with the boy. Tell him I love him and say goodnight. Walk by Cecelia's room and see that she is awake and on the verge of a major fit. Eh, a full 20 minute nap in her crib is a start I guess!
7:55 | Bring her downstairs and nurse the other side as Nate eats dinner. Listen to Truman talk on the monitor and Nate has to go up one time to reiterate that it's bedtime. Cecelia falls asleep nursing.
(over it)

8:15 | Pull her off the boob and put her in the swing. I know I should put her in the crib again or at least the co-sleeper in our room but I just don't have the energy. Don't even check to make sure she stays asleep because I'm really looking forward to my shower. Upstairs to enjoy it and I notice that Truman is now asleep. Score! Only 20 minutes of talking to himself in bed means this new bedtime is working!
8:30 | Out of shower. It was amazing. Put on jammies.
(obsessed with this fancy nursing gown from Pea in the Pod---got it to wear at the hospital and am still loving it for night time marathon nursing sessions)

8:35 | Get laundry, get beer, enjoy said beer as I fold the clothes with Nate (who is also enjoying an adult beverage). Nate sneezed and briefly woke CC up from her swing. I almost killed him and then realized I was exhausted and irritable, obviously. CC did fall back to sleep so I didn't have to murder my husband.
(the best)

8:45 | Lay on couch with laptop and work on this post while watching Olympics, then catch up on Google Reader and comment on blogs. Discuss with Nate that we could both go to sleep right this second. He also thanks me for all that I've done today. I thank him for working so hard at his job today. Life is really good even when it's exhausting.
10:15 | Why am I still awake right now? Get off computer, go upstairs and brush teeth. Come back and get CC from the swing and put her in co-sleeper. Nate went to be about 30 minutes ago and I should have done the same. Silly computer. Always sucks me in! Have trouble falling asleep tonight even though I'm beyond tired. It's been a long day, folks.
11:45 | Uh-oh, Cecelia wakes up already? First wake up from her co-sleeper, so I pull her into bed and nurse sidelying.
1:15 am | Second wake up. Nurse in sidelying on the other side.
2:15 am | OMG, third wake up. Prop up in bed to nurse properly, maybe she isn't getting enough milk laying down? Put her back in the co-sleeper, hoping that somehow helps this horrible night. She does fall asleep in there eventually....after being awake for a freaking hour. Sigh. This is why I hate putting her back in there. It's so much harder than just falling back to sleep with her in our bed.
4:00 am | Okay this is just ridiculous. She's awake and fussy again. Bring her back into bed, nurse in sidelying and pass out. Four wake ups and one of them lasted a full hour? The worst.
5:30 am | Nate's alarm goes off and we begin it all again. Definitely planning to nap today.

And that is a day in our lives, Summer 2012. I want to do these regularly if I can muster the energy!
I love reading your blog, and I love day in the life posts! Sorry it was
ReplyDeletesuch an exhausting day. I'm exhausted just reading it!! I you have a
relaxing weekend!! :)
Awesome, awesome, awesome post - nice work! What a day. It will be so fun to look back on one day and you will like, holy crap, how did I manage that?! I'm impressed. ;) Love all the pics! You've inspired me to do one of these for myself soon.
ReplyDeleteOh Lord. What a bad night Julia! But I'm impressed that you threw a workout in. I would have napped for sure. And I love those PJs. I'm goin to look into them!
ReplyDeleteWhew, I'm tired just reading this!! This was fun to read - crazy and busy, but I'm excited for it to be me. :) And the train set! T will die!! Love it.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking of doing another day in the life post and I think you've inspired me...I need to do one now before baby comes so I can compare!
Whoa!! Busy day!!! But I love that I made it in there :) You're doing great, mama!
ReplyDeleteWOW. I'm exhausted just thinking about this. You are a champ! The comment about Truman "not done pushing it out yet" had me LOLing! ha ha
ReplyDeleteSounds dead on, right down to the walking around while nursing, the fussy baby and the whiny toddler, lol. I agree, those are the hard times with two! I should do one soon too just to remind myself if I"m ever wanting another baby, lol!!!
