
three videos, three pictures (part two)

(just an average day, messing around with poor baby boy)

you know with two PT parents this boy gets his fair share of tummy time and I think he's starting to like it!

and his signature noises are always cute and entertaining (at least to me!)

And the pictures:
1. Love this facial expression

2. So typically Truman

3. Trying to get the rug in the background of this shot lead to a funky neck on baby boy. He didn't seem to mind:)


  1. I love the last picture even with the weird neck position--it's so cute!!

  2. I also love the last one--he's just hanging out like "What's up Mom?" And you are so lucky he likes tummy time! Noelle has hated it from the very beginning.

  3. Love it! He is so cute. My husband got me a flip video camera for Christmas and so far I've been using it to capture funny stuff the dog does.. I can't wait to use it to get video of our baby (due in November!)!


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