Also it's the last day for you to submit your Day in the Life post to me. I'm adding the posts to my draft as I get them and holy smokes, we're up to 30 posts right now. So much to read, so little time;)
Perhaps I can just stop Instagramming for the rest of the month, put one picture up over here each day and elaborate on it a bit in the name of 'daily blogging.' Yes? That works?
Alright. Here are my two big kids on their bikes today. Spring is awesome. Bikes are fun. Truman is nowhere near getting rid of his training wheels and Cecelia hasn't figured out the balance part of her 'balance bike', so she just walks it everywhere. But being outside is still the best and it was a great day full of fresh air and a significant amount of deep cleaning the house. Not really sure which of those makes me happier: being out in nice weather or an extra clean house. Hmmm.

Topic Suggestions: Could you write a post on how marriage has changed since having kids, how you parent, what you do when a conflict about how to handle a situation arises, how you find the time to be together, etc.? Also since I have been secretly reading for a long tome but haven't commented (I know bad) I have always wondered what happened to Keri, Hannah, Lindsey, Kim, and all of your other old friends? Finally, Henry updates?
ReplyDeleteYes, can do this one for sure. Good questions! (All of my old friends are still around in different cities than me, but I'm going to see everyone you listed next month with two separate trips!!)
DeleteOh, and Henry is doing well. No other issues since the fall--will be 10 in October. !!
DeleteHave you seen the “what I’m into” posts around the interwebs? Books you’ve read recently, TV shows you are loving, a cute accessory you are wearing a lot, a great website you’ve found, etsy stuff you are drooling over, IG accounts you like to follow…just anything you are digging in the moment.
ReplyDeleteI’m also curious about your job and Nate’s. This might be more info than you want to share, so maybe not a good topic. I know you are both PTs, but you do different things. You work with people at home…because they are sick? Or they have an injury they are recovering from? Or is it just general maintenance for the older crowd? You work part time…does that mean you have to take on a certain number of patients but you can schedule them in your own time? And Nate, what type of clients does he work with? And I know he teaches some, right? As in, PT students? Writing that all out sounds super nosey, haha. But I’m just curious about what y’all do!
Funny things your kids have said lately, fave meals/snacks around your house, things you love about living in Wisconsin, any home projects on the horizon…that’s all I got.
So many ideas here, yay!
DeleteDidn't think my job would be very interesting to read about but I can certainly describe mine and Nate's jobs without breaking any HIPAA laws. Off to draft a few titles...
My kiddo is nowhere near losing his training wheels either. I see other 5 year olds just cruising around on two wheels and worry he's way behind. But, he's such a perfectionist, he has to be nearly perfect before giving up the safety net!
ReplyDeleteI have no topic ideas except to echo Kristal above... find a quiz/meme type post that you can either answer questions or fill in the blanks. Erin had one a year ago or so that I copied once:
Love this. Drafted ideas for this one!
DeleteI would love a post about exercise and reclaiming your body after kids, how you have lost the baby weight and your goals for future fitness, how you prioritize being healthy, etc. you are so inspiring!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Good topic, will draft it!
DeleteI love everyone else's suggestions on topics. I would also like to read about your meal-planning or how you handle meals on your busy nights. Also, this may be a little weird, but I've always wondered what you do for lunch. It seems like every lunch post I've seen is a sandwich! I can't eat the same thing day-after-day, so I dont' know why, but this intrigues me!
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious because Nate gives me SO MUCH TROUBLE about eating the same exact thing every day. Literally, same breakfast and same lunch I think it drives him nuts!!! Hilarious you noticed this, I will certainly do a post on meals/food/and my issues with liking routine in my meals;) HA!
DeleteI eat the same breakfast every day too. Lunch is a variety of maybe 3-4 things.
DeleteMy sister literally ate the same lunch for 4 years of high school - PB&J, string cheese, applesauce. Every. Day. Then for several years she brought PB&J, string cheese, and CHANGED IT UP to yogurt to work. My boss eats a sandwich, a tupperware of plain baby carrots, and yogurt every sinnnnnnnnnnnnnnngle day. OMG. I sometimes have the same lunch 3-4 days in a row and it drives me a bit batty by the end.
DeleteI just want to say I am so happy you are writing every day in April! I rarely comment (which is super annoying to you and I'm sorry!) but I genuinely enjoy reading your posts. I think just seeing examples of other people living a relatively similar life is so helpful -- for instance, yesterday's posts about Cecelia's moods. SO refreshing to hear someone else's entire day hinges on those first few moments of the morning. Here's an idea for you (that may take more thought than you want to put in), but maybe a post about how your kids' childhoods are/will be different than yours, and feelings on that? I've been thinking that over a lot lately and since I don't blog, I'm passing the idea to you :). I grew up in a rural area with a SAHM; my son is a city kid with two full-time working parents. As he gets older, I'm realizing there are some idealizations of my childhood that I have to let go of, and also some really amazing experiences my kid will get that I never had access to. Maybe that's way too deep ... but an idea. Pictures are totally fine too :)
ReplyDeleteOhhh, I like this idea a lot! Haven't thought of comparing my upbringing to my own children's upbringing but would be a great topic. Thanks for the suggestion!
DeleteI would like to know if you are still scrap booking the old fashioned way? If not, do you miss it?
ReplyDeleteI am all digital now, so my last old fashioned scrapbook must have been our honeymoon album back in 2007. I sort of miss the process of physically cutting, glueing, creating.....but then again, even the digital versions have slipped to the back burner for me lately. I need to get on it but it's hard to make it a priority right now!
DeleteHow about a post about just you and Nate? Prekids and post kids etc etc.
ReplyDeleteYou aren't alone! I've been going back to my drafts and looking at old photos that I never shared. Really grasping at straws over here on my end!!
ReplyDeleteHi, tips on how to schedule your life with multiple kids. I'm pregnant with number two have have NO clue where to start (know I need a schedule, but having a hard time getting motivated, sticking to one). Do you do laundry every day? meal prep? etc.