

No, my water did not break. I'm not currently in labor.


I'm being induced tomorrow night!!!

My doctor called me within 45 minutes of me dropping off my pee today. Not a good sign when the doctor herself makes the call, right? She informed me that my urine test was positive for protein this time and therefore I officially have Pre-Eclampsia. Gulp. She told me not to freak out too much, that the cut off score is 300 and my urine was at 302. HOWEVER, that is still a positive result and since I'm full term she needs to induce me. I'm pretty sure that my creeping BP and rapid weight gain tipped the scales of her decision, too.

So of course my first question was: "Well, what about my unfavorable cervix?" To which she responded, 'That is the million dollar question.' She went on to say that I will come in at 7 pm and stay the night at the hospital tomorrow, where they'll begin to use cervical ripeners overnight to get things rolling. Then Sunday morning is when they will start pitocin and we'll just have to go from there. She said it can sometimes take a VERY long time...as in days, depending on how my body responds. I think she said the average time this takes is 30 hours. THIRTY FREAKING HOURS. I mean, I feel like I should get my marathon mindset in gear you know? She is not pushing an epidural on me immediately or any other intervention but basically said we'll be having lots of conversations throughout the day depending on the course of things.

Let me take a time out from all of this to just say: "HOLY HELL, IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?" Now I'm going to squeal a little bit. Now I'm remembering to breathe. Okay, continuing post....

So anyway, she talked me through the process and told me I will be having a baby possibly on Sunday or Monday. Either a February baby or March....we shall see? I'll be right at 38 weeks on Sunday, so little 'Los is going to make his appearance 2 weeks early. Dear Lord I hope he is ready for this!

Obviously, I freaked out a bit at first. What if my body doesn't respond to the induction and I end up with a C-section? What if the baby isn't mature enough and needs lots of NICU time? What if I'm in labor for freaking THREE DAYS? But luckily Nate talked me down, as usual, and informed me that this is extremely exciting. He even made this statement: "Baby, this is going to be fun! We're going to have a baby in a few days!" I guess it's starting to sink in now but that doesn't mean I'm freaking out any less:)

My parents will be making the drive up on Sunday and are so excited. I made a few calls, sent texts, and now I'm just trying to process it all. Nate is being my voice of reason and I cannot put into words how grateful I am to have him in my corner. We're gearing up for an eventful, intense, and unforgettable experience, you guys. We are going to be parents VERY soon!!

I'll have my laptop handy at the hospital for sure and will update as I can. But obviously, any happy thoughts or prayers would be greatly appreciated for baby blueberry Carlos. I cannot wrap my head around the fact he is on his way out!

Oh, and so much for shortened maternity leave. If there is one positive thing about this process it's that I will get my full 12 weeks now. Whoo hoo!

And yes, I will post his name as soon as possible. I know that is what everyone is waiting for most of all:)


  1. Hang in there, Julia. No matter what happens, you and the baby will be healthy and happy and you will get to meet him so soon....how great is that!! Can't wait to hear all the details!!

  2. Best wishes on a quick speedy delivery!! Can't wait for updates on the little guy!

  3. I am so excited for you! I've been following your blog since before you were even pregnant. I must also admit our pregnancies sound almost exactly alike-only my baby girl, Wren, was born at 37 weeks instead. I got goosebumps reading this post because it brought back the day I had Wren. It is a bit nerve-wracking, but in all honesty, I loved every single minute. Congratulations, girl!

  4. Good luck!! Praying for a safe delivery for you and Carlos!

  5. what a little roller coaster you have been on - glad you are on your way to relieving the high BPs and getting that baby in your arms!

  6. Yay, Julia! I am so excited for you, Nate, and Henry! Good luck! I know you are going to do great. Can't wait to see pictures of little Carlos :) GO GIRL!!!

  7. Holy crap!! Saying prayers for a very healthy and smooth delivery for you, and a very healthy and happy baby! Can't wait for updates!

  8. So exciting! Looks like everything is working out just perfectly! Congrats!

  9. Eeeeek! You and Carlos (and Nate) are all going to do great--positive thinking! Plus, he's considered full-term for a reason. Try not to worry too much! I can't wait to hear his name. :)

  10. Hi Julia, you don't know me but a friend of mine reads your blog and told me about your worries being induced and having your baby boy early. Just wanted to give you 2 positive stories to think about. My sister had to be induced with her first-born and was still able to have a very normal vaginal delivery (I think she was only in labor for 7 hours.) He is now almost 4 years old. And the biggest story for you - same sister also had twin girls...at 27 weeks. They celebrated their first birthday yesterday! While they were in the NICU for about 2 months, they are perfectly healthy and happy today. Good luck these next few days! Saying some prayers of strength for you and baby!

    Littleton, CO

  11. I'm so happy that you get all your maternity leave now!! I did not want to say anything before because you didn't have control over it, but that was seriously breaking my heart. Thank God that it's all working out!

    Julia, I am so so excited for you. You are in for such a ride, girl. You are going to do awesome tomorrow/Sunday. I'll be praying so hard all day for you guys.


  12. GOOD LUCK julia!!! praying for a smooth labor and delivery for you!


  13. YOU CAN DO IT!! Julia, I hope that you, Nate and Henry have a wonderful birth weekend :)

  14. So exciting....good luck! Prayers coming your way :)

  15. I'll be thinking of you! Good luck and I hope everything goes smoothly. You're going to me a mommy! That is so awesome!

  16. I'm so excited for you!! I've been following your blog for a while. I had preeclampsia at 29 weeks and delivered at 30 weeks and my 5 month old baby boy is the picture of health ....at your stage, you are full term and you should be fine! :) It's good your dr is playing things safe...try to relax and just enjoy bringing your little "Carlos" into the world. :) Praying for a safe delivery for mommy and baby!! Can't wait to see pictures and find out the name!!

  17. I am so excited for you! I'll continue to pray for a smooth delivery for you and Carlos! I cannot wait to see him, and hear all about it! Good luck!

  18. best wishes for a fast delivery! Can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures of your beautiful baby boy.

  19. Your post got me all teary. I'm so excited for you, girl. But wow, maybe days? Yikes!! I pray that all goes as smoothly as possible and that mister man comes sooner rather than later! Thinking of you and Nate ... keep us posted! And do your best to relax between now and tomorrow night. ;) Easier said than done, I'm sure!!!

  20. Best of luck, Julia! Can't wait to hear the little guy's name! You will do great!

  21. Oh my goodness! How exciting! (And scary? Yeah, maybe a little!) I know you and Carlos will be fine -- you have so many people thinking of you and sending you happy delivery thoughts!

    Seriously, good luck!!!!!!!!

  22. And also, whoo hoo for the full 12 weeks with the man!!!!

    And I second what another commenter said - you're in for one wild ride! Ahhhh!!

    Hugs and prayers and tons of good vibes are coming your way this weekend!

  23. Oh my goodness - good luck gal :) You are all in our thoughts....sending lots of good wishes your way :) xx

  24. So excited for you! I'll be praying everything goes smoothly and you and 'Los are both super healthy and happy!

  25. Good luck with everything! It sounds like you have a really great doctor. You will end up happy and healthy with a beautiful baby, no matter how he arrives!

  26. Hang in there, I will be praying for you. My first son was born at 37.5 wks and was perfectly healthy. I pray your cervix does just what it needs to so that you can avoid that C-section.

  27. Praying and holding out lots of good thoughts for you and your little family. Remember to breath and take it one centimeter at a time.

  28. Good luck, Julia! I will thinking and praying for you guys! :-)

  29. OMG I am so excited for you, I have been checking my blog roll just to see if you are in labor! I will send my prayers your way and I cant wait for updates, I know I dont even know you but I love babies and the whole process so good luck and best wishes for you and your family.

  30. I just squealed out loud while reading this post!!! So excited for you and the awesome journey that you and Nate are about to take - meeting your son so soon! Congratulations and can't wait for the updates; many prayers coming your way!

  31. You are going to be fine girl! Hang in there! I'll be thinking of you!

    I know pleanty of girls who were induced that did not have c-sections, that went on to have healthy and happy babies! ")

  32. Here's to YOU, your husband and baby blueberry! Early congrats :-) I'm sure everything will go very smoothly! Good luck and I'm so excited to read more. I've read every pregnancy post since you announced so I've been waiting for this day :-) Hehe.

    I love how you compared the process to a marathon! HAHA! Get your clothes out, eat a good breakfast (if you can) and go! :-)

  33. Reading your post makes me want to do it all over again (and my baby is only 4 months!!). Can't wait to see pictures! Good luck!!!!

  34. Yeah! Congratulations! I'll be thinking about you guys. I can't wait to hear how it all goes. Best of luck!!!

  35. I'm so excited I feel like I'm having my own child within the next few days!!!!

    I'll be praying that all goes well [I'm positive it WILL]. And I'm sure you're in good hands.

    Oh my gosh...you're going to have that baby in your arms soon! I can't wrap my head around that...HOW EXCITING!!!!!

  36. I'm so excited for you guys, best best wishes for a wonderful and safe delivery! Can't wait to see the little guy!

  37. This is so exciting! I'll be thinking good, fast, healthy labor thoughts for you all weekend. Good luck!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. OH MY GOD! I'm so excited for you! I mean, this is the right thing to do, hon. It's time! It's your turn! Please know that I will be hoping and praying for you and 'los. You'll do great. Now go become a MOTHER :)

  40. Wow, what an amazing mix of emotions you must be feeling! I am glad to hear your doctor is following you closely to do everything in her power for a healthy momma & baby!
    I can't wait to hear the updates. I am sending good vibes to your cervix :o). You, Nate, big brother Henry, and little 'Los will be in my prayers! I hope you're able to get a decent amount of rest tonight.

  41. YOUR GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!! How freaking exciting. I was really getting worried about pre-eclampsia I was almost sure you had it with all the rising blood test but was so hopeful you didn't. I'm just glad they figured it out and now you're on your way to meet baby C. Kick butt in the delivery room!!!!!

  42. I'm so excited for you and Nate! Prayers being sent that things progress as easy and smoothly as possible and that baby makes his healthy and safe entry into the world. Lots of luck to all of you and I can't wait for the updates. Yay!!!

  43. happy thoughts!!! good luck with it all can't wait ti hear about it. i like reading all of you preggo people's blogs before i even have to think about going through it all. :) enjoy!!!

  44. Wow, Julia!!! Lots of T & P for you. You're going to be a mommy!! Eek :).

  45. Awww congratulations! You and Los will do fine!

  46. I'm saying prayers over here in Madison! It'll all be worth it when he's in your arms!

  47. You can do this! How exciting that you'll get to meet your son so soon!

  48. So exciting!!! Good luck, I hope you have quick labor and delivery! Can't wait to hear the name and see pictures!

  49. Oh my goodness! How exciting! Here's to a speedy delivery and a healthy baby boy.

  50. Good luck and best wishes to you, your little guy and Nate! I'll be thinking and praying everything goes well for you this weekend.

  51. BREATHE my friend!! You will do GREAT!! Can't wait to see pics of little 'Los! Big hugs your way!!

  52. Good luck Julia. I'm so excited for you and Nate (and Henry too)!

  53. Wow, that is so exciting! Will be praying for a smooth delivery and a healthy baby Carlos :) Such an amazing time - enjoy every moment!!

  54. So excited for you! I'm praying for you, Nate, and baby!

  55. Yay Julia, how exciting! I am thinking of you and sending all of my positive thoughts your way!

  56. Congrats, good luck, and I hope everything goes smoothly with your delivery! Can't wait to hear what Carlos' real name is!

  57. Hi Julia...I've been following your blog for a long time- back in the wedding planning days. I actually purchased your cookie jars from you to use at my wedding for a candy bar! I'm sending good thoughts your way! Giving birth is the most intense and incredible experience. It is truly beyond words. It sounds like you have wonderful support in Nate which will help immensely. I can't wait to see pics of the little guy! Best of luck! ~Molly

  58. wow how exciting I will be praying for you..good luck!

  59. I'm sending hugs and best wishes your way! I can't believe how close you are to meeting Carlos. Hang in there...you can do this!

  60. Wishing you the best of luck in this! Can't wait to see photos of you and your healthy baby

  61. Hope it all goes well for you guys! Good luck and can't wait to "meet" baby Los.

  62. holy hell is right!! wow! so exciting!

    i'll be thinking of you and praying for you that you stay well throughout the day and that carlos arrives safely. i'll also be praying for a full recovery-- because mamas needs more prayers than babies!

  63. Thoughts and prayers to you and Lil' Los (he sounds like a rapper with that name!) Best wishes for a speedy labor!

  64. Julia, am so happy the time has finally arrived and you'll soon have the cutest blessing in your arms :) Will be praying for a QUICK, easy, HEALTHY delivery! So excited for you!

  65. God bless the three of you...you will all be in my prayers! So very exciting!!!!!! WOW!! You are going to be just great!


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