He popped his second tooth this month and is standing unsupported, and standing up from a squat position often. He can climb several stairs at a time now and crawls incredibly fast, with one leg propped up under his body for added speed. He will push toys and laundry baskets across the room to practice his walking and has gotten brave enough to lean into me, ALMOST taking his first step. It's crazy to me that he's this close to actually walking. Crazy.

He hates the sippy cup and also stopped drinking his bottles when I'm at work, so he's just nursing 3-4x per day and usually once at night. We keep pushing the sippy with water, breastmilk, or even whole milk and he literally laughs at us and throws it to the ground. Still growing and has wet diapers so I won't worry, although I cannot assume he's getting *that* much milk from me anymore. Kid just loves the boob though, and I'm trying to look at the bright side of this. NO MORE PUMPING at work and I put the pump away for good. Hallelujah.

Naps are getting more consistent, still following the 3-3-4 rule for wake time during the day. He will cry before falling asleep at naps and also bedtime but not usually for very long. First nap is around 9 for about 1-1.5 hours and second nap around 1 for the same. Bedtime is around 7pm and then he fell into a routine of waking around 3 am this month. Of course, last night he was up FIVE TIMES AND I WANT TO DIE. But we have all had a bit of a stomach bug, Wallace included, so I'm chalking last night up to sickness. Porter puked in the middle of the night, Nate was puking all day on Mother's Day, Wallace puked last Thursday and his diaper are just disgusting, and I kept Cece home from school today. Truman and I were on the verge Saturday but we both fought off the pukes somehow. Living the dream around here, folks.

Wallace loves solids and has been doing better with real people food and not just purees. He eats 3 meals a day plus a snack or two. Loves his highchair time as does Henry dog, of course.

Oh yeah, I flew with Wallace and Lois to Oregon this past month. He did awesome on his first flights but was a little sick when we returned. Must have been those airplane germs and the nearly constant licking of airplane seats/windows/everything. Great trip though, and Ace is excited for his first ever cousin to be born SOON.

He's getting more vocal and will mimic us now, which is the cutest. He will shake his head 'no' when we ask, motions 'so big' when we do, and can half-point at things . He likes to blow raspberries, squeal, and whisper sweet nothings into my ear.
Some separation anxiety hit this month and he wants mama, and only mama, more often than not. See also: 'boob baby who doesn't sleep.' Actually he DID sleep through the night twice this month, which is basically twice ever (because I don't count those sleepy first three weeks of life at all).

He's wearing all 12 month clothes and is around 50-60% for weight, and the same for height. Grew a little more hair but not a ton. He is seriously the cutest and I know I'm partial but, COME ON.

There's more to write about but my brain is mush after the five wake ups last night and cleaning kid vomit from puke buckets. Mister man is loved so hard around here. We can't get enough of him and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual.