All things pregnancy, in case navigating labels is too time consuming for you:)
TRUMAN'S pregnancy:
BFP on 7.7.09, due 3.14.10, born at 38 weeks on 3.1.10
weekly posts...
The Big Fat Announcement: 08.17.09
Four Weeks: 08.18.09
Five Weeks: 08.24.09
Six Weeks: 08.25.09
Seven Weeks: 08.26.09
Eight Weeks: 08.27.09
Nine Weeks: 08.28.09
Ten, Eleven, Twelve Weeks: 08.31.09
Thirteen Weeks: 09.07.09
Fourteen Weeks: 09.14.09
Fifteen Weeks: 09.21.09
Sixteen Weeks: 09.28.09
Seventeen Weeks: 10.05.09
Eighteen Weeks: 10.12.09
Nineteen Weeks: 10.19.09
Twenty Weeks: 10.26.09
Twenty-One Weeks: 11.02.09
Twenty-Two Weeks: 11.09.09
Twenty-Three Weeks: 11.16.09
Twenty-Nine Weeks: 12.28.09
Thirty Weeks: 1.4.10
Thirty-One Weeks: 1.11.10
Thirty-Two Weeks: 1.18.10
Thirty-Three Weeks: 1.25.10
Thirty-Four Weeks: 2.1.10
Thirty-Five Weeks: 2.8.10
Thirty-Six Weeks: 2.13.10
Thirty-Seven Weeks: 2.22.10
Birth Story in words
Birth Story in pictures
Blood pressure issues lead to an induction at 38 weeks. The posts...
uh-oh: 2.2.10
ode to bedrest: 2.3.10
ups and downs: 2.9.10
updates: 2.18.10
bedrest: 2.25.10
freaking out: 2.26.10
hospital fun: 2.28.10
mom bod, post-baby...
one week postpartum: 3.10.10
two weeks postpartum: 3.16.10
eleven months postpartum: 1.27.11
Belly shots from my first pregnancy:
my maternity pictures: 2.11.10

First pregnancy time line and milestones:
07.06.09: got my BFP! Second month of 'trying, but not labeling it TRYING'. That was quicker than we expected! Due 03.14.10.
07.17.09: almost six weeks, told our parents and my grandparents the big news. First grandchild on both sides equals lots of squealing.
08.10.09: first appointment, at nine weeks, with transvaginal ultrasound. Saw the ticker! Could breathe again.
08.11.09: started telling close friends and other family. Letting it all sink in...
08.17.09: ten weeks, started telling the whole wide world including this blog, facebook, and work.
09.01.09: twelve week appointment, with doppler. Heard the ticker ticking away at 160 bpm! Total weight gained = 1 pound.
09.20.09: fifteen weeks, felt the first baby movement! Lots of jabs and flutters.
09.29.09: sixteen week appointment, heard the heartbeat again, this time at 145 bpm. Total weight gained = 6 pounds.
10.09.09: almost nineteen weeks, started wearing a Bella Band for my snug-fitting pants. Still no full-fledged maternity pants yet, but getting close!
10.23.09: almost twenty weeks, Nate was able to feel the baby kick for the first time. The next morning we both saw my belly move, too. Whoo hoo!
10.27.09: twenty week appointment, heard heartbeat at 153 bpm. Total weight gained=13 pounds. Gulp.
10.28.09: big ultrasound and IT'S A BOY! Weighing at 13 ounces and moving around like crazy, our son spread 'em wide open for us to see his gender. Nate has never been so happy.
11.24.09: twenty-four week appointment, heartbeat at 138 bpm. Total weight gained=18 pounds. And this is the first week someone flat out asked me 'Are you pregnant?' without already knowing the answer! Must be those maternity tops that I'm obsessed with now:)
12.21.09: twenty-eight week appointment, didn't ask about heart rate because was focused on the scale number. Total weight gained=25 pounds, so I guess I'm right on track for my OB's goal of 40 pounds total. At least I'm still running 3 days a week I suppose.
2.2.10: thirty-four week appointment, and all of a sudden I have high blood pressure. Ruh-roh! Lots of testing, a few days of bedrest, and bi-weekly appointments to watch everything closely.
2.8.10: thirty-five weeks: maternity pics and more doctors appointments, but still working full time tentatively!
