The party itself was at 4pm, which we figured would be good timing for naps. But, of course, Cecelia didn't go down for her second one until 3pm and I eventually had my mom wake her up close to 5pm. Because, really? Silly girl!!
We had a TON of food and drinks---made by Tony, Lois, Nate, Memaw and myself. Good old team effort on this one. And 28 people were there (including kids) which is one of the biggest parties we've ever had. My mom flew in from Colorado, Memaw flew in from Missouri and then Lois' two sisters came this time, too. Combine all of them with our 'usual' friends (and a few more who we don't see as often) and it was one crazy houseful of fun.
Can I be more annoying and say again that it was an awesome party? All 12 of the kids were just freaking adorable, it was fun to catch up with the adults (even though it's always a little frazzling to be the hostess, feeling like I'm never really sitting down long enough to chat with people), and Cecelia did great considering all of the overstimulation. Definitely worth all of the anticipation and planning! When can I do it again?
Picture time.
Candids of our guests! Loved that we could spread out to the backyard and driveway a bit, although it was pretty hot and humid inside AND outside this day.

The princess is finally ready to greet her guests after getting her beauty sleep. And note my mom's shirt...she also made one for Lois and Memaw. Hilarious---carrying on the tradition of wearing a 'I let my grandkids walk all over me' or 'My grandkids can't keep their hands off of me' tee shirt from Truman's first birthday party and beyond. My mom used to have her own crafting store out of our home (shocking, I know) and she would make these sweatshirts back in the 90's---total hit back then and brings back memories for us now! She keeps telling people that she has about 4 more sets of footprints on her shirt for future grand-babies if needed. Wink Wink. ;)

I wanted to scramble and get a few posed family shots once Cecelia was finally awake.
Family of four, one year strong;)

Four generations:

Nate's parents, aka the best in-laws in the history of the world:

And the 'grandmas' with their shirts. Nate's grandma couldn't make it this time, but how awesome would it have been to have BOTH of Cecelia's great-grandmas present?! Also, kids are over it already.

Our menu included: burgers/brats/hot dogs, homemade baked beans, potato chips, potato salad, Asian slaw, bow tie pasta with asparagus, black bean quinoa salad, a big bowl of freshly cut fruit, a raw veggie platter with spinach dip....and then the cupcakes and cookies. We will be eating leftovers this week;)

Cecelia looked like a total doll in her dress, and my mom helped me tie the bow so that C didn't just pull it out every time she crawled on the floor. The onesie dress is by Charlie and Mills and I'm obsessed with it! Plus, she even wore my mom's headband the whole time. What are the chances?!

Time to open presents! Truman had already begged me to let him help his sister on this, and I knew it would be pure chaos with so many 'helpers'---but Cecelia didn't seem to mind too much. And she made a killing in the gift department! Basically a whole new summer wardrobe and books and toys all her own. Lucky girl!! Also, tired girl already yawning here;)

Freaking adorable new outfits.

Started to get really into it now.

So many helpers for our girl.

Loves her tea party set so much.

Tried to get her to pose with me, got a scowl instead. Cutie patootie.

And then we immediately did her smash cake and I'm so mad at myself because I forgot to get a video of us singing to her. I did get a few videos of her eating the cake but the singing part is lost forever in our memories! Also, probably should have removed the little pennant banner from the cake before lighting the candle. Was worried about it starting on fire and it also covered up her face for pictures, but it was cute so whatever! She was enthralled with the flame but didn't try to grab, surprisingly.

Oh, she is just too much for me sometimes.

I totally expected this child to demolish her smash cake. But, just like her brother, she was pretty tentative and unsure of what to do. After I gave her a lick of the icing from my finger she sort of got it, but it was hilarious to watch her reaction. Like, 'Really? This is all for me?'

She preferred to keep her hands mostly clean and started going at it face first. Oh, Cecelia.

It's always nice to have a photographer friend present at our parties;) I think Andrea has snapped pictures from my camera each year now.

She seriously sat in that chair, taking small bites and licking the heck out of the cake for 45 minutes. Just hanging out, watching her guests, and eating cake. HA!

Tried to make her wear the crown but she wasn't into that distraction. So she went without and continued on her mission to lick the cake to death.

Little lady was ALL about giving sloppy kisses from her high chair. First Memaw got one, then Nate, and then I captured this kiss to Erin---some of my favorite pictures of the day. My sweet girl just wanted to spread the love, feeling so happy on the day of her party, I guess. ;)

And she was finished.

More chatting and eating and attempting a group shots of some of the moms and our littlest kids.

I looked at the clock and it was 7:30 and a few of our guests started heading out. Once everyone was gone but our families, I gave the party girl a bath and she passed out from all of the excitement....and has been tired ever since! It's hard work to be the center of attention but she loved every second of it. Cleaning up after the party was kind of sad for me, like 'awww, it's over.' I still need to take down most of the decorations and finish thank you notes, but it was such a fun time and I think we are all riding the high from celebrating our girl.
So much fun. I love birthday parties.
I didn't show this one at the party because I had the photo slideshow playing on the TV the whole time, instead. But here is the video slideshow I made for her first year and I just had our parents/grandparents watch it after the party instead (and I may have watched it myself a few dozen times already, too). It's 17 minutes long but I wanted to link to it anyway, just in case anyone wanted to reminisce with me a little bit more.;)
ceceliafirstyearvid from Julia H. on Vimeo.
Love the cake pictures, she's so adorable! The post party hangover is killer, I'm still finding random things to take down or put away LOL. Looks like you all had a blast and that everyone enjoyed themselves!
ReplyDeleteYou got some amazing pictures! Such beautiful memories. It was a great party!
ReplyDeleteAn the answer to the question, when do I get to do it again? When your third child turns one! :)
Great pictures! What a fun party.
ReplyDeleteAnd I watched the video. :) Besides the obvious fact of how much CeCe has grown, isn't it crazy how different Truman is in the newborn videos vs. the one at the end with them throwing the dog toy? So wild.
This party was awesome! And I love how many pictures you captured of the guests. And the open-mouthed kisses? DEAD! I wish I could get Henry to do that. ;) (Starting kissing practice TONIGHT.)
ReplyDeleteLooks like it was so fun, and the cutest decorations, as always! You make it all look so easy - mom of two, decorating, baking, printing pics, making picture/video montages! How do you find the time?! The video was the cutest, I just can't imagine what a big job it probably was making it and finding all those old videos, I would love to do something like that but how would I sift through them all! Happy birthday CC, it has been AMAZING watching you grow! I remember watching Truman's first year video of pictures, time really does fly by. xoxo