When I was young, it was an excuse to wear a creative outfit and get candy.
In my college days, it was an excuse to party [while also wearing a creative outfit].
Now, it's an excuse to buy and eat candy.
My how times change.
I handed out candy tonight to a bunch of adorable rug rats while Henry lurked in the background and Nate studied. By Henry 'lurking' I mean that he totally swiped two pieces of chocolate when I wasn't looking, and downed them in one gulp. Wrappers and all. At least he chose a Rolo and a mini-Reese's Peanut Butter Cup--he has great tastes in forbidden foods. I can't wait to see what happens with his digestive tract tonight!
Speaking of the devil, here is his festive tee shirt:

Now back to the point of my post: Halloween memories. Because I feel like reminiscing a bit I dug out my old college scrapbooks in the name of Halloween fun.
It is only because I care deeply for you readers that I am posting these pictures. Don't say I never did anything for you....some of these do not deserve internet time, but I cannot resist. All for the sake of a decent post, I present to you My Life in Halloween Costumes:
#1 1999. Our freshman year of college. I believe we are 'Julia Goolia Spice' and 'Hannah Banana Spice'. We are possibly related to the Spice Girls in some way, but mostly we fell prey to they common sport of dressing inappropriately just because it's Halloween. Shameful, really.

#2 2000. Our sophomore year in college. As you can read in my caption, we are a 'Pure Angel' and 'Evil Angel.' I had to edit this one a bit but I cannot help but chuckle. The hooker boots are key, my friends.

#4 2003. [I believe I was visiting my then-boyfriend, Nate, in 2002 and thus missed out on the Halloween madness in 2002.] Hannah and I go as 'white trash' and hang out in the Central West End. We are now living off campus and obviously very attractive. That would be actual trash and plastic-wrap on our bodies.

#5 2005. [In 2004 I was living in Arkansas during Halloween during a clinical. Again, I missed the debauchery.] This year was a fun one, as we were officially out of college. Nate and Ryan are Ninja Turtles [yes, those are youth sized costumes] and Maggie and I are....

#6 2006. Again, with Maggie and Ryan we go as....Double Dare contestants!!!

And of course, once we were married and boring and stuff, we no longer dressed up for Halloween. Therefore, Double Dare is the last costume I donned.
But I won't stop there, my readers. Not only did my college years bring multiple Halloween parties but when you join a sorority you sign a waiver to attend at least 5 costume parties each yaer. True story. [or not].
The following outfits were not worn on Halloween, but on random 'events' out with the sorority. I do not remember dressing up this much, but it's probably for the best.
#1. The Rock Star switch with the Delta Sigs in 2000. Please guess what I am:

#2 Tacky Prom with the Pikes, spring of 2002. Yes, my friends, you might recognize this outfit because it's what I wore the night I met my future husband. Our relationship is special, let's leave it at that.

#3 Fall of 2002. I was a Pi Chi for recruitment week. That meant I disaffiliated and helped baby freshman during rush week. The Pi Chis all dressed up for one of the days of rush, and what did I wear?

#4 2003. Another Tacky Prom with the Pikes. The handsome fellow on the left would be Nate, and the other lads would be his future groomsmen. Yes, we are a beautiful bunch, I know.