{There is still plenty of time to document your own Day in the Life or a Week in the Life! Last day to email me your link at mylifeintransitionblog at gmail dot com is Thursday, April 16}
I haven't recorded a weekend day since Winter of 2014, so Saturday was my pick this time. Weekends are seriously everything, right?
Saturday | April 4, 2015
Nate is 33.58 years old
I am 33.95 years old
Truman is 5.10 years old
Cecelia is 2.83 years old
Porter is 8.75 months old
Henry dog is 9.5 years old
My calculator was just used all 6 times for the above stats
6:40 am | I wake up coughing with the most horrible tickle in the back of my dry throat. Literally think I might pop a neck vein from coughing so hard while trying to stifle it. This cold/sinus thing is always the worst in the morning. Cecelia yelled for me at 2:15 am, needing to be tucked in, and Nate and I didn't fall asleep until 12:30 because we binged on Lost. Totally our own faults for being tired right now but really, how awesome is it that I can document only one very brief wake up from one child this night?
7:00 am | Still coughing, failing at falling back to sleep. Check the weather and my email, then the video monitor app. Kids are still asleep but wait! I hear Porter! Yay, miss my buddy and want to bring him into our bed. He just clocked eleven consecutive hours which seems like his sweet spot. I watch him on my phone and he seems to fall back to sleep for a little bit. Maybe I should try to sleep in, too.

7:10 am | He is for real awake and fussing for me. I realize he can't actually speak yet but I can tell he wants his mommy...or maybe I just really want to get him, and Nate isn't exactly springing out of bed to beat me in there. He's still sawing logs, actually. Truman is also moving around so it's a matter of time before the whole crew meets us downstairs. Go get my Porter boy and he is super happy like all mornings with this one.

7:20 am | Downstairs with my babe. I let Henry out. Frost on the ground, I hate you! Put our alcohol away (cocktails of whiskey + ginger beer last night, yum). Open blinds. Porter sits on a blanket while I'm doing all of this but he's getting pretty irritated that he doesn't already have his bottle inserted into his mouth. Make the bottle. Let him drink it alone on his blanket. Seriously, such a game changer, having a baby that can feed himself. Give Henry water, pour the kids their milk to prepare for their entry, make myself ice water. Morning hydration for all!

7:30 am | I head downstairs to get another gallon of milk from our second fridge, and I remember I wanted to grab my Spring banner for the mantel after seeing it on Timehop yesterday. Need to find the kids' Easter baskets, too, but will have to deal with that later. Fluff laundry that has been in the dryer for two days. Get a text from a wrong number. Can't help you there, brother!

7:40 am | Guys come down and they make coffee. I snap pictures of them and say, 'Guess what, guys? It's A Day in the Life today!!' and their excitement cannot be contained.

Porter is done with his bottle so he plays on his play yard a bit. Truman helps me deconstruct the winter mantel for a spring mantel. He and Porter play with the bunny ears that were stored in my 'decorations' box. Truman announces, 'Porter just said "woah" really quiet. He is the best baby brother ever. I love everyone in my family and I love Porter's bunny ears.' I think Truman is either hamming it up for the internet audience of today or else he is just having one of his overly emotional/happy bursts that occur many weekend mornings together.
Don't you like the Halloween pajamas combined with Easter bunny ears? Holidays intertwined!

8:00 am | Coffee is had and it's glorious. Nate changes Porter for me and P is saying, 'Hiiiiiiiiii' and waving at Nate. Truman inspects Nate's weather app so he can properly report the high and lows in each select city. This kid sure does love numbers (probably won't have to use a calculator for division someday, unlike me!) I finish the mantel and greatly enjoy the pops of pink, super tired of the evergreen stuff from winter. Cecelia is stirring in her room but this is awfully late for her to stay in bed.
before and after...

8:05 am | It's breakfast time, and Nate makes Truman a waffle with peanut butter AND Nutella since it's a weekend, plus yogurt on the side. I put some music on the Apple TV and inform Nate that three years ago this weekend, we moved into our house. Crazy. He says I'll be 34 this month and "that's a lot closer to 40. Because 33 is the early thirties but 34 is mid-thirties." Basically he is saying that I'm getting old but funny enough, he is just four months behind me with this age thing;) Whatever. Truman says, 'Knock it off, Nathan' with perfect inflection of his voice to mimic his mother. Nate is copying everything Truman says now and I hear some 'poo poo pee pee heads' in the mix, which is always such a riot.

8:20 am | I'm making my breakfast now and Cecelia finally comes down. Her eye is crusty and red. Oh no!!! How in the heck could she just now get her baby brother's pink eye that started a week ago? I clean her face and decide that she should probably start the anti-biotic eye drops we have left over from Porter's seven day stint. I'll call the doctor on Monday but I'm 99% sure this is the same eye nastiness Porter had, and those drops worked like magic for him. Nate's mom calls to discuss our plans today, since the Easter egg hunt is at Truman's school and Yaya + Papa have come with us for the past three years. The kids see Easter eggs outside at the school and so begins the discussion of the Easter bunny, his/her gender, where he/she lives, etc. We all eat breakfast and try to teach the concept of time to the children who are just beside themselves, waiting for the egg hunt. The boys discuss who Porter would be on Skylanders, if our baby was a character in a video game. I'm not sure what the outcome of that discussion was but I'm positive Porter would be the cutest Skylander ever.

