Today on the Moms Make it Work series we have Cindy writing about being a mother to eleven children (new record for this series!), staying at home with them, homeschooling, and all that a life with a large family entails. Cindy reached out to me, offering to write their story, and I knew I was intrigued to hear from this mom who has experienced so much with so many children. My favorite part of her post? "Mommies? This is a tough job. In the trenches, day in and day
out…Don’t. Allow. Guilt. YOU are exactly what your child/ren need. Whether you are a SAHM or a working
mommy, don’t allow guilt to steal any time or energy. " YES. No guilt. Only support. Enjoy the entire post!

What is your
background story? What was your career/schooling before you became a mom? And
where are you now?
I’m a Canadian but grew up in both
Canada and the USA, due to my Dad’s job.
I love both countries!
(Does that make me a CanMerican??!?) I am married to my forever knight, John, and we have 11
children on this side of heaven, ranging from 22 years old (and his wife
Kassidy!) to 8 months. I am a
Labor and Delivery nurse by training; a SAHM by choice. We’re a homeschooling family and try to
honor God in all that we do…(and therefore are VERY grateful for His grace!!)
What are the best
parts of your situations? What are the challenges?
Although I had some
reservations with becoming a SAHM initially, I wouldn’t trade it for the world
now. I love being able to watch my
kids grow, learn and mature day in and day out. I love being the one to tuck them in for nap, read stories,
and kiss boo-boos. I am grateful
to be the one that they can come to and ask profound questions. I feel as though I know my kids on a
much deeper level since we made this shift to having me home as well as home
educating our children. They are
also more in tune with each other.
One of my favorite things is watching the older ones with the little ones. Babies and toddlers keep their hearts
tender. Seeing our Grade 9
daughter go from being SO STRESSED
and very upset over upcoming exams melt into a puddle of lovies when her three
year old brother notices her angst, shares his blankie with her and tells her
“It’s OK…Don’t be sad. I wove you!” - moments we will treasure forever.

That being said, there are challenges as well. As a matter of fact, the flip side of the coin bears mentioning. We spend A LOT of time together. A LOT. Being a large family that doesn’t happen to have a 5,000 square foot house means there is precious little alone time to be had. By anyone. Ever. At least not without a 4 hour zoning meeting. Add homeschool to the mix, and you have days where only the stolen moments in your closet working through a king size O Henry bar get you through. (
to me, obviously
Is this how you expected it to be pre-kids?
Um…NO. If someone had told me 23 years ago
that I would have 11 kids I would have laughed hysterically. We had PLANS! 5 and 10 year goals!
I wanted 4 kids, John wanted 4 to 6. I always joked and said that would be complicated…because I
was having four. I was
surprised to realize that after the birth of my fourth child, I was
grieving. Every little thing he
did, my heart lurched at the thought that I would never see this stage
again…John was feeling the same way.
For the sake of keeping this down to a post instead of a three part
series, over the next 2 years (and a surprise baby – YES! It can happen!) we mulled over the idea
of letting God decide our family size.
Going from, “Did you actually say that out loud??” and “This is crazy, you’re only 32 and
we already have 5 kids! We’ll end
up having, like, 10 kids or something!!” to the realization that:
If we claim to
believe the Bible, and children are only ever referred to as a blessing or
reward, why are we refusing??!?
That God opens and
closes the womb…and we’d witnessed friends go through the agony and heartbreak
of infertility…were we willing to be the ones to choose to close the womb
And finally, the
clincher…with EVERY conception, a soul is created. An eternal soul that has a DIVINE purpose. We don’t create life, we are merely the
vessels God uses to bring forth LIFE. Wow…
We realized that we
weren’t wise enough, intelligent enough, divine enough at all to decide
if a person should EXIST.
So, here we are, 11
kids so far. Have we always found
this decision easy? No. There are seasons that are very trying:
job loss, difficult pregnancies, a son born with cleft lip and palate and
bilateral clubfoot, two preemies, one born at 30 weeks and spent 3 months in
the hospital. But truthfully? As crazy as all this sounds? None of these trials even come close
to the incredible blessing that each child is in our lives. Also? God provides in all ways! We are actually better off financially now then we were
before we made this decision! I
can truthfully claim the truth of Ephesians 3:20: “Now to him who is able to do
immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at
work within us…”

