I was looking at my favorite new app 'Time Hop' the other day and realized that Cecelia's one month quilt and chair shoot happened a year ago. And I was confused, thinking that she still would have been a few days old at this point last year. But no, duh---it's already the end of June and her birthday was a full month ago. Mind-boggling! Then I realized I better start writing this post before she changes even more in the next few weeks.
This is such a fun age (cliche-alert, and probably found on my blog about 354 times by now)! It really is awesome to have CC at an age where she can get around, play a little by herself, and start to communicate her needs in a way we actually understand. She has quite the little personality and a sense of humor. She's our daredevil who seems absolutely fearless when it comes to exploring and trying new things---which is somewhat terrifying, considering Truman has always been a cautious observer. She will be our most expensive child, I'm sure, tallying up a few ER trips and broken bones. And her wardrobe is a little expensive/frivolous/ridiculous but I can't help myself, as I'm sure you understand;)
She popped one more tooth this month, bringing her total up to eight and I hope and pray she cuts a few big boy molars soon. It's the only proper explanation for the loss of her sanity one night this month. Besides that one wretched night, CC is sleeping like a champ. It seems like she wants to start waking up in the 5 o'clock hour sometimes but she will usually make it until 6'ish. She still takes two solid naps around 9 and 1, ranging from 1-2 hours each. Bedtime is around 7:30-8 and she doesn't usually fight going down for us anymore. My crappy sleeper is turning into a sleep hound and it's obviously the best thing ever.
Cecelia is still nursing about twice or three times per day, but sometimes up to four times if she is extra clingy. I think she is mostly nursing for comfort at this point and still seems to really dig it. Sort of can't believe this is where we are at thirteen months, but hooray! She will actually request to nurse now, patting my chest and saying 'ba ba'. No idea what that actually means but it's obvious she wants some boob time. Still planning to continue as long as she wants, until it just feels too burdensome or weird, I guess.
She's a funny little peanut who loves to ham it up in the name of a laugh. Her favorite thing is to put her froggie blanket on her head and 'hide' then rip it off and fake laugh at us. Also loves to fake laugh at me when I tell her 'NO' as she starts to climb up our stairs, as she looks back with a devilish grin. She also finds it amusing to pick on her big brother---constantly trying to steal his food or his toys, or even just hitting him for no reason. Our little firecracker is always in his biz and he usually tolerates her pretty well.
Also, she is still harboring an inner diva at times. Cecelia has been known to get really mad at me for not picking her up, so she will sit down and slam herself back into the ground to create a scene and a head bonk....just so I will pick her up. Nate saw her do this the first time and I totally did not believe him. But then she did it for Lori one day because Cecelia wanted to be picked up and Lori wasn't responding quick enough. And I've watched her do it to me at home, too. Silly baby. Why do you have to hurt yourself in order to get attention? A small dose of drama each day is tolerable, I suppose.
CC is really understanding what we are saying now, and it's a transition to toddlerhood that I seriously adore. She nods 'yes' and 'no' mostly appropriately and is very exaggerated with her head motions. She is kind of obsessed with going outside, so if she sees that we are getting a bag together she will scurry over to the bench where we keep our shoes, pull out one of her favorite pairs and plop down with her feet stretched out in front of her. Then she will grunt at me until I put her shoes on---sister does NOT want to be left out of a trip outside. She will also point to her mouth if I ask her, 'Cecelia, you want to eat?' If I ask her, 'Are you ready to wake Truman up from his nap?' she will smile and say 'Tu Tu' and start crawling up the stairs to get her big brother.
(video of her being randomly cute and throwing Froggie around)
Another adorable thing she does is she'll randomly say 'pat pat pat' and will pat her tummy. Will also do this one on command as our little trick monkey because it's just so freaking cute. Giving kisses without asking is also high on my list of adorableness, as is playing 'floppy' on the couch. The girl loves to fall onto the pillows like a log going down in the forest, then she will look at us and smile with pride. Hilarious and also dangerous. CC is obsessed with balls and throws them to us non-stop. She also loves Henry and other 'daw-daws' and gets a little rough with our fluff ball sometimes, but he doesn't care. This month she also learned how to say, 'ahhhhhh' after taking sip of milk or water from a cup. Cracks me up every time.
(spilling water is so much fun)
She loves her nuk all of a sudden, like WOAH. She doesn't put up a fight when I take it out of her mouth after a nap and we are pretty much only using it for sleeping and the car (and she has a very low tolerance for car rides right now). But I dread the day when we get rid of it all together because it really does soothe her so well. I feel like she didn't care about it at all until a few months ago. Typical.
My girl is becoming a little cuddle bug and obviously I lose my mind over how much I love baby snuggles. If she is tired and I'm holding her, she will rest her head on my chest and I melt. After a nap she loves to just lay on me or Nate a bit before waking up fully, bombing around the house. I don't remember Truman being this snuggly at this age and I hope she doesn't stop this sleepy snuggle thing anytime soon. Between the head-on-chest and the unprompted kisses, I'm a total goner for this babe.
But the biggest accomplishment of the month? She is WALKING!! Not full-time or anything, but she has strung together eight steps as her max and usually pulls off about 4-5 at a time before falling into our arms or onto the couch/ottoman. She will stand alone for some time now and is just starting to get brave enough to walk without someone egging her on, but it's still only something she will do if the mood is just right. Oh boy, we are gearing up for this game changer the best we can and it's still so much fun the second time around. This is a lot earlier than her big brother walked, too.
I love this little lady in my life, I love this age and can't wait to watch her grow up even more this next year. I'll end this post with some favorite iPhone pictures from this month since there aren't enough pictures in the post otherwise;)
Loves to walk with toys outside.
Found a new play pen
Bathtime buddies
Not a big fan of the pool
Laundry helper
Crazy girl
Got the remote, suckers!
Swimming suit model pose.
Selfies before daycare.
These two.
My running partner
Happy campers
Low Fives
First painted toe nails!
Summer BBQ time, cooler of booze and all.