8:40 am | The guys head downstairs for Skylanders time (i.e. Truman's most favorite time of every weekend) while I stay upstairs with the littles. Sis is eating her breakfast, Porter is finished with his waffle so he's now in thecircle of neglect jumperoo. "We already have these Easter eggs" Cecelia informs me, pointing to my little birds' nest with two blue and one pink egg. We talk about our family and how Truman and Porter are the blue eggs, Cecelia is the pink egg, and it's mommy and daddy's nest...but Cecelia is only concerned about what might be inside these decorative/symbolic eggs. Cecelia draws on the easel, I refill coffee, and I hear, "I want to ask the Easter bunny if he's a boy or a girl." We discuss this for the 100th time this week and for the record, I vote 'boy' for the bunny.
Also, took the selfie because I noticed a giant spot of Nutella on my elbow. #FashionBlogger

8:45 am | Cecelia and I take Porter upstairs to change him for the day and convince him to nap. Silly boy had a sneaky poop and it's fairly offensive but he is happy as a clam on his changing table.

9:00 am | I lay Porter down but he doesn't seem too tired, fussing and protesting the nap. Cecelia and I know that our new-found method of encouraging sleep includes letting Porter talk it out a bit, so us gals get dressed with whispers so Porter doesn't get really mad at us. I decide on running clothes since I want to run later. We are officially on week two of half-marathon training, which means we need to clock four miles today. Once the mileage gets higher we'll have to ask Tony and Lois to watch the kids while Nate and I run together but for now, we are just patching the runs in separately and tag-teaming for childcare. Plus I have been taking a child with me in the single Bob which makes for a super fast time, obvi. I make our bed while CC looks at my necklaces. Then she sees the non-Easter bunnies setting out eggs at the school. Busted! 'I not scared of him, the Easter bunny.' We talk about Jesus and I attempt a 'real meaning of Easter' conversation. 'I not scared of him either (Jesus). Or monsters. Or dinosaurs. I not scared of any of them.' So that's good at least! We brush our teeth and take pictures.

9:25 am | Porter is finally asleep so the girls head downstairs to get Easter baskets and to hand Truman his clothes. Boys are playing the Xbox and it seems like an intense game. We find the baskets, I get the newly fluffed load of laundry out of the dryer and fold it up. I start another load in the wash and decide since it's only one load total, I won't sort anything and will just get it done. I don't pay much attention to the clothes as I dump the entire dirty laundry basket into the washer. (THIS WAS A MISTAKE, READ ON AND GUESS WHAT TYPE OF HORROR AWAITS).

9:40 am | We head upstairs, I clean kitchen a bit, sort of wishing it was a 'regular' Saturday without this egg hunt so I could get to work on *really* cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms. But alas, fun times await and it will not include true cleaning time. Tony and Lois arrive and Lois brought the kids fruit snacks for a special treat. Let the sugar high commence! Since Porter is still napping, Lois offers to stay back with him at the house while the rest of us go over to the school. I say I will stay back but she is happy to watch from the window instead.
10:00 am | Easter egg hunt! I think our bunny is officially one of the creepiest in Easter history.

10:35 am | Tony, Cecelia, and I come home with Cecelia's eight eggs. It's pretty cold and windy outside, but Nate and Truman hang out talking for awhile. Porter is still snoozing when we get home, and we update Lois on the Easter bunny's sex: officially a girl! We asked her and she raised her hand to 'girl' so THAT burning question has been answered, thank goodness.
10:40 am | Porter wakes up and the boys come home. We all hang out, try to figure out why Tony and Lois's computer mouse won't work, discuss dinner plans for tonight. It's the night of The Final Four games and Wisconsin is playing at 8pm. I knew Nate would go somewhere to watch the game since we don't have cable and therefore life is VERY VERY hard during March Madness around here. But apparently he wants to watch both of the games and will be leaving around 6pm now. So we decide to bump dinner up to 5 and Lois says she will stay to help with bedtime once Nate goes. Not necessary since I do many-a-solo-parenting-triple-bedtimes but who am I to turn down my mother-in-law?

11:15 am | Lois leaves, then Nate and Tony take Truman and CC with them to run errands. Me and Porter-man get ready for a run. I go to change laundry before we head out and OMG. I somehow washed a disposable diaper and it's exploded every.where.holy.crap. At first I think it was just a Kleenex or something but no, the damage is so much worse. I scoop out the gel crystals from the 'clean' clothes, try to clean out the washer, and mutter curse words under my breath. No clue how a diaper got into our laundry chute but this will teach me to haphazardly start a load of wash without actually inspecting the clothes first. It's pretty awful and annoying so I just dump the wet clothes back into the laundry basket, select 'rinse and drain' for the washer cycle, and let it run without clothes inside to clean it up a bit.
11:30 am | We leave for our run and the washer debacle means I really need to get out, more than ever! I start off way overdressed and shed layers throughout the run. Porter gets bored after two miles so I have to stop frequently to adjust him, then end up giving him my water bottle to gnaw on for entertainment. It works and ends up being a pleasant run, but quite slow for me due to the numerous stops for Porter and the wind sail of a BOB stroller. Whatever, four miles done! I'm sure once I'm running without a stroller I will be fast as lightning (hahahaha).

12:27 pm | We're home and so are Nate, CC, and Truman. The rain barrel blew over and as I go to put it back by the house, rotting, muddy water spills all over my shoes and the sidewalk. Rage. I put the Bob away and restart the failure load of laundry. Truman and Nate are already eating lunch and and Cecelia just went down for her nap. Diaper change for Porter, then he goes into the high chair to eat with the guys. I'm starved and make my lunch: ham and cheese sandwich, part of Porter's banana, and incredibly spicy 'buffalo chicken' flavor potato chips that sound good but are way past my spice threshold I eat them anyway because, famished. Update our grocery list as I make my lunch since we are out of basically everything.

12:45 pm | I eat! Instagram a picture of us with the Easter bunny this morning. We all laugh at Porter being freaking adorable in his high chair.

1:15 pm | Give Porter a pre-nap bottle and Porter tries to claw my face right off of me. Nate leaves to exchange Brewers tickets and to get wine he ordered from a local store. Take boat loads of pictures of Porter after his bottle because I'm a fool for this photogenic child who will actually smile for my camera. Peek at the other images I have taken so far and approve.