Is this your ideal situation? If not, what is?
Ideal: i·de·al/īˈdē(ə)l
satisfying one's
conception of what is perfect; most suitable.
That would entail
a 5,000 square foot house with 12 bedrooms, a vehicle with one of those
soundproof tinted windows that glides up soundlessly between driver/passenger
seat and the rest of the wailing wagon van. Oh, and a walk in closet with a large safe to hold a year’s
supply of O Henry bars. And
Lindt…but I digress…
Yes, it IS ideal
for us. We are right where the
Lord has led us, therefore, we are exactly where we need to be. We are extraordinarily blessed, and at
times we are extraordinarily stressed.
The truth is there will never be a ‘satisfying of one’s conception of
what is perfect’. Not on this side
of heaven. No matter what goals we
achieve or status we reach, there is always the next level to attain. We must learn to look for the joys of today, or accept that today is all we
have. Even during the tough times,
we have lessons to learn there, lessons that will strengthen us or prepare us
for the blessings or trials to come.

Do you see yourself making a career change (whatever that means) in the next 5-10 years? Or is this current set up staying put for the long haul?
As my little one is
8 months old and I’m the primary Homeschooling Parent, this is the plan for the
long haul for now!

Tips on how you make your situation work for you:
Scheduling. I am a planner (organizational
freak) at heart, so this comes easy for me. What used to be a personality trait is now a necessity. Much of life is scheduled in one way or
another at this point, which is what keeps it all on track…most days.

How do you handle mommy guilt?
I’ve learned that
guilt is destructive, defeating. I
won’t allow it. As soon as I
realize I’m feeling the burden of guilt I stop and examine it. God never burdens us with guilt. God will bring conviction of heart, but
never the burden of guilt. We are
human. We will fail. We all need grace because we will
always fall short. There are many
days where I lay in bed at night, thinking over my day. Was I harsh with her? OMGosh! I told him I’d help him study tonight and I got
distracted…again…and on it goes. I
can easily fall into a place where I could weep at all I’ve missed, or messed
up. Guilt leaves me in that round-about “I’m such a bad mommy” / “I can’t
handle this” cycle of lies.
Instead, if I take the time to accept the nudge of conviction, it leads
to grace, which leads to a chance to redeem. So, was I harsh?
If so, why? Was I just
venting because outside commitments/stressors were putting pressure on me? Then I was unfair to my daughter and I
need to ask her for forgiveness. I
then need to examine if I have taken too much on, or if I need a plan of action
to deal with long-term stressors, etc.
Why did I forget to help him with his studies? Because My Life in
Transition posted today and she’s having contractions??? Oops…ya, dropped the ball. Need to apologize and carve out time
for him tomorrow morning…and schedule my blog reading time! Because people are coming over tomorrow
and I need to have fresh baked cookies?
Oops…pride?? Store bought
would’ve been fine too…(except then there is no batter to eat, but that is
beside the point. Totally.)
Because one of his little brothers got sick? Then, no need for sadness, this is a perfect lesson of deference
for our older son.

