
Baby #3: 19 weeks

Nineteen Weeks: 2.11.14


Photo thoughts: Belly is getting round, my hair is getting long, and I really need some sun.

Size of baby: A mango, 6 inches long and 8.5 ounces. Oh really, baby? You gained 2 ounces last week? Me, too. Hahahahahaha.

Cravings/Aversions: Tell me more about this concept of an 'aversion.' What is that? All food is amazing and dangerous. Sometimes I'm a never-ending pit of an appetite that needs physical restraint from consuming 1000s of calories in a sitting.

What I'm loving: Baby kicks. Our new mini-van. The kids sharing a room SO well. Being pregnant. Sunshine even on ridiculously cold days, and the sun setting later and later each day. (Searching for positivity when it comes to this winter but the sun is a big one for me).

What I'm anticipating the most: One week from today we will know if baby is healthy and if it's a he or a she!! Cannot wait. Nate is off the entire day with me and after the US we will get the kids and go to Andrea's studio for a little photo sesh. Nothing huge or anything, as I don't think we can top the excitement of the balloons but still---it's going to be cute, I think.

Miss anything?  Duh, wine. Pretty sure I may have my first teeny glass on Friday for Valentines Day. Nothing says 'I love you' more than having his third baby and therefore I deserve a small drink. It's hard work and a lot of sacrifice. Wine and pregnancy and love...it's all related, right?

Worries: Under control this week, except when I get a little demanding about wanting to feel the baby right this instant and it doesn't happen until a few hours later. Always very reassuring to feel this babe using my bladder as a punching bag though! Haven't used my doppler in some time and even lent it out to a friend;)

Differences between pregnancies: Apparently I wasn't eating like a horse with Cecelia, and this was the week when a stranger commented on my belly. AND Nate got to feel her kick. What the heck?? Come on baby #3! Not like I've really had Nate try too much, but still.

I hate myself in Truman's 19 week pregnancy. Seriously, I thought that was a bump? And I painted the nursery in one day all by myself because ME TIME was that unlimited? Different lifetime, for sure.

How I'm feeling: We stayed up until midnight one time over the weekend and although we got 7 hours of sleep after that, I was cashed out. Dead tired. Had to nap for almost 2 hours the next day and that did not even mess up my next night's sleep. So I guess I'm feeling a little more tired lately. And I can't sit up from laying down all that gracefully anymore and I'm a little crankier than my usual. I blame that last part on the winter from hell and not so much this pregnancy but no matter what, I'm feeling it a little more lately. I did manage to exercise four times this week which helps with my energy level, but mostly I want Spring to be here already.

Sleep: Good. Tired a lot. Feeling like the early morning hours are not very restful anymore, as if I'm partially awake and aware of the world from about 3 am on. Still not waking up to pee or anything---that has always been a claim to fame of mine during pregnancy, as I very rarely wake to pee until maybe the very end. I really can't wrap my head around the broken sleep we tolerated for so many YEARS with these kids and the fact that we are going to do it all over again starting in a few more months. Hold me.

Movement: This baby is a mover and a shaker and seems to kick me super low. As in, I'm going to ask at my ultrasound whether the baby is really crunched up down in my pelvis or something. Maybe I just don't remember kicks at 19 weeks being this much in the crotch region, assuming they were already around my belly button. But no, definitely really low (i.e. bladder and ovary punches). Is that weird? Kicks multiple times every day now and definitely most active at night when I lay down. Uh-oh. Looks like we might have another night owl on our hands.

Boy or Girl: I'm wishy-washy and for all of the weeks I was sure this was a girl, now I really feel more boy vibes coming from the ute. Who knows, basically. Well, we ALL will know soon enough!

The Bump: I like it. Feeling huge somedays and shocking small others. Still no comments from strangers but as Nate says, 'Maybe they think you just had a rough holiday season'. Ha. I definitely think this is an undeniable baby bump but I appreciate the lack of inappropriate comments for now.

Time for a bare belly comparison of weeks. Definitely bigger, lower, and rounder now! Goodbye, ab muscles. Never mind the maternity pants with a full panel rolled down--my lower back isn't actually housing a random fat pad at this point.


Milestones: Does being almost half baked count?

Best moment of the week: My buddy Dizzy had her third baby this weekend, one week early and it's a boy! Holding that tiny bundle of newborn goodness made me even more excited and thankful for my own number three nestled inside me at the moment. Dizzy is the first of our group of friends to have the third baby and it definitely feels surreal to think about me going next. Babies. Love them. And I always forget how tiny they are at first. Is there anything sweeter? No.


  1. Oh my gosh, I love your comment about unlimited ME TIME from before T. Because yes, sometimes Jon and I sit exhausted on the couch after a long weekend and wonder what the heck we DID all weekend before kids. Movies, dinners out, played games... It's all a memory. :)

    And I hate this winter with the fire of a thousands suns. Getting the kids in and out of the car at daycare in this every day sucks royally!

  2. hahahhaa omg that post with Truman!! That is hilarious. Kind of fun that you're showing earlier this time - I remember being so annoyed at not showing the first time!

  3. I am so over this winter here in MI too. Being couped up is killing us. On a positive note, can't wait for the gender reveal!

  4. I am feeling the same way about winter! I'm also expecting baby #3 (august) and I've been wondering if it's more the winter or pregnancy that's making me so cranky!

  5. Wow, almost half way done! Pregnancies go by so much faster when they aren't my own :)
    And, no, there really is nothing sweeter than a brand new teeny tiny baby! Their sounds, their smells - it's intoxicating and addictive!

  6. Such a cute little belly! I love it! I can't wait to hear what you're having, the balloon reveal for Cecelia was so awesome!

  7. Cannot wait for the gender reveal!!!!

  8. It's so true that everyone ELSE's pregnancy seems to go by so fast! But when it's your own? Not so much!! I can't believe you're ALREADY 19 weeks - and yet I can't believe I'm ONLY 11! Ha!

    New baby boy in the group - top moment, for sure!!

    That 19-week pic with Truman is insane. So tiny! When we feel like pregnancy is so long, pics like that keep it all in perspective - there he was in there and boom, now here he is about to turn FOUR!! Life is wild, man.

    1. Yes, but my own pregnancy is flying by this time! I think it has to do with this being a surprise, not something we were planning for and counting down days/weeks/due dates ahead of time. Finding out at 5 weeks and then not even knowing how far along I was until 8 weeks also helped. That is the only explanation for why this is flying for me and not for you---and a two month gap is nothing in the grande scheme of things of course, but it is kind of a lot within pregnancies. Just think, you will be 19 weeks and I will be 27 weeks before we know it!

  9. I'm so jealous that your baby is a mover and shaker. Mine needs to get moving!!! I think I have more of a cushion of fat though and you certainly don't! You look lovely!

    1. Eh, my babies just seem to move pretty early. We both still have a long way to go with moving and shaking all over the place!

  10. You look great!! And yes, being half way done DOES count as a milestone!

  11. So obvi, I need deets on the gender reveal. When will the pictures be posted? And on what social media outlet? Need to know where to stalk. :) Excited for you, lady! I'm calling girl.

  12. I can't believe you were physically able to stay up until midnight while pregnant. Mission impossible for me! Haha.

    I have a friend who is 6 weeks ahead of me and your commenting convo about with Erin reminds me of how when I was 8 weeks & super pukey and she was 14 and leaving the pukes behind I felt like she was SOOOOO FAR ahead of me and then it felt like we weren't so far apart for most of my second tri/early third tri, but now she is 40 weeks and due any minute and she seems SOOOOO FAR ahead of me once again. :)


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