ReplyDeleteI need a nap just reading this. It's so tiring isn't it? Sounds like CC just loves her mama too much to sleep ;)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading this post. Not only does it give me a real glimpse into your life but it also brings back a lot of memories!
Do this again, for sure. Also? He beer was my favorite part of the whole day :)
Just recently found your blog and am inspired to leave my first comment to say, "Thank you!" I only have one baby so your day, obviously, is far more stressful than mine, but it's so helpful to be reminded other people are in the trenches at 3 a.m., too! And also, that dry-erase menu board idea? Genius!
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing!! How cool will it be to read this again in a year or two?! And I love that nursing gown! I'm definitely getting one when number 2 comes along :)
ReplyDeleteUgh - sorry if you get, like, 3 comments from me. I should not be trying to do this at work while doing 80 other things!
ReplyDeleteAnd now I want a Blue Moon. Dang it!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely takes me back to the newborn/toddler stage. And definitely makes you appreciate those showers... I could just feel the appreciation for it through this post!
You're doing great!
Oooooh man, I'm so tired already and this did not help ;)
ReplyDeleteI had to go back to confirm that I was indeed one of the emails sent during that epic dual naptime - thank god you got that downtime, but it's amazing just how quickly you can still be tired/frustrated/annoyed/impatient when both are up and crankpots later despite the long break.
My last day in the life had a very very similar "annoyed while baby-wearing and cooking" photo - ha! Except I wasn't also contending with a toddler at the time.
I always think this is the quarter I'm not going to do a day in the life, and then I want to do another one. I don't care if these posts are overdone and some hate them, I really do LOVE looking back on them - it's amazing how much life chances in 3-4 months when you have small children!
Oh, one thing I also loved is how honest you are with your frequent irritation with Nate, usually over things that aren't necessarily anything bad - I can definitely relate ;)
Hope today is slightly more relaxing!!
i love your blog. i just had my baby girl in march and wish i would have posted one of these! now i'm back to work and it seems like maternity leave was so long ago.
ReplyDeleteyou do a great job!!! keep on going!
I'm usually a silent stalker, but I just love day in the life posts!! Nursing sounds exhausting.
ReplyDeleteWow! That's one busy day.
ReplyDeleteI don't comment very often, but I read often and just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed following your adventures.
Also, the next time I complain about being tired, I'm going to remember your day!
Great post! We're expecting #2 in March and I've been wondering what my days as a SAHM of two will look like. GULP. CAn you do this again when it gets easier to give me some hope? haha
ReplyDeleteI am seriously scared to have another baby now... :). Maybe I should wait until Rowan is 5! Good job, Momma!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post and insight into life with two kids. I don't really have a blog, but I might try to do this to remember what its like with my 9 month old daughter. I bet its really fun to look back on. You rock that you even got a run in!! Keep up the good work mama!!
ReplyDeleteThis post was AMAZING! So many relatable moments even though I only have half the kiddos you have! It's nice to know someone else rushes through meals and walks their fussy baby outside (although it's like 110 here in AZ but I swear the sun distracts her!). I can't believe you do all of this, you are super mom!!!
ReplyDeleteYour days are SO similar to mine, it's crazy! I have a 2 year old boy (just turns 2 today, actually) and an 8 week old baby girl. When our days are great, they're GREAT! But when they're tough, man they're tought. My two little ones always seem to cry simultaneously and I never seem to handle it like a champ. It is just so nice to read what your day is like to know that others are having days just like me, and that we all make it through. Such a lucky life we live. Lucky and hard, but lucky :) Thanks for posting!
ReplyDeletethis sounds exactly like my day but I do it EVERY day! And Nick is more high maintenance than Sophie. He whines and gets bored easily so I do an outting with them every single day. We usually are out the door by 9, 10 at the latest and go do something fun or else the entire day is spent with me yelling at Nick and him getting into everything he knows he's not supposed to. I'm getting so sick of the train store and the zoo. These are stressful days, esp when I'm out and Sophie starts crying and it's hard to manage the two of them when Nick is running off. I can't wait for it to get easier and for her to sleep longer than 4 hrs at a time!
