It's been a while since I threw a miscellany post at you, but it's certainly time. Life has been hectic, hence the lack of posts. What happened to my weeks of 5 posts? I'm struggling with 2 per week these days. So sad.
1. I'm reading a new book for a book club I joined at work. It's called Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen and so far I love it. It was big back in 2006....did anyone read it already? Let's just say the main character is a 90 year old man living in a nursing home: enough said, I'm sold. I love old people and used to work in a nursing home so this book makes me smile and miss my old patients back in St. Louis. I'll let you know how it turns out but I'm already engrossed!

2. I've started to get excited about Christmas, instead of dreading the winter in general. One thing that makes me REALLY happy is designing and making our Christmas cards, so of course my mind is already running wild with ideas. Here is what I made last year, since it was the year of our wedding and I figured everyone wanted to see one more wedding picture:) :
I used various Christmas papers for the front, the same picture and the same text. Then on the inside I wrote personalized messages and used some fun Christmas rubber stamps. Sigh. I love this stuff so much.

Which style do you like the best?

But now what? I don't have any recent 'nice' pictures of us from this year and I kind of want one of the whole family [duh, with Henry!]. I might have to contact a few of my photographer friends and inquire about prices for a little family session all in the name of Christmas cards. Is that overdone?
So here are some of my inspirations for this year from Tiny Prints. It's a great site with cute ideas....but I just can't bring myself to order our cards from a website. I have to do it by hand [at least for now, I'm sure someday I will laugh at myself for doing this early on in our marriage]. It's just something I thoroughly enjoy.
Flowers! Lots of them! In bright colors!

Still Christmas-y but not super traditional: just my style.

Another item rolling around in my head has to do with gifts: what in the heck should I get our parents, brothers, and grandparents this year? Last year I was so proud of my homemade wedding albums [paper and glue, not the modern digital albums.....I was so out of the loop a year ago!]. It took forever but I cranked out three albums for both sets of parents, plus Memaw and Pepaw. They were a hit and goal every year! But again, I can only make gifts from our wedding for the first year and then I become that creepy girl who can't get over her wedding....that was 1.5 years ago.
Non-creepy ideas are much welcomed.
3. Henry got his monthly haircut 2 weeks late. Whoops! But he is blindingly white this time, which just proves how dirty he was before the cut. Look how happy he is with his fresh groom:

The only worrisome part of the grooming encounter? The fact that he came home with this ultra feminine ribbon/flower thing on his collar:
Nate was obviously mortified that our male dog pranced around with this all day. Somehow I think Henry liked it, though, which is even more disturbing.

See? So white!

Perfect time for a photo-op: when you can see his eyes again.

