We are going to our anatomy scan ultrasound today at 9 am, and although I wrote this post yesterday and scheduled it for today I'm too excited to focus on the 'weekly form' this week. So allow me to ramble a bit instead;)
First, good vibes appreciated for the ultrasound. Praying for a healthy baby with normal measurements first and foremost. Obviously, this is most important and I do feel some major nerves walking into such an important appointment. Also REALLY hope baby cooperates and shows us the goods like our other kids have done. After the ultrasound Nate and I will drive home and pick up the kids and will head down to Andrea's studio for a little gender reveal photo shoot. We will not find out in the ultrasound room, and will be surprised at the shoot with the results in an envelope---hoping that the kids will be the ones who 'reveal' to us, but we will see how it all goes down! Hope to have the announcement ready for you guys later today depending on how the photos go---I don't want to keep everyone in suspense for too long, but want to use a picture or two from the shoot to give the results. I plan to post here, Instagram and Facebook at the same time if the stars align.
Anyway, you can see that the ultrasound is on my mind, right? I just cannot believe I'm halfway finished with this pregnancy (give or take). I love it so much and it's flying by quicker than ever. Maybe the last half will slow down a bit?
Belly picture for this week includes both kids, showing you their new stuffed animals from Valentine's Day.

My baby boy is so sweet to this child already.

And my baby girl likes to be held. Sigh.

And I figured it was time for a 'progression' comparison at the half-way mark.
A look back over weeks...

Pretty major growth spurt around 18 weeks, huh? I like watching the Christmas tree go up and down, my hair grow out and get cut short again, and apparently I wore a lot of blue, gray and stripes so far.
Yeah, I think my body has changed just a little bit since November. Boobs, butt, and a belly---this lady has some curves again! ;)

Trying on clothes last weekend, and sometimes my reflection still catches me by surprise.

Other things of note: I'm going to say that this was the first week a 'stranger' realized I was pregnant and actually vocalized that fact. I went to a hairdresser who I haven't seen since before I was pregnant. She brought it up in our conversation very matter-of-factly, not even asking if I was pregnant but basically just stating the obvious. So thank you, hair dresser, for noticing!! :)
Baby is moving a ton and the kicks are still mostly low but maybe moving up a little bit, too. I notice the most active times being around lunch and a LOT in the evenings, but I still haven't had Nate feel this baby yet. I'm guessing that the ultrasound will be a great way to make it seem 'real' for him anyway, but I do want him to feel this child before long!
I've started to feel some Braxton-Hicks already, nothing painful but just the obvious tightening of my ute. Very odd but I guess that is normal. My belly button is dangerously close to being an outie again. I can still wear a few of my non-maternity pants but most of my regular tops are just too short. Splurged and got a new pair of maternity jeans this week, a few tanks, and two shirts---which is very helpful since my maternity wardrobe is seriously depressing.
Have noticed a lot of 'pressure' down there lately, too---if I stand up for too long I feel like I need to start doing Kegels to keep everything in place. Not good, should probably work on the old pelvic floor a bit. Exercised maybe twice this week---it was just too weird of a week to do anything but stay afloat.
OH, and I did have another first this week: my first glass of wine was on Valentine's Day. Amazing. Much needed after last week and it tasted like a slice of heaven. It was really more like a half-glass and satisfied me for now;)
I'm feeling pretty good, just a little tired, and really excited to find out who is inside this growing belly of mine. I've been a crafting fool over the last week, too, and will share a few sneak peeks of 'props' I made for the photo shoot to end this post.
I love crafting so much. It's definitely in my blood and a gift from my mom, I'd say;)

Which will we hold up for you?? ;) Instagrammers like the symmetry of having a boy but overall I'd say the guesses are split right down the middle. I currently think boy but thought girl without a doubt for so long….just don't know. Either will be awesome. Mom says boy, Memaw says girl, Nate says boy…nobody knows! But we all will soon enough.

This envelope will hold the Money Shot ultrasound if all goes well!


Outfit planning! GoGo made these tee shirts and we may or may not also have matching onesies for the baby;) I found Nate a great coordinating shirt at the mall over the weekend and seriously struggled to find myself anything remotely cute. But I think I scrounged through my closet enough and will just wear a very well-loved scarf and cardigan that I've worn for other photo shoots and birthday parties in the last four years. Whatever. It works and apparently it's very 'me' since I wear both items so frequently. You'll see soon and be like, 'Yep, you've worn that scarf and cardigan a million times,' I'm sure. Nobody is really going to be focusing on me at the shoot anyway! ;)

Monday morning before work I decided to paint my fingernails and Cecelia demanded a matching set. Then both kids wanted to pose for a 'hands picture'. Love it and hope it lasts through the photo shoot.

Wish us luck! Here goes nothing.
I can't wait!!! And your crafting skills - seriously impressive!
ReplyDeleteI think boy! Excited to find out!
ReplyDeleteAhh can't wait! Good luck!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear what you're having!! Have fun today!!
ReplyDeleteYay!! Can't wait!!
ReplyDeleteI think boy, based on no evidence whatsoever. Good luck today and enjoy the special family time!
ReplyDeleteExciting times. Can't wait to see the reveal. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking boy! Have you done the Chinese Gender Prediction chart or the ring trick yet? Both said boy for us and they were right!