1:30 pm | Major diaper disgustingness. OMG. Needs a onesie change and also his plaid shirt is a goner. Pour Truman more milk and he's finishing his lunch while getting iPad time. I head upstairs for Porter's second nap.

1:50 pm | Lay him down and hop in the shower. Finally!
2:00 pm | I'm out of the shower and both littles are now asleep. I get dressed for the day and truly looooove weekends so much because this 'getting ready' process is happening at 2pm. Yes.
2:15 pm | Blow dry hair and marvel at the grays and weird regrowth. Seriously, what is with these inch long, curly, gray hairs these days?? You can see them sticking up from my part no matter where I part my hair (see below). Makeup. Then selfies. I feel like I haven't been too great about getting in front of the camera this time so selfies will suffice.

2:30 pm | Nate is home and Truman is hanging out with his pops. I go downstairs and change the laundry, don't notice any diaper crystals this time. Have a cookie. Text with mom. Check Timehop and baby CC blows my mind.

I'm due for a new phone upgrade and my current iPhone 5 has been acting a bit odd lately. I decide to back up my phone to the laptop since I rarely do this and Nate tells me I'll have to before I get a new phone anyway. Truman is busy checking the weather for us again. He wants 'do something' besides listen to his parents talk. We hear a commercial on iTunes Radio for 'Six pack abs.' Truman asks, 'What is that?' and I tell Nate to show his son;) Truman then tells us, 'Truman the dog had been eating his poop.' Apparently Tony and Truman met a dog named 'Truman' a few weeks ago, and T learned his dog soulmate ingests his own feces. Awesome. Then Truman (the boy) literally wipes a booger on my camera lens. Even more awesome.

3:00 pm | The boys go outside to wash Nate's car. I go downstairs to get the Easter baskets together for tomorrow morning. Super annoyed I don't have any chocolate candy, only jelly beans and malt balls are in our 'For Easter' stash. But then again, there's no need to have 3 Easter basket experiences all full of chocolate. Also my phone won't back up fully on my new laptop because our Apple ID is already on 5 computers. Dig out old laptop to deauthorize it, or something. I hate technology but love it still.

3:30 pm | Both of my nappers are awake. CC has been playing in her room for awhile and Porter is babbling in his crib. So that was two 1.5 hr naps for mister man and about three hours for Cecelia, too. Her room smells like death when I open the door, as she pooped in froggy potty after her nap (apparently). I hate when she does that and doesn't call for me to wipe her right away, and so we discuss proper froggy potty etiquette yet again. I think I might just get rid of the thing and have her make the trip to the bathroom post nap and in the middle of the night. TCB and turn on ceiling fan. CC's eye looks a little better but I use the eye drops on her again because I guess we need to do them four times per day, like we did for Porter.

3:45 pm | Head downstairs and carry both children at same, as if I'm a coat rack for tiny humans. Really wish Nate was inside to get a picture of this nonsense but mostly just happy to make it down the stairs without catastrophic results. Cecelia wants to go outside with the guys so I get her shoes and fleece on, Porter is fussy so I give him a bottle on the couch. Feeling a little behind on the typical weekend schedule, but will try hard not to let the To Do list overtake my mind just yet. I haven't cleaned the house, am still doing laundry, haven't meal planned or shopped. Really want an afternoon coffee right about now and briefly consider making a smallish pot, but decide it takes too much effort and is probably too late in the day for caffeine. I'm officially geriatric with this statement but it's true.
4:00 pm | The kids come inside and want to open the package GoGo sent us, Ports is finished with his bottle so we open up the box-o-goodies. Care packages have always been a special part of my relationship with my mom when living in different cities (high school through present day). Now when she sends boxes to my kids, I feel even more grateful for her thoughtfulness. This time she sent a new homemade sleep sack for Porter, snacks for everyone, homemade flannel pajama pants for CC, and a whole stack of my old 'new reader' books for Truman. T immediately wants to read these books that were mine when I was five and I'm literally blown away by his abilities to sound out words in a book he's never seen before. Literally almost makes me cry to see him read the 'Gus' book cover to cover with minimal help from me.

(plain ice cream cones are a fun GoGo snack she started during her last visit)
4:30 pm | Truman is still reading like crazy and I realize he does best with short vowel sounds instead of long sounds. I wonder if that's because they are mostly working on the short vowels in school right now. Porter and CC are both enjoying some of the snacks GoGo sent (yogurt covered raisins and some organic crackers). Then Cecelia helps me get the load of laundry from the dryer and I get started folding upstairs. P and C have an empty ice cream cone from my mom and I switch the TV to play music instead of golf. You snooze you lose, Nate! He is still outside running the gas out of our snow blower to prepare for spring. Yes. It's coming, I know it is!!!!
4:40 pm | FaceTime with my mom to say 'thank you' for the gifts. The kids have to tell her all about the Easter bunny and candy, plus Truman reads a few pages of a book to her. Porter mostly just squeals and smiles in the background and CC shows GoGo how fast she can run.

4:55 pm | Done chatting with mom, get back to folding laundry and I really want to vacuum before dinner because apparently plain, dry ice cream cones are very messy. Lois arrives for dinner, Tony is on his way, and the kids hide from their YaYa. I put the laundry in the basket and call it 'good enough' for now because at least it's folded and off the couch!
5:10 pm | I quickly vacuum, the kids are running around and then Lois sets up a little Easter project for the kids. She bought stickers and two square pots so Tru and CC can decorate a grass planter. They turn out very cute, and then they go out to actually plant their grass seed. We all get dinner ready (burgers!), I change Porter's diaper and set him up with toys in the playroom, and then Tony arrives just as dinner is almost done. Perfect!