There are times
when a situation brings us to a place where we have no choice but to walk the
path before us. Our 10th
baby was born premature and he spent 3 months in a hospital an hour away from
our home. Every day I drove back
and forth, sometimes twice a day.
I was trying to be there for this little baby that needed me so much,
but I had my other children at home that needed me just as much. My mom flew into town to help us, which
was a real blessing…yet, I was often wracked with guilt that I couldn’t seem to
shake. In this case, as my dear
husband pointed out, my sadness and aching desire to have my family together
was just part of the journey. It
wasn’t my fault, and there wasn’t anything I could do to change any of it. He suggested that I try to turn my
thoughts to all the blessings I could identify in the situation, and dwell on these
1 Thessalonians 5:18: “ In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
So, through tears, I began a list of blessings: We were blessed to live near enough to
a top hospital for premature babies.
The doctor assigned to our son’s care was Chief of NICU, and he was a
gentle, kind, approachable man. We
had a reliable vehicle. My mom was
home with my kids when we couldn’t be.
My little son was slowly getting stronger.
Mommies? This is a tough job. In the trenches, day in and day
out…Don’t. Allow. Guilt. YOU are exactly what your child/ren need. Whether you are a SAHM or a working
mommy, don’t allow guilt to steal any time or energy. Pray for revelation and clarity, examine and adjust…
for new moms struggling with returning to work outside of the home? Or
struggling to decide if staying at home is the right choice?
is a TOUGH question, because it is often a heart wrenching decision to make. I’m always so careful in the way I
answer these types of questions because there can be harsh judgement on both
sides of the issue, which would lead me to point back to my answer to the
previous question.
only advice I would have for a couple struggling in making this decision is to
pray together. Then try to take pen in hand and
identify the struggle and emotions behind the issue. What are your beliefs on the raising of your children? What values do you hold dear and how
will you impart them? What are you
goals for this child/ren?
Scrutinize both options – how do they support or help to implement your
vision and goals? Is there anything that will be detrimental to them? Ask God to show you His vision for your
family. Ask Him to bring His perspective
into your plans. You may be
surprised at the solutions that come up!
How do meals work in your family? Meal planning? How often do you grocery shop? Who is in charge of this task in your family??
We strive to make
dinner a family meal. It doesn’t
always work out when John is on evening shifts, or the kids are out at work or
activities, but whoever is home joins the table.
Meal planning is,
well… scheduled! My favorite
system is the Big Cook system, (Siemens, Thomas, Smith - amazon). This is once-a-month type planning, but
their meals beat the “everything tastes the same” crock pot phenomena. The system is easily adaptable to our
favourite meals too. Although I’ve
alluded to my stress-induced sugar habit, I really am a whole food girl at
heart. This eating style does
require time and planning, as I try to avoid convenience foods. The Big Cook system makes this so much
easier. I LOVE the ease of having
30-40 days of meals planned and frozen, just waiting for me! So, a huge shopping trip once a month
for the Big Cook (which is budgeted for during the said month) and weekly
fruit/milk/staple runs. Usually
this is my job, but John does weekly runs as well.
I plan standard
breakfasts and lunches on a 7 day rotation, (Mondays always oatmeal, Tuesdays
always eggs, etc…) so that is easy and everyone knows the drill. I do plan out a monthly menu for dinner
by simply printing (double sided) a blank 30 day calendar. I then slot in which
Big Cook dinner and sides for each day of the month, and on the flip side I
write in my perishables and side dish ingredients I will need for the meal in
the coordinating slot. That way I
have an easy go-to grocery list at my fingertips at all times.
How do you keep your house clean? Power cleaning after bedtime? Staying out of the house as much as possible? Cleaning while kids are awake? Purging often? Cleaning schedule?

How do you keep your house clean? Power cleaning after bedtime? Staying out of the house as much as possible? Cleaning while kids are awake? Purging often? Cleaning schedule?
I’m a bit of a
clean-freak. When my house is
cluttered, my brain is too. I
seriously feel like I can’t put two coherent thoughts together in the midst of
a mess! (Cue O Henry) Because we have so many people at home
all day, cleaning and tidying take place all through the day. The kids each have their own chores and
the younger ones have chore packs to keep track of tasks. (Managers
of Their Chores by the Teri Maxwell is great
because even my 4 year old can have his own chore pack reminding him to wash
his face, brush his teeth and hair, and put his jammies away without needing
reminded, and he is so proud with his accomplishment! If the house gets to a point where it needs a quick tidy, I
call a “Tag Team”, which is 5-10 minutes of everyone picking up and sorting of
toys/school books/shoes, etc.
Power cleaning happens every Saturday. Purging twice a year – spring and fall cleaning. Cleaning schedule? Of course!! :0)
*What advice could
you give to young moms with little kids? What can you tell us now that you have
the perspective of time, and kids that have grown beyond the toddler/preschool
Cliché, but stark
truth: Time is fleeting…
Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go: and
when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
…be purposeful with
your time.
Often in the daily
grind of the young years we lose sight of the monumental
significance of the task before us.
Raising our children is, by far, the most important job we will ever
have. Each generation will shape
the morals, values and cultures of our communities, states (provinces), and
country. Ponder that for a
moment… ‘The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world’
is so easy to get distracted and caught in a daily rat race of our own
design. We soon discover it leads
to a chaotic life…and time slips away.
Identify personal, marital and family needs and goals and prioritize
them. Write them down. The list is a great accountability
partner. If a commitment
opportunity arises, check your list.
If it would cause an important goal to be compromised, then don’t
Edify, edify, edify! I cringe inside when I hear a parent
chastise a child and they say, “Don’t be a bad boy!” THEY are not bad.
Their decision or action was wrong. Don’t attack the child’s character, deal instead with the
offense. There is a big difference
to the heart of a child between hearing “You were a bad boy!” and, “Your
choices were not fitting for an honorable little boy like you.” I love the quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow : “A torn jacket is soon mended; but hard words
bruise the heart of a child.”
My husband came
across this truth in his readings, I wish I knew who to credit it to because it
is profound: Speak to them as if they were already like you want them to be,
not as they are in the moment. My
husband speaks to our sons about the chivalry of knights from a very early
age. (History buffs: Yes, we know
that not all knights in all eras behaved in a chivalrous/honorable manner. We have taken the Knight Code of Honor
and adjusted certain points to suit the character traits we would like to see
developed in our sons.) We refer
to our sons as ‘Knights of The King’, the King, in this case, is Christ. Our daughters are “Princesses of the
King”. Not frou-frou princesses
with flowing gowns and matching gel nails, but Princesses with an understanding
of spiritual warfare and well prepared for battle with armor of their own. The same character traits are at play.
Try to chastise your kids and bless them at the same time. “You lied to me! I am so disappointed in you!” drapes shame over a child. “Lying is not a fitting choice for a Princess of the King. I want you to go to your room and think about what brought you to make that choice.”
Give them time to
reflect on poor decisions. If you
immediately mete out consequences, they dwell on the consequence. At times it can take a few hours for one of our older kids to work
through emotions such as anger or bitterness over the situation and get to the
heart of the issue. THAT is where
conviction and change take place.
Then, deal with the heart issue and apply consequences (if necessary) that
will reinforce the need for truth.
(Younger kids need help to go through this process. Let them go to their room to calm down,
etc. then walk them through what
led to their poor choice.)

