Wallace is five months old now. He is rolling all over the place, pushing up close to the All Fours position, scoots around on his tummy in a circle, and has already tried to eat our Christmas tree a few times. How is this happening so early?!!

He was on that mat when I walked away, then I returned to this:

He's a happy dude and loves to stare at the big kids. I'm thinking he's an early mover simply because he knows he has to get the heck out of the way of these three other kids---or at least keep up with them.
He's grabbing at our food and looking at cups like they are the most fascinating thing ever. Kid wants to eat, but mommy just isn't ready yet. Not ready for the changing poops or the mess, but I guess I better suck it up and go for it soon. The others all started solids around 5.5-6 months, so yeah. It's time.
Oh my heart.

First picture I took on my real camera since his birthday...yikes. But DIY Christmas cards were calling!

Wallace is still an excellent nurser and is even taking the bottle while I'm gone now!! Usually he drinks about 5-6 ounces while I'm away, and then nurses non-stop from the time I get home until bedtime. This is actually a point of contention with me, because I'm reaching my breaking point like woah. I cannot sit on the couch and nurse from 5-10pm even though that's what Ace would love. It's hard not having any break time to breathe, and no--work doesn't count as a 'break'. It's work and it's something else to manage/think about/focus on other than myself. I do not get to relax at work, although I usually manage to have a hot cup of coffee from my thermos, so there's that;) I could go on and on, and really---things are going well, but we need to find a schedule for nursing and sleeping ASAP.

Last night I finally said that it's time to implement some sleep training, even though I HATE HATE HATE it. I also despise being sleep deprived and stressed out and not able to give my family the best of me. So we are sleep training and last night went really well so far. Wallace still loves me and is smiling at me right now, so I'll remember that when I'm wavering tonight against his cries.

We are striving for two naps each day, around 9 and 1. Admittedly, we have been failing greatly at this but I have high hopes for the next month. And instead of finally laying him down at 10pm and then crashing into bed myself, we are going to stick to a 7pm bedtime. Here goes nothing!!

He's wearing size 9 month clothes and a size 3 diaper that I found seemed to fit much better than size 2. Baby Wallace is not an infant anymore, you guys. He's growing up so fast and is still so squeezable and edible.

Hands are ALWAYS in his mouth and his cheeks get super red lately, drooling constantly. He has to be teething? He also seems to have a little bit of a cold but he's not letting that affect his outlook on life just yet---dude is super chill and just the best.
Plus, I have another diaper changer in the house though, so it's all good.

And Ace has two mommies, didn't you know?

OH yes, and he is taking a bath with Cecelia and Porter by using the old Bumbo trick. I have to hold him down so he doesn't float but he freaking loves bath time now.

I'm forgetting 90% of what I wanted to blab about today, but duty calls. And by 'duty' I mean gathering up snow gear to walk across the street and get the big kids from school.
(ALSO, our addition is basically done! Remember that time we broke ground in June? And signed the contract with the architect back in January? Yeah, the project is still continuing but it's so close to being 100% finished! The outside still has a good week of work left to complete, but the inside? It's so amazing! King bed for us, new beds for the kids, all of us have our own personal space....someday a blog post will follow. We went from 3 beds/1.5 baths to now 5 beds/2.5 baths and it's glorious. But when I say life is nuts for Wallace (and for all of us), the addition is a big part of that statement.)
CRAZY TOWN = our house

It's crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way with these buggers.

Help me, ma.

And, okay, a sneak peek of the master bathroom