5:30 pm | Dinner time! Truman reads several books at the table for us, skipping around to pages he already knows and getting frustrated with some of the harder books. Cecelia wants to sit in my lap the entire meal and prefers to eat off my plate, of course. Porter shows off for us all by eating a little bit of everything including an apple-spinach baby food that I thought looked pretty disgusting. Apparently he does still enjoy purees.

6:00 pm | Dinner is done so we clean up, the kids get their fruit snacks for dessert since they did eat their meals. They go out to water their new grass seed.
6:15 pm | Nate leaves for the basketball game. Tony, Lois and I play with the kids for a bit then it's bath time for my filthy monsters. I figure going to church in the morning is reason enough to rinse of the dirt a bit. I take Porter up to the bath first, and die over his baby buns. Must take a picture or fifty, a video for added effect.. Tru and CC come up a little later, and then Lois comes up after that.
Sorry, not sorry at all.

6:40 pm | I remove Porter from the tub because he just rode a wave from Cecelia's 'swimming' and dunked under water. That's my cue that his bath time without a bumbo but WITH two older siblings is finished. I get his pajamas on then hand him to Lois, because Cecelia needs me (can't remember why--possibly got splashed by Truman or something). Set out the big kids clothes out for tomorrow morning, scrounging to find appropriate 'Easter outfits' and settling on the same things they wore for Porter's baptism a few months ago.
6:50 pm | I get Truman and Cecelia out of the tub, then make Porter a bottle downstairs. I hear the bigs fighting over something insignificant which is a sure sign of end-of-day exhaustion. Lois reads T and C their books and it's a very sweet moment with the grandma and three kids all on the floor.

7:00 pm | I leave the scene of 'sweet grandmother moment' and take Porter to his nursery to finish his bottle. Another favorite time of the evening: rocking my babe and telling him to sleep tight.

7:10 pm | Goodnight, Porter! Tony leaves after taking Henry outside and I go and help Lois with bedtime. We sing "I'm a little teapot" to Tru and CC and they love it. Then 'You are my sunshine,' which is always one of my song picks for the kids since it was a song my mom (and her mom!) sang to me growing up. Brush their teeth. Lois goes downstairs and I tell my two stories which are basically recaps about the day.
7:30 pm | Night, kiddos! Say goodbye and thankyouthankyouthankyou to Lois before she leaves. She really didn't have to stay and help out but she genuinely wanted to, and reasons like this mean I really did marry into the greatest family ever.

7:45 pm | Beer time, even though I'm without my partner in crime. Turn on TV for background noise and find something on ABC called In An Instant. It's totally terrifying and sucks me in to a black hole of watching for more than two hours. This story was about a guy who nearly died in a farming accident and I have no idea why it was so fascinating. Get to work going through my iPhone pictures, deleting the blurry ones, then uploading the winners to Flickr. Then I email myself the notes for this post and start typing.
Get REALLY into this dumb show, which means I type through 9:00 am at the most, then give up. But whatever, the kid lived through the grain bin incident, people !!
10:00 pm | My new favorite show is done and I am mentally cashed. Text Nate that I'm going to bed. The news comes on and, seems like the Badgers are playing a really intense game with 5 minutes left. A quick Facebook check confirms this as there are many-a-Badger fans in my feed.
10:15 pm | Brush teeth, wash face, check the kids on the monitor, and pass out within three seconds of my head hitting the pillow.

2:25 am | Wake up in a coughing fit, realize Nate is home and didn't even hear him come to bed, continue to cough until I sort of dry heave. This is the pits, man.
3:15 am | Still awake, hacking a lung, when Cecelia calls out for me and needs to be tucked in. Two nights in a row for my daughter needing me in the middle of the night, not entirely sure if she just used her potty and needs me to pull up her covers after that or what is going on. It could certainly be worse! Cough finally subsides and I fall back to sleep.
6:45 am | Wake up for the day, hearing Truman and CC arguing in their room, followed by laughter and song and joking around. They stay in their room until 6:55 when their clock 'finally' turns yellow and we start our Easter Sunday-o-fun.
Thus ends lucky number thirteen for my DiTL undertakings!
I haven't recorded a weekend day since Winter of 2014, so Saturday was my pick this time. Weekends are seriously everything, right?
Saturday | April 4, 2015
Nate is 33.58 years old
I am 33.95 years old
Truman is 5.10 years old
Cecelia is 2.83 years old
Porter is 8.75 months old
Henry dog is 9.5 years old
My calculator was just used all 6 times for the above stats
6:40 am | I wake up coughing with the most horrible tickle in the back of my dry throat. Literally think I might pop a neck vein from coughing so hard while trying to stifle it. This cold/sinus thing is always the worst in the morning. Cecelia yelled for me at 2:15 am, needing to be tucked in, and Nate and I didn't fall asleep until 12:30 because we binged on Lost. Totally our own faults for being tired right now but really, how awesome is it that I can document only one very brief wake up from one child this night?
7:00 am | Still coughing, failing at falling back to sleep. Check the weather and my email, then the video monitor app. Kids are still asleep but wait! I hear Porter! Yay, miss my buddy and want to bring him into our bed. He just clocked eleven consecutive hours which seems like his sweet spot. I watch him on my phone and he seems to fall back to sleep for a little bit. Maybe I should try to sleep in, too.

7:10 am | He is for real awake and fussing for me. I realize he can't actually speak yet but I can tell he wants his mommy...or maybe I just really want to get him, and Nate isn't exactly springing out of bed to beat me in there. He's still sawing logs, actually. Truman is also moving around so it's a matter of time before the whole crew meets us downstairs. Go get my Porter boy and he is super happy like all mornings with this one.