As Stormie Omartian
says in her book The Power of a Praying
Parent, being a perfect parent isn’t possible. Being a praying parent is what matters. COVER your child/ren in prayer. Pray for the present AND their
future. Pray that they will be
wise and always seek God’s heart, not His hand. Pray for their career, their spouses, for courage and
perseverance. Prayer is so very
powerful. We have seen so many answers
to prayer unfold in our lives and in the lives of our children.
When your children are
little, for the most part, their problems are little and quite easily
handled. When your children become
young adults, you realize with dismay that their problems can be BIG
problems…and you can’t “fix” them with hugs, kisses and time in their
room. It is heartbreaking to see our children go
through difficult times – we just want good things for them! But the truth is if we want our
children to be overcomers, then they need trials to overcome. There are times where prayer is
the only tool in your arsenal.
Another timeless
Enjoy this
time! Celebrate it!
I can speak from
the perspective of a Mom whose eldest is now 22 years old. He is a MAN. He is a paramedic and a firefighter by training. He is MARRIED.

It seems like only
yesterday that this young man skipped at my side holding my hand, openly
chatting about his thoughts. I’ve
often asked myself if I savored those moments enough. If I had realized that the last time he held my hand before
he realized that he was too cool/too big to do that, would I have made more of
an effort to freeze that moment of time in my mind? It passed and I never
realized it…
Mommies…it seems
like an eternity before you will see the other side of the little years. It’s a mirage…it’s just around the
corner. Take the extra minute to
get down to eye level. Set your
smartphone down when they are talking to you. Smile often.
Hug them, listen to them, take many pictures. Keep their hearts. Be in the moment…

(The nicest family shot we
actually got from our son’s wedding…yup.
The best one. Just keepin’
it real here. Note Mr. PhotoBomber
up front. He has a different face
on every. single. shot. Anyone
else remember a classic Calvin and Hobbes strip? He is NOTORIOUS for this! It cracks me up!)

Braden (left) 19. Zach 22. Knights of the King
Last, but not
least, don’t allow Date Night to be negotiable! Our children need to witness a strong, committed marriage at
work. A loving, connected, unified
couple gives the gift of security to our children. As my Mother-in-Law always says, “There will come a season
where the children will be gone living their own lives, and you are left where
you started. As a couple. Make sure you still know each other!”
We are all on a
journey… Do I achieve these parenting
goals every day, during every season?
No. I aspire to be this
Mommy every day. When I make it
happen, I am so grateful at the end of the night. I throw away my wrappers and triple brush my teeth, and kiss
my sleeping angels. When I don’t,
I try to remember Lamentations 3:22-23: The
faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease. Great
is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
Grace for the day,
Mommies. If God gives it to us
every morning, then extend the same gentleness to yourselves!
May you all be
richly blessed on this journey of parenthood!
{Thanks, Cindy! Find the rest of the MMIW series here}
{Thanks, Cindy! Find the rest of the MMIW series here}
I love these posts from true veteran moms. Such wonderful advice, especially that we are who are children need us to be (no guilt) and helping our children work through their emotions. Thanks for the valuable thoughts!
ReplyDeleteWow, Cindy! I am impressed! Your family is so beautiful and I loved how you wrote that the time we have is a mirage. I know I'm going to blink and my littles will be big and off to college!
ReplyDeleteSome great advice! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteLove this post. The last paragraph of "ideal situation" is my favorite I think. Such wise advice on mothering. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteJust received a cheque for $500.
ReplyDeleteSometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn by taking paid surveys at home...
So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for participating in paid surveys to set the record straight once and for all.