2.22.10: thirty-seven weeks: full term, baby! Not dilated at all, but labs are still good and BP is stable so I'm still working full time and napping like a champ. Lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions and The Waddle has begun, too. This is what the end feels like!
2.25.10: Doc put me on bedrest officially since my BP is now up a bit, I gained 5 pounds in 3 days, and have a little headache. Maternity leave starts early!
2.26.10: And now my urine lab came back positive so I officially have Pre-Eclampsia. Going to check into the hospital tomorrow and be induced right at 38 weeks. Baby boy better be ready!
Truman's nursery:

paint color 'Rushing Stream' by Behr
Second pregnancy: a missed miscarriage discovered at 9 weeks on ultrasound, baby Wren stopped growing at 6 weeks. BFP on 3.24.11. Due 11.29.11. D&C on 6.13.11. We'll never forget our little November bird that flew away too soon.
05.02.11 Loss
05.04.11 Grief
05.11.11 Closure
06.02.11 Complications
06.10.11 Whining
08.31.11 Cost of a Loss
Third pregnancy, here comes Cecelia: BFP on 9.17.11, due on 5.29.12, born at 39w5d on 5.28.12. Pregnant after a loss!
The announcement: 11.29.11
Dirty Details: 11.30.11
First Trimester weeks 4 through 11: 12.1.11
12 weeks, the lime: 11.16.11
13 weeks, the plum: 11.23.11
14 weeks, the lemon: 11.30.11
15 weeks, the orange: 12.7.11
16 weeks, the avocado: 12.14.11
17 weeks, the onion: 12.21.11
18 weeks, the bell pepper: 12.28.11
19 weeks, the grapefruit: 1.4.12
20 weeks, the banana: 1.11.12
Big Gender Reveal: 1.15.12
21 weeks, the carrot: 1.18.12
22 weeks, the spaghetti squash: 1.25.12
23 weeks, the pomegranate: 2.1.12
24 weeks, the eggplant: 2.8.12
25 weeks, the rutabaga: 2.15.12
26 weeks, the cucumber: 2.22.12
27 weeks, the Chinese cabbage: 2.29.12
28 weeks, the cauliflower: 3.7.12
29 weeks, the butternut squash: 3.14.12
30 weeks, the basketball fruit: 3.21.12
31 weeks, the four oranges: 3.28.12
32 weeks, the jicama: 4.4.12
33 weeks, the pineapple: 4.11.12
34 weeks, the cantaloupe: 4.18.12
35 weeks, the honeydew melon: 4.25.12
36 weeks, the coconut: 5.2.12
37 weeks, the green leaf lettuce: 5.9.12
38 weeks, the watermelon: 5.16.12
39 weeks, the gallon of milk: 5.23.12
Birth Story in words
Birth Story in pictures
Post-partum recovery, round two
Belly pictures for third pregnancy: our little fruit baby!
Timeline for third pregnancy:
3w3d: BFP!! Earliest test ever, at just 11 DPO
4w2d: questionable progesterone. Good HCG. Brown spotting. UGH.
5w5d: started gushing bright red blood. Baby found on US, heartbeat seen. Large SCH found as well, 4cm x 2cm. It's easily 3 times the size of baby's sac.
6w1d: Baby still ticking away, bleed stable at 5cm. MD feels optimistic! Weekly US to watch the bleed fade and baby grow. Some brown spotting after each US.
9w1d: got home doppler, found baby's heartbeat within minutes. Whew! In 170s range.
10w2d: another great OB appointment, HB 178 at the office, and US showed a moving baby! Very big sigh of relief at this point. A bump is starting to appear. Starting to tell more friends and family, all will know the news by 12 weeks (told at 8 weeks with Truman's pg). Weight gain: 2 pounds.
12w0d: first hints of baby kicks, super early but amazing!! (felt these at 14 weeks with Truman's pg)
13w6d: Told the internet. Passed Wren's EDD. HB in the 140s-150s. Weight gain: 3 pounds.