7:20 am | Downstairs with my babe. I let Henry out. Frost on the ground, I hate you! Put our alcohol away (cocktails of whiskey + ginger beer last night, yum). Open blinds. Porter sits on a blanket while I'm doing all of this but he's getting pretty irritated that he doesn't already have his bottle inserted into his mouth. Make the bottle. Let him drink it alone on his blanket. Seriously, such a game changer, having a baby that can feed himself. Give Henry water, pour the kids their milk to prepare for their entry, make myself ice water. Morning hydration for all!

7:30 am | I head downstairs to get another gallon of milk from our second fridge, and I remember I wanted to grab my Spring banner for the mantel after seeing it on Timehop yesterday. Need to find the kids' Easter baskets, too, but will have to deal with that later. Fluff laundry that has been in the dryer for two days. Get a text from a wrong number. Can't help you there, brother!

7:40 am | Guys come down and they make coffee. I snap pictures of them and say, 'Guess what, guys? It's A Day in the Life today!!' and their excitement cannot be contained.

Porter is done with his bottle so he plays on his play yard a bit. Truman helps me deconstruct the winter mantel for a spring mantel. He and Porter play with the bunny ears that were stored in my 'decorations' box. Truman announces, 'Porter just said "woah" really quiet. He is the best baby brother ever. I love everyone in my family and I love Porter's bunny ears.' I think Truman is either hamming it up for the internet audience of today or else he is just having one of his overly emotional/happy bursts that occur many weekend mornings together.
Don't you like the Halloween pajamas combined with Easter bunny ears? Holidays intertwined!

8:00 am | Coffee is had and it's glorious. Nate changes Porter for me and P is saying, 'Hiiiiiiiiii' and waving at Nate. Truman inspects Nate's weather app so he can properly report the high and lows in each select city. This kid sure does love numbers (probably won't have to use a calculator for division someday, unlike me!) I finish the mantel and greatly enjoy the pops of pink, super tired of the evergreen stuff from winter. Cecelia is stirring in her room but this is awfully late for her to stay in bed.
before and after...

8:05 am | It's breakfast time, and Nate makes Truman a waffle with peanut butter AND Nutella since it's a weekend, plus yogurt on the side. I put some music on the Apple TV and inform Nate that three years ago this weekend, we moved into our house. Crazy. He says I'll be 34 this month and "that's a lot closer to 40. Because 33 is the early thirties but 34 is mid-thirties." Basically he is saying that I'm getting old but funny enough, he is just four months behind me with this age thing;) Whatever. Truman says, 'Knock it off, Nathan' with perfect inflection of his voice to mimic his mother. Nate is copying everything Truman says now and I hear some 'poo poo pee pee heads' in the mix, which is always such a riot.

8:20 am | I'm making my breakfast now and Cecelia finally comes down. Her eye is crusty and red. Oh no!!! How in the heck could she just now get her baby brother's pink eye that started a week ago? I clean her face and decide that she should probably start the anti-biotic eye drops we have left over from Porter's seven day stint. I'll call the doctor on Monday but I'm 99% sure this is the same eye nastiness Porter had, and those drops worked like magic for him. Nate's mom calls to discuss our plans today, since the Easter egg hunt is at Truman's school and Yaya + Papa have come with us for the past three years. The kids see Easter eggs outside at the school and so begins the discussion of the Easter bunny, his/her gender, where he/she lives, etc. We all eat breakfast and try to teach the concept of time to the children who are just beside themselves, waiting for the egg hunt. The boys discuss who Porter would be on Skylanders, if our baby was a character in a video game. I'm not sure what the outcome of that discussion was but I'm positive Porter would be the cutest Skylander ever.

8:40 am | The guys head downstairs for Skylanders time (i.e. Truman's most favorite time of every weekend) while I stay upstairs with the littles. Sis is eating her breakfast, Porter is finished with his waffle so he's now in the
Also, took the selfie because I noticed a giant spot of Nutella on my elbow. #FashionBlogger

8:45 am | Cecelia and I take Porter upstairs to change him for the day and convince him to nap. Silly boy had a sneaky poop and it's fairly offensive but he is happy as a clam on his changing table.

9:00 am | I lay Porter down but he doesn't seem too tired, fussing and protesting the nap. Cecelia and I know that our new-found method of encouraging sleep includes letting Porter talk it out a bit, so us gals get dressed with whispers so Porter doesn't get really mad at us. I decide on running clothes since I want to run later. We are officially on week two of half-marathon training, which means we need to clock four miles today. Once the mileage gets higher we'll have to ask Tony and Lois to watch the kids while Nate and I run together but for now, we are just patching the runs in separately and tag-teaming for childcare. Plus I have been taking a child with me in the single Bob which makes for a super fast time, obvi. I make our bed while CC looks at my necklaces. Then she sees the non-Easter bunnies setting out eggs at the school. Busted! 'I not scared of him, the Easter bunny.' We talk about Jesus and I attempt a 'real meaning of Easter' conversation. 'I not scared of him either (Jesus). Or monsters. Or dinosaurs. I not scared of any of them.' So that's good at least! We brush our teeth and take pictures.

9:25 am | Porter is finally asleep so the girls head downstairs to get Easter baskets and to hand Truman his clothes. Boys are playing the Xbox and it seems like an intense game. We find the baskets, I get the newly fluffed load of laundry out of the dryer and fold it up. I start another load in the wash and decide since it's only one load total, I won't sort anything and will just get it done. I don't pay much attention to the clothes as I dump the entire dirty laundry basket into the washer. (THIS WAS A MISTAKE, READ ON AND GUESS WHAT TYPE OF HORROR AWAITS).