ReplyDeleteWow. Your days make me tired and mine can self entertain. Good you.
ReplyDeleteI will suggest putting Cece down for "bedtime" around 6-7 pm and considering any wake ups after that as part of the night. :) Maybe she needs the peace and quiet to get a really good nights sleep -- she sounds so similiar to my Max-er-butt. We used to walk him around between 6pm and 9pm for a few weeks (he was a bit younger) and once we went with the dark room around 5 or 6pm, he was golden. Now, she does take a MUCH longer nap than he does even at 7 months now, but it might be worth a shot. And some sanity.
Man, you two are strong. :) Keep up the good work!
Any bottle luck?
What kind of cosleeper do you use?
ReplyDeleteKristen---it's the 'Arm's Reach' mini co-sleeper.
Having my first baby in February ... guess I should sleep in when I can right now? LOL. ;)
ReplyDeleteomg, this post killed me!! Sounds exactly like my day....even down to the spit up wet spot in the bed. I start back to work today and scarily, I miss the mayhem. Keep on rockin, sister!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! You are a wonderful mama! What a great family you have!
ReplyDeleteI LOL'd at "my husband sneezed, I almost killed him." I can so relate, except I have a 16 month old who sleeps great at night, so I have no excuse for my irritation. :-)
ReplyDeleteI've read your blog for a long time and I swear my son is Truman's twin, just a year behind. I always looked back in your weekly/monthly posts from when Truman was a baby, and sure enough, my son was always right there with him haha. My mom even knows about him - she always says, "well what about that blog baby? what was he doing at this age?" haha.
Anyway, my question for you - when did Truman get really into trains? I always look at train tables/sets at consignment stores, and consider buying them to hold onto until James is ready. They all say ages 3+, but it sounds like boys are interested before that? I just don't want to buy something and store it forever. He'll be 2 in March.
myrunningjourney--love that we have twins!
ReplyDeleteTruman got into Thomas right around his second birthday--and it's only progressed from there. We saw Elmo, working trucks, and garbage trucks fade into the background over the past few months and now its ALL about trains. If you find a great deal on trains get some! But who knows, maybe yours won't be as crazy as mine? :)
It's amazing that you tackled this while still early-in-the-two-kids game! I was honestly scared to do a full DITL until Oliver was four months and even then I purposely choose a weekend day. Anyway, kudos!
ReplyDeleteAlso: YES to "remembering to breathe", 12 hours alone with kids = WHOA NELLY, BLue Moon :)
(PS - So many commentors!! You popular gal, you.)
I love reading these day in the life because I usually just say, "YUP" the entire time: the knowingly pooping in the diaper (with NO interest in sitting on the potty); BREEDING EARLY RISERS!!; those long long days (my hubby travels a lot) and in general just trying to balance accomplishing anything without feeling like you are completely neglecting one and/or both kids!
ReplyDeleteWe have a big train fan too, where did you get those potty chart? Labor Day weekend=potty training doomsday here.
I am so impressed that you actually participated while on maternity leave with two wee ones! I tried to do the same thing last fall and failed miserably. You captured what it's like so perfectly I'll just come back here whenever I want to remember the craziness :)
ReplyDeleteWow, what a day! Your kiddos are ADORABLE and I LOVE their names!!! So cute!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad I'm not alone here!
The potty 'train' charts are from me googling 'thomas potty training charts.'
One is a true Thomas one and one is just by 'child avenue'
This is a great post!!!
ReplyDeletelike everyone else said, you get 5 gold stars for doing such a detailed DITL with so much on your plate. I'm also amazed at how much you pumped considering you nursed not that much earlier - go you!! makes me also want to waite a solid couple of years for a 2nd child...I did a DITL but couldn't get it finished in time for Laura to post with all the rest so it's there if you want to take a peek (if you have time :) )
ReplyDeleteLove reading detailed accounts of other people's lives! New reader... just saying Hi.