15w0d: Trying out the Bella Band to fit the giant belly (was at 19 weeks with Truman's pg)
16w0d: Felt baby move from the outside today. Officially in my maternity clothes! (was at 20 and 24 weeks respectively for Truman's pregnancy)
18w0d: Daily, big kicks from this little baby. Clean Quad screen. Undeniable bump. Weight gain: 8 pounds (basically same as Truman's pg)
18w4d: Nate feels baby kick from outside! (was at 20w with Truman's pg)
19w0d: A stranger commented on my belly and told me 'congratualtions!' (not until 24 weeks with Truman)
20w1d: big anatomy scan! It's a HEALTHY baby GIRL!!! Measuring in the 70th percentile for her growth.
26w0d: passed glucose screen, up 20 pounds from my starting weight, which shows baby girl is having a huge growth spurt and so is her mommy.
34w0d: blood pressure is still good! Holla! Only up 29 pounds at this point too, which is a lot better than when I was at 36 pounds with Truman's pregnancy. Baby girl is head down and I'm getting a lot of strong, timeable BH contractions already. Cannot believe I might get to skip an induction this time.
37w5d: growth ultrasound, because baby was suddenly measuring smaller at 37w appointment after always measuring perfectly. Baby surprised us with an estimated 7lbs 10oz for weight already, landing in the 70th percentile again.
39w5d: Cecelia is born! Total weight gained this time 34 pounds, was 43 pounds with Truman.
Cecelia's Nursery:
Paint color: Behr's Wildwood Spring. See
nursery reveal post here for more details.
Fourth Pregnancy: here comes Porter!
BFP on 11.5.13 (surprise!), due date 7.8.14, born on 40w3d on 7.11.14
The announcement: 12.17.13
Details: 12.18.13
Surreal: 12.19.13
First appointment jitters: 12.20.13
This is happening!: 12.21.13
Truman's take on becoming a big brother again: 12.23.13
10 weeks: 12.10.13
11 & 12 weeks: 12.24.13
13 weeks: 12.31.13
14 weeks: 1.17.14
15 weeks: 1.14.14
16 weeks: 1.21.14
17 weeks: 1.28.14
18 weeks: 2.4.14
19 weeks: 2.11.14
20 weeks: 2.18.14
Baby 3: Pink or Blue?
21 weeks: 2.25.14
22 weeks: 3.4.14
23 weeks: 3.11.14
24 weeks: 3.18.14
25 weeks: 3.25.14
26 weeks: 4.1.14
27 weeks: 4.8.14
28 weeks: 4.15.14
29 weeks: 4.22.14
30 weeks: 4.29.14
31 weeks: 5.6.14
32 weeks: 5.13.14
33 weeks: 5.20.14
34 weeks: 5.27.14
35 weeks: 6.3.14
36 weeks: 6.10.14
37 weeks: 6.17.14
38 weeks: 6.24.14
39 weeks: 7.1.14
40 weeks: 7.7.14
Due Date!
40+2: Last Pregnancy Post
Birth Story
Post-partum, round three: one week
Belly Pictures for my last pregnancy:

Timeline for my last pregnancy:
5w0d: BFP, holy crap. I just stopped breastfeeding last month and haven't had a single period since before Cecelia. No clue how far along I am, but that is an AWFULLY dark line.
8w0d: First appointment, all is well and we see a real baby with a heartbeat on ultrasound! I found out I'm due 7.8.14. Feeling generally miserable and the sickest I've ever been with pregnancy.
9w0d: Doppler success at home! Heartbeat 188 bpm and the sweetest sound I've heard.
11w0d: Told the internets since I feel huge and ready to embrace this pregnancy, feeling more energetic and less sick. HR 170s.
13w0d: Baby taps! Will never forget how amazing this is. Bump is out of control, pull some maternity clothes from the attic. HR about 155 bpm now.
16w2d: Felt baby from the outside! HR 145-150 bpm now.
19w4d: A stranger finally noticed my bump and commented! About time. No longer using the Doppler at home, feeling baby move a TON for reassurance.
20w0d: Big ultrasound and it's a healthy BOY!!! A very proud little boy. Amazing day in general.
20w2d: Nate finally feels baby boy kicking. We decide on a name shortly after. I'm up 11 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight which feels like an accomplishment considering my raging appetite.
29w0d: Okay, I'm feeling it lately. Baby boy is incredibly active and I'm tired, but still loving pregnancy as a whole! Up 22 pounds which is right where I was with Cecelia's pregnancy.