9:40 am | We head upstairs, I clean kitchen a bit, sort of wishing it was a 'regular' Saturday without this egg hunt so I could get to work on *really* cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms. But alas, fun times await and it will not include true cleaning time. Tony and Lois arrive and Lois brought the kids fruit snacks for a special treat. Let the sugar high commence! Since Porter is still napping, Lois offers to stay back with him at the house while the rest of us go over to the school. I say I will stay back but she is happy to watch from the window instead.
10:00 am | Easter egg hunt! I think our bunny is officially one of the creepiest in Easter history.

10:35 am | Tony, Cecelia, and I come home with Cecelia's eight eggs. It's pretty cold and windy outside, but Nate and Truman hang out talking for awhile. Porter is still snoozing when we get home, and we update Lois on the Easter bunny's sex: officially a girl! We asked her and she raised her hand to 'girl' so THAT burning question has been answered, thank goodness.
10:40 am | Porter wakes up and the boys come home. We all hang out, try to figure out why Tony and Lois's computer mouse won't work, discuss dinner plans for tonight. It's the night of The Final Four games and Wisconsin is playing at 8pm. I knew Nate would go somewhere to watch the game since we don't have cable and therefore life is VERY VERY hard during March Madness around here. But apparently he wants to watch both of the games and will be leaving around 6pm now. So we decide to bump dinner up to 5 and Lois says she will stay to help with bedtime once Nate goes. Not necessary since I do many-a-solo-parenting-triple-bedtimes but who am I to turn down my mother-in-law?

11:15 am | Lois leaves, then Nate and Tony take Truman and CC with them to run errands. Me and Porter-man get ready for a run. I go to change laundry before we head out and OMG. I somehow washed a disposable diaper and it's exploded every.where.holy.crap. At first I think it was just a Kleenex or something but no, the damage is so much worse. I scoop out the gel crystals from the 'clean' clothes, try to clean out the washer, and mutter curse words under my breath. No clue how a diaper got into our laundry chute but this will teach me to haphazardly start a load of wash without actually inspecting the clothes first. It's pretty awful and annoying so I just dump the wet clothes back into the laundry basket, select 'rinse and drain' for the washer cycle, and let it run without clothes inside to clean it up a bit.
11:30 am | We leave for our run and the washer debacle means I really need to get out, more than ever! I start off way overdressed and shed layers throughout the run. Porter gets bored after two miles so I have to stop frequently to adjust him, then end up giving him my water bottle to gnaw on for entertainment. It works and ends up being a pleasant run, but quite slow for me due to the numerous stops for Porter and the wind sail of a BOB stroller. Whatever, four miles done! I'm sure once I'm running without a stroller I will be fast as lightning (hahahaha).

12:27 pm | We're home and so are Nate, CC, and Truman. The rain barrel blew over and as I go to put it back by the house, rotting, muddy water spills all over my shoes and the sidewalk. Rage. I put the Bob away and restart the failure load of laundry. Truman and Nate are already eating lunch and and Cecelia just went down for her nap. Diaper change for Porter, then he goes into the high chair to eat with the guys. I'm starved and make my lunch: ham and cheese sandwich, part of Porter's banana, and incredibly spicy 'buffalo chicken' flavor potato chips that sound good but are way past my spice threshold I eat them anyway because, famished. Update our grocery list as I make my lunch since we are out of basically everything.

12:45 pm | I eat! Instagram a picture of us with the Easter bunny this morning. We all laugh at Porter being freaking adorable in his high chair.

1:15 pm | Give Porter a pre-nap bottle and Porter tries to claw my face right off of me. Nate leaves to exchange Brewers tickets and to get wine he ordered from a local store. Take boat loads of pictures of Porter after his bottle because I'm a fool for this photogenic child who will actually smile for my camera. Peek at the other images I have taken so far and approve.

1:30 pm | Major diaper disgustingness. OMG. Needs a onesie change and also his plaid shirt is a goner. Pour Truman more milk and he's finishing his lunch while getting iPad time. I head upstairs for Porter's second nap.

1:50 pm | Lay him down and hop in the shower. Finally!
2:00 pm | I'm out of the shower and both littles are now asleep. I get dressed for the day and truly looooove weekends so much because this 'getting ready' process is happening at 2pm. Yes.
2:15 pm | Blow dry hair and marvel at the grays and weird regrowth. Seriously, what is with these inch long, curly, gray hairs these days?? You can see them sticking up from my part no matter where I part my hair (see below). Makeup. Then selfies. I feel like I haven't been too great about getting in front of the camera this time so selfies will suffice.

2:30 pm | Nate is home and Truman is hanging out with his pops. I go downstairs and change the laundry, don't notice any diaper crystals this time. Have a cookie. Text with mom. Check Timehop and baby CC blows my mind.

I'm due for a new phone upgrade and my current iPhone 5 has been acting a bit odd lately. I decide to back up my phone to the laptop since I rarely do this and Nate tells me I'll have to before I get a new phone anyway. Truman is busy checking the weather for us again. He wants 'do something' besides listen to his parents talk. We hear a commercial on iTunes Radio for 'Six pack abs.' Truman asks, 'What is that?' and I tell Nate to show his son;) Truman then tells us, 'Truman the dog had been eating his poop.' Apparently Tony and Truman met a dog named 'Truman' a few weeks ago, and T learned his dog soulmate ingests his own feces. Awesome. Then Truman (the boy) literally wipes a booger on my camera lens. Even more awesome.

3:00 pm | The boys go outside to wash Nate's car. I go downstairs to get the Easter baskets together for tomorrow morning. Super annoyed I don't have any chocolate candy, only jelly beans and malt balls are in our 'For Easter' stash. But then again, there's no need to have 3 Easter basket experiences all full of chocolate. Also my phone won't back up fully on my new laptop because our Apple ID is already on 5 computers. Dig out old laptop to deauthorize it, or something. I hate technology but love it still.