4. I'm running again but it seems that I'm suffering a potential injury these days. Ever since the marathon my right knee has been acting crazy every time I run. It's all: No you don't, you crazy biyatch. You ran way too much a few weeks ago and now I'm going to protest any more pounding on the pavement. And I'm all: Shut up and just run, I don't want to lose everything I worked so hard to achieve this year.
So yeah, we ran in a 15k on Saturday [9.3 miles] and overall I felt great....if it weren't for my pesky knee. I'm pretty sure it's just tendonitis or a severe strain and it will heal but it's still quite annoying. I'm just doing 3 or 4 milers during the week with some longer guys each weekend but apparently my knees don't appreciate the lesser mileage. I truly think my knees belong to a 70 year old sometimes. Or maybe that's just me edging towards the big 3-0 with every day that passes.
5. They called for snow this weekend. It didn't produce anything, which is good, because if it was already snowing in October I might fling myself from a window. No joke. I have to run with gloves and hats now, you guys. It's getting down to 31 degrees at nighttime. It's so sad.
6. I rarely talk about work, and I'm still going to refrain....except to say that I have my first P.T. student starting next month! This will be her first clinical and she is my first student so I'm extra excited. Basically, in P.T. you have to do your time as a 'free health care professional' like all other disciplines. You pay full tuition to your school to work full time as a student in various settings. You can go all over the USA if you wish, depending on the contracts your school holds. Your clinicals are where you really learn what you need to survive in the real world and without Clinical Instructors [or C.I.---your teachers in the clinic] nobody would become a P.T.
I volunteered to be a C.I. because I love to teach while watching students grow into practitioners. There's nothing quite like seeing a scared little student gain confidence and appreciation for their future career. I never thought of myself as a teacher but in this sense [not in the classroom, but in the workforce] I really enjoy it. I hope it all goes well and she likes me! I hope she's smart so I don't have to fail her [just kidding....sort of. That rarely happens. Please God, let her be smart].
7. In our efforts to be more domesticated, we spent $20 on Halloween candy this weekend. Ouch! You know how some people buy the kinds they personally hate so they aren't tempted to eat the candy themselves? Yeah, not us. We went all out with pimped out combo packs:
One has regular M&M's, peanut M&M's, Twix, and Snickers. Nate picked this one, it's decent.
The other bag has Hershey's milk chocolate bars, Hershey's special darks, Kit Kats, Reese's PB cups [drool!], and Rolos [double drool!!]. I picked this baby and it was well worth the money, don't you agree? If we don't get many trick-or-treaters guess who gets to gorge themselves on chocolate?!?
That's all for now. Apparently I had a lot of catching up to do!
I loved that book! Kind of random, but in a very good way.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had your creativity, but I'm all about purchased xmas cards. I love all the ones you posted! Oh, and can I hope my kids would ever be that cute?!
I have already been brainstorming ideas for our christmas cards too! I love it - and I need to utilize our professional photos to the fullest. I also hope people aren't annoyed with more wedding pics though.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to see what you come up with - I'm sure it will be fabulous!
I haven't read that book, but have heard great things.
ReplyDeleteI love Christmas cards . . . I'm stuck on first comes love . . . but I'm not sure if I want to go that route. :( I love the last design.
Good for you on continuing the running! Love the commentary between you and your knee.
Henry looks smashing.
Your student will be lucky to have you!
Oh and that snow you didn't get? Yeah, it manifested itself in Minneapolis.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the birthday and baby wishes! I update the baby blog more frequently than my main one now a days.
ReplyDeleteI assume you ran the Discovery Run Sat. -- I like that you get Beer at the end (and during) that one. :)
Good luck with your student! That sounds very exciting.
We'll be at my parents house for Trick or Treating on Friday night, so maybe we'll wander down and say hi -- if it's not too cold. Even when you live here your whole life, it's still frickin' cold. :)
I have the perfect gift idea and it involves something you make so you can utilize all your craftiness and talents! ....Homemade calendars. Archivers (in St.L) sells the calendar, all you do is design the "month" page. Good way to use up pics as well as scrapbook paper and miscellany crafts!
ReplyDeleteGood luck, I'm sure whatever you come up with will be great!!
I love the Christmas card ideas that you posted!! They all are so cute, esp the pink, green, & brown!! :)
ReplyDeleteI always use store bought cards- but considering that I have a pretty short Christmas Card list... I might actually do some handmade's this year! Thanks for insipring me!
Funny that you mention your pimped out candy stash. I came home today and one glance in the bag had Jim uttering "Oh man..we're going to get egged!" Apparently Mike n Ikes go in the "trade" pile..this I never knew! you need pictures, huh?!?!?! Is it wrong that I can visualize cute hats, scarves and a few outdoor scenes??? ;)
Loved that book! So did the rest of my family - very touching.
ReplyDeleteWe're trying to figure out the card thing, too, but I think it'll end up being a boring one this year.
Love your card ideas! Don't feel so bad about getting down to 31 degrees tonight, it's supposed to hit 30 here in St. Louis tonight! I've seen lots of wooly worms this year... I'm slightly afraid.
ReplyDeleteI love your Christmas card from last year. Did you make them all by hand or on your computer? I want to go handmade this year and would love any tips or pointers!
ReplyDeleteI love those Christmas card ideas! I am trying to talk my hubs into doing one! And I love the homemade wedding albums for the parents! I think I might do this for our parents!
ReplyDeleteSadly, it takes me about 8 months to finish a book these days.
ReplyDeleteLoooooove the pink/brown holiday cards!
I think Henry's "accessory" is sweet, even if it is a bit "Carson Kressley".
Frist of, Water for Elephants is AWESOME. I read it a while ago and actually did a blog post about it. The auther does an amazing job researching the way things were in that time, and in the circus days. It's SOOOO good!
ReplyDeleteSecond, I'm with you on the Christmas fever, I can't wait to make mine! I am probably going to want to blow my brains out since I'm making my wedding invitations and save the dates, too, but oh well!!
Loving the last Christmas card sample.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't noticed, I am totally jealous of your beautiful Wisconsin weather.
I like the 4th Christmas card sample you posted. I'm impressed that you make them all by hand. How many Christmas cards to you make every year?
ReplyDeleteI have about 65 families on our Christmas list, so not too many. They are handmade with paper and glue, nothing digital....yet. But we'll see. I really enjoyed picking out my papers and stamps last year so I might go the same route this year, too.
ReplyDeleteAnd I spoke too soon: it flurried today. Welcome to winter!