35w0d: Lots of contractions, some timeable. Walking pneumonia (second round of antibiotics this pregnancy, since I had strep throat a few months ago), up 27 pounds, and eagerly counting down the days until we meet this boy! Everyone thinks my bump is incredibly small. I do not feel small. I feel tired and like this child is my most active yet.
37w2d: 1 cm dilated (never before labor!), 50% effaced, up 30 pounds, baby is head down, and mama is hitting the wall. He feels like a bowling ball between my legs and I think this belly has dropped. Any day now.
39w2d: 2 cm dilated, up 31 pounds, still not in labor. Hmmmm. Cannot believe he hasn't come yet but glad he is comfy in there (I guess). Finished with work yesterday, so maternity leave has officially begun. Nate is off work all of next week and my parents fly in to see the baby he better come. Will induce at 40w3d if he doesn't choose another birthday before then. Come on baby!
40w3d: Labor began at home a few hours before induction. Porter is born at 12:12pm!
His Nursery:
Fifth Pregnancy: No Really, This Is the Last One!
BFP on 10.28.16 (biggest surprise!), due 7.8.17
Baby Number Four | What's One More?
Everything New is Fine
The Negatives
Emotional Rollercoaster
Relief, Part One
Relief, Part Two
10 weeks
11 weeks
12+13 weeks
14 weeks
15 weeks
16 weeks
17 weeks
18 weeks
19 weeks
20 weeks
21 weeks
22 weeks
23 weeks
24 weeks
25 weeks
26 weeks
27 weeks
28 weeks + 29 weeks
30 weeks
31 weeks + 32 weeks
33 weeks
34 weeks
35 weeks
36 weeks
37 weeks
38 weeks
39 weeks
Birth story part one
Birth story part two
Birth story part three
Timeline for my LAST last pregnancy:
3w6d: BFP. Um, what? This was not in our plan and we now know that day nine in my cycle is a fertile time. WOAH.
5w3d: Lots and lots of red blood, just like Cecelia's pregnancy. Sure that this is a miscarriage, we try not to get too sad until we have some answers. This baby may not have been planned but it is oh, so wanted right now.
6w5d: Ultrasound shows a baby with a heartbeat (126 bpm), measuring perfectly. Also another huge SCH, like with our girl. But the heartbeat and tiny baby are the best sights ever.
8w5d: Follow up ultrasound shows a bigger baby and a smaller bleed (1.9cm). We even saw our little gummy bear move on the screen, heart rate was 168. Feeling positive!
9w3d: Dug out my home doppler, found the heartbeat at home at 178 bpm. There is no better sound in the world! Feeling pretty miserable this first trimester, exhausted and pukey but par for the course.
12w1d: Finally tell our children the news. Truman jumps up and down, Cecelia just stares at me, and Porter hits me and says, 'No, not funny.'
13w3d: Told the world on the internet! I think I'm feeling baby taps and I'm absolutely showing this fourth time around. Doppler checks show heartbeat is in the 155-160 range. Up two pounds. Maternity pants feel oh, so good but still look pretty ridiculous.
15w2d: Definitely feeling baby taps, and even felt this little person kick me from the outside. I forgot how amazing it is to feel baby moving in there.
18w2d: Truman felt baby kicking! Magical moment, as T is this baby's biggest fan. Also had a negative quad screen last week. Whoo hoo!
19w5d: It's a boy, and a healthy baby on that ultrasound screen. Thank you, Lord! I'm up seven pounds, Cecelia and Nate have both felt the baby kicking, and a stranger noticed my bump for the first time.
26w6d: Failed my one hour glucose test, passed the horrible three hour test, up 19 pounds, but feeling good overall. We are finally 99% set on a name, too.
37w0d: Doing really well! Becoming quite obsessed with Hypnobabies and having a peaceful, calm birth this time. Up 30 pounds, am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, some Braxton Hicks contractions but nothing too awful. I sort of feel 'too good' and think I might be overdue again but we will see.
39w6d: OB appointment proves I'm 3cm dilated, 75% effaced, up 34 pounds, and it was my last day of work today! I have an induction set for next week but I truly don't think I'll need it.
40w0d: my water broke at 4am! Wallace arrived later that day.
Project Posts:
How I applied my wall decals
How I repainted a dresser and refinished a wooden bench
Shelves and Prints
How I repainted the crib yellow
Nursery Reveal