3:30 pm | Both of my nappers are awake. CC has been playing in her room for awhile and Porter is babbling in his crib. So that was two 1.5 hr naps for mister man and about three hours for Cecelia, too. Her room smells like death when I open the door, as she pooped in froggy potty after her nap (apparently). I hate when she does that and doesn't call for me to wipe her right away, and so we discuss proper froggy potty etiquette yet again. I think I might just get rid of the thing and have her make the trip to the bathroom post nap and in the middle of the night. TCB and turn on ceiling fan. CC's eye looks a little better but I use the eye drops on her again because I guess we need to do them four times per day, like we did for Porter.

3:45 pm | Head downstairs and carry both children at same, as if I'm a coat rack for tiny humans. Really wish Nate was inside to get a picture of this nonsense but mostly just happy to make it down the stairs without catastrophic results. Cecelia wants to go outside with the guys so I get her shoes and fleece on, Porter is fussy so I give him a bottle on the couch. Feeling a little behind on the typical weekend schedule, but will try hard not to let the To Do list overtake my mind just yet. I haven't cleaned the house, am still doing laundry, haven't meal planned or shopped. Really want an afternoon coffee right about now and briefly consider making a smallish pot, but decide it takes too much effort and is probably too late in the day for caffeine. I'm officially geriatric with this statement but it's true.
4:00 pm | The kids come inside and want to open the package GoGo sent us, Ports is finished with his bottle so we open up the box-o-goodies. Care packages have always been a special part of my relationship with my mom when living in different cities (high school through present day). Now when she sends boxes to my kids, I feel even more grateful for her thoughtfulness. This time she sent a new homemade sleep sack for Porter, snacks for everyone, homemade flannel pajama pants for CC, and a whole stack of my old 'new reader' books for Truman. T immediately wants to read these books that were mine when I was five and I'm literally blown away by his abilities to sound out words in a book he's never seen before. Literally almost makes me cry to see him read the 'Gus' book cover to cover with minimal help from me.

(plain ice cream cones are a fun GoGo snack she started during her last visit)
4:30 pm | Truman is still reading like crazy and I realize he does best with short vowel sounds instead of long sounds. I wonder if that's because they are mostly working on the short vowels in school right now. Porter and CC are both enjoying some of the snacks GoGo sent (yogurt covered raisins and some organic crackers). Then Cecelia helps me get the load of laundry from the dryer and I get started folding upstairs. P and C have an empty ice cream cone from my mom and I switch the TV to play music instead of golf. You snooze you lose, Nate! He is still outside running the gas out of our snow blower to prepare for spring. Yes. It's coming, I know it is!!!!
4:40 pm | FaceTime with my mom to say 'thank you' for the gifts. The kids have to tell her all about the Easter bunny and candy, plus Truman reads a few pages of a book to her. Porter mostly just squeals and smiles in the background and CC shows GoGo how fast she can run.

4:55 pm | Done chatting with mom, get back to folding laundry and I really want to vacuum before dinner because apparently plain, dry ice cream cones are very messy. Lois arrives for dinner, Tony is on his way, and the kids hide from their YaYa. I put the laundry in the basket and call it 'good enough' for now because at least it's folded and off the couch!
5:10 pm | I quickly vacuum, the kids are running around and then Lois sets up a little Easter project for the kids. She bought stickers and two square pots so Tru and CC can decorate a grass planter. They turn out very cute, and then they go out to actually plant their grass seed. We all get dinner ready (burgers!), I change Porter's diaper and set him up with toys in the playroom, and then Tony arrives just as dinner is almost done. Perfect!

5:30 pm | Dinner time! Truman reads several books at the table for us, skipping around to pages he already knows and getting frustrated with some of the harder books. Cecelia wants to sit in my lap the entire meal and prefers to eat off my plate, of course. Porter shows off for us all by eating a little bit of everything including an apple-spinach baby food that I thought looked pretty disgusting. Apparently he does still enjoy purees.

6:00 pm | Dinner is done so we clean up, the kids get their fruit snacks for dessert since they did eat their meals. They go out to water their new grass seed.
6:15 pm | Nate leaves for the basketball game. Tony, Lois and I play with the kids for a bit then it's bath time for my filthy monsters. I figure going to church in the morning is reason enough to rinse of the dirt a bit. I take Porter up to the bath first, and die over his baby buns. Must take a picture or fifty, a video for added effect.. Tru and CC come up a little later, and then Lois comes up after that.
Sorry, not sorry at all.

6:40 pm | I remove Porter from the tub because he just rode a wave from Cecelia's 'swimming' and dunked under water. That's my cue that his bath time without a bumbo but WITH two older siblings is finished. I get his pajamas on then hand him to Lois, because Cecelia needs me (can't remember why--possibly got splashed by Truman or something). Set out the big kids clothes out for tomorrow morning, scrounging to find appropriate 'Easter outfits' and settling on the same things they wore for Porter's baptism a few months ago.
6:50 pm | I get Truman and Cecelia out of the tub, then make Porter a bottle downstairs. I hear the bigs fighting over something insignificant which is a sure sign of end-of-day exhaustion. Lois reads T and C their books and it's a very sweet moment with the grandma and three kids all on the floor.

7:00 pm | I leave the scene of 'sweet grandmother moment' and take Porter to his nursery to finish his bottle. Another favorite time of the evening: rocking my babe and telling him to sleep tight.

7:10 pm | Goodnight, Porter! Tony leaves after taking Henry outside and I go and help Lois with bedtime. We sing "I'm a little teapot" to Tru and CC and they love it. Then 'You are my sunshine,' which is always one of my song picks for the kids since it was a song my mom (and her mom!) sang to me growing up. Brush their teeth. Lois goes downstairs and I tell my two stories which are basically recaps about the day.
7:30 pm | Night, kiddos! Say goodbye and thankyouthankyouthankyou to Lois before she leaves. She really didn't have to stay and help out but she genuinely wanted to, and reasons like this mean I really did marry into the greatest family ever.

7:45 pm | Beer time, even though I'm without my partner in crime. Turn on TV for background noise and find something on ABC called In An Instant. It's totally terrifying and sucks me in to a black hole of watching for more than two hours. This story was about a guy who nearly died in a farming accident and I have no idea why it was so fascinating. Get to work going through my iPhone pictures, deleting the blurry ones, then uploading the winners to Flickr. Then I email myself the notes for this post and start typing.
Get REALLY into this dumb show, which means I type through 9:00 am at the most, then give up. But whatever, the kid lived through the grain bin incident, people !!
10:00 pm | My new favorite show is done and I am mentally cashed. Text Nate that I'm going to bed. The news comes on and, seems like the Badgers are playing a really intense game with 5 minutes left. A quick Facebook check confirms this as there are many-a-Badger fans in my feed.
10:15 pm | Brush teeth, wash face, check the kids on the monitor, and pass out within three seconds of my head hitting the pillow.

2:25 am | Wake up in a coughing fit, realize Nate is home and didn't even hear him come to bed, continue to cough until I sort of dry heave. This is the pits, man.
3:15 am | Still awake, hacking a lung, when Cecelia calls out for me and needs to be tucked in. Two nights in a row for my daughter needing me in the middle of the night, not entirely sure if she just used her potty and needs me to pull up her covers after that or what is going on. It could certainly be worse! Cough finally subsides and I fall back to sleep.
6:45 am | Wake up for the day, hearing Truman and CC arguing in their room, followed by laughter and song and joking around. They stay in their room until 6:55 when their clock 'finally' turns yellow and we start our Easter Sunday-o-fun.
Thus ends lucky number thirteen for my DiTL undertakings!
I obviously have hormone issues because this post made me tear up. It reminds me so much of our own days at home and makes me so thankful and weirdly nostalgic (or maybe I'm anticipating the nostalgia I'll feel some day) for these crazy little kid days. <3
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love these posts of yours! They're always so much fun to read! And so detailed. I don't know how you remember everything and do it with 3 kids no less. So great that your in-laws live so close too!
ReplyDeleteOooh, DITL. Love it. Almost vommed reading about CC pooping in her room :) I mean, obviously I get it and that seems smart to have the potty in there but also yuck. Highly doubt I will be motivated enough to complete a DITL this round but oh well.
ReplyDeleteI always love to read your DITL posts! Thanks for sharing! I'm jealous of the sleeping sweet spot your kids are in...can't wait for that in my house ;)
ReplyDelete~ Andrea
I'm always impressed with the number of pictures you take and the detail in your DITL posts!! Your kids continue to be adorable. I have the same wispies from losing my hair after pregnancy- I just want them to grow faster!!
ReplyDeleteI love your DITL posts! I save them for when I get to work (shhh!) and can sit with a cup of coffee while reading the entire thing. :) I'm also super impressed with your ability to get a decent meal on the table (3 times in one day, no less!). I feel like we make things way too complicated on the cooking front, then we end up ordering in or going out. I read your post and think "Why didn't I just think of making sandwiches or hamburgers?" LOL! Duh. Can you share your meal plan at some point? :)
ReplyDeleteI just love how detailed you are and the amount of pictures you post. Love reading about your life, man I remember when Truman was just a baby!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your DiTLs! Was laughing at so many things. "Rage!" ha YES. Weekends and MILs really are the best. I hope CC's eye is better and the rest of you don't get it!
ReplyDeleteI hate when I wash a pullup!!
ReplyDeleteVery nice post. Porter's butt in the bathroom omg. Nothing cuter than jiggly baby butt. My boy is losing his cellulite and it makes me sad. They grow so fast.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness - the diaper in the washer! I can only imagine what a mess that was to clean up. I have to go through all of our laundry with a fine-tooth comb because there's always princesses (my 3YO) and candy wrappers (my husband) and sometimes cash (yessss!) mixed in there. Never know what I'll find.
ReplyDeletePorter's chubs by the bathtub are so adorable. I have a hard time capturing photos like that of my kids because they always seem to be crying at bath time. LOL. And hooray for helpful and wonderful mother-in-laws!
Can I ask - what photo collage program do you use? Love the layout of your pictures in posts.
I have a program called Blogstomped that I really like! Look it up, worth it!
DeleteGosh I love the detail in your posts - it always make me thing of things I need to "remember" next time! What a busy but fun day! Your MIL is awesome that she stayed to help just because. Yay for getting that 4mi run in and with the BOB. I'm a morning runner so waiting for a little warmer weather to see if my miss C will still be up for stroller runs this year! Beer time sounds awesome um everyday but espically on the weekends! Lots of good sleep in this post too -- espically from your littlest so awesome! I feel like your last post I read like this he was up a lot still. So fun to see a change in a short time! We totally use a little potty in C room for at night and quiet time (I think I got the idea from you actually). She doesn't use it often but I don't think she's awake enough to make it to the bathroom at night. Don't love it but better than an wet bed! Great DITL! I've never done a weekend but wondering if I should next time since it will be summer and all!
ReplyDeleteHope your cough is better - it sounds like it was awful.And so many cute pictures, especially love the one with Porter in the bunny ears and Truman leaning int to him. So adorable.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your DITL! I am so impressed with all the pictures you include! Your family is adorable.
ReplyDeleteI've had this tab opened for days ... so happy to finally read through it. What a lovely day!! I was dying over your kitchen cabinets (I'm so cool). The little tiny ones at the top? So cute!! Also, you can put a Bumbo in the tub??! I never knew of this magic!
ReplyDeleteBumbo in the tub means VERY little water to avoid floating. Totally possible though, although probably not the best way to go about a newly-sitting baby in water. Has worked for us though!