And the belly shot, straight out of a rain storm:
Eh, still not that impressive, if you ask me. Especially for four months. I thought I would have popped by now. Yes, compared to my 4 week shot this is a big time pooch but I think if you didn't know me you'd just think I was a little more round in the gut region.
Nate has said at the most random times, "I really can tell you are pregnant, down low mostly, but it's a real bump. Plus you are still moody so you must be knocked up." Gee thanks, hun. He also accused me of sucking in my belly for our pics. So I decided to show him a few extremes to prove that I just stand there and don't do anything different to my gut when he snaps away.
First picture is me letting it ALL hang out, no abdominal control at all so that I'm practically sticking it out. It's quite uncomfortable. Second picture is me proving that I can, indeed, suck it all in and there are some ab muscles buried deep within. It was challenging to flex my lazy tummy muscles, hence the face and the vein in my neck:
So that proves that I don't push it out nor suck it in for my pictures, it's just sits there like normal with a little ab control...but I kind of wish my regular belly looked like the 'sticking it out' shot. I'm guessing that might be more like 20-24 weeks for me?
Big news this week? We bought a crib! And let me just tell you about the most amazing deal of the century. I've been stalking Craigslist on a regular basis to search for a diamond in the rough with a gently used crib. Everything was totally hideous and not at all our style.....until Friday night when I found an adorable white 'Jenny Lind' style crib. They sell these brand new at Target and Walmart and retail for about $180 without the mattress (another $75 or so). So the ad went something like this:
"White crib in excellent condition, only used occasionally at Grandma's house. $40 for crib and also mattress."
Say what? Forty freaking dollars for the whole thing? So I emailed back and forth a few times and decided to go for it. Sure enough, it wasn't a fluke and is in great shape---just needed a little wipe down and voila! Good as new.
Henry loves the 'spindle' style of the slats on this baby and I am quite fond of the white all-wood look. Nate loves that it is very easily assembled....without tools! It fits the bill for being rather traditional and yet a little funky, plus it's not ginormous but in our small room it still takes up a surprising amount of space. I even like it more than the $100 Ikea crib we were leaning towards and considering we almost plunked down $300 for the Walmart crib, the $40 spent here seems like a dream come true.
I could get used to this Craigslist hunting thing! Or maybe now we'll be able to splurge a little more in a different area.
On an adorable website called Pixie Dust Decor I found numerous pictures of our crib dressed up in amazing bedding. I love the idea of a bumper, fitted sheet, and dust ruffle pulling off patterns similar to this:
I just can't wait to get this crib all dolled up in fancy colors. We are getting somewhere, you guys!
Another interesting find? Non-alcoholic red wine. I know, I know. It sounds too good to be true but yet again, it's surprisingly decent.
It basically tastes like grape juice with a dash of All Spice mixed in or something. Nate had a glass of the real thing and I had my pretend vino, and because my sense of smell is still superhuman I could smell the alcohol in his glass and it made mine all the more satisfying.
But back to the baby...
Little avocado is still moving around and I'm getting better at noticing it. It still feels like a light tapping sensation and I really only feel it when I'm staying still but holy cow, what an awesome feeling. We get to hear the heartbeat again on Tuesday at our 16 week appointment and I can't wait for a little musical affirmation that all is still well.
Also have to do the dreaded Quad Screen blood test but I'm trying not to think too much about that one. And I wonder if I've gained more than my measly one pound from my 12 week appointment. All of my regular pants still fit and I'm not even unbuttoning them yet, although at the end of the day some of them feel a little snug. I know everyone is different with when they show and switch to Bella Bands or maternity pants, but it just seems odd that my body hasn't completely morphed into full-blown pregnant lady yet. I'm thinking that my regular running three times per week might help but who knows.
Baby can hear this week which is fabulous because that means I'll probably start talking to my own abdomen in a high pitched baby voice. So annoying, I know, but come on....he can hear his momma!
So that's life at 16 weeks. A semi-belly, cribs, and fake wine.
{As a side note, does anyone actually read these weekly posts? I know I still have readers but these posts in particular lead to very few comments. I don't write posts just to get comments but if they are totally boring for the general public I can just send them right to my album and skip the blog posting. I'm sure Mom and Memaw would be the main objectors to that idea but just throwing it out there. I always have more random stuff to talk about anyway}
I read! I read! I swear! I check back religiously for updates. Don't stop the posting!
ReplyDeleteI DEFINITELY read them! I LOVE them! You are helping to satiate my baby cravings that I absolutely can't cave to yet... :)
ReplyDeleteI usually don't comment either because I'm at work and forget to go back later, or I'm just being outright lazy. Keep writing! These are my favorites!
I love reading your updates! Like Stephanie, I can live vicariously through you b/c I am NOT having a baby anytime soon ;)
ReplyDeleteI read them! Don't stop, keep them coming! For us and for your mom!! :)
ReplyDeleteLove the Jenny Lind crib... Just darling!
I read them and they are my favorite! Maybe it is just because you are so cute all preggo....even though you don't even look like you are!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading! Great deal on the crib!
ReplyDeleteI definitely read these!! Keep 'em coming, we love it!
ReplyDeleteI'm still reading and I love these updates! I guess I don't comment because I don't have anything to say other than that.
ReplyDeleteThat crib is a steal! I always feel like finding good stuff on craigslist is such an effort but that just goes to show it is worth it.
I love these posts! We're thinking about a baby soon so I like knowing which fruits and veggies I will have in my belly!
ReplyDeleteI read! I look forward to reading your weekly posts - keep them coming!
ReplyDeleteYou know I am reading, girl! First of all, how cute is that little belly. I am super impressed by the pushed out picture. You just start walking around like that and no one will question that you are 4 months pregnant! AND...way to go on the crib. It is adorable...and even cuter with a $40 price tag! Where did you find that non-alcoholic wine? I have never heard of it!
ReplyDeletenot boring at all, please don't stop! and even if they were boring (which i promise, they're not!), you still need to do it for your own sake!
ReplyDeleteLove these posts. And even if people didn't particularly enjoy them (which obviously they do) - who cares? It's your blog, and you write it for yourself, too, not just other people! You'll be glad to have these to look back on. :)
ReplyDeleteI love watching your progress! And congrats on the crib! SCORE!
I read...Don't stop!!! :)
ReplyDeleteLove these posts! I'm 27 weeks and just starting to look obviously pregnant, kind of depends what I wear. Good luck with everything going forward!
ReplyDeleteI read all your posts! I look forward to them everyday! I LOVE the pregnancy posts!! I have three boys (13, 8, 7) and I envy the "journal" you are keeping for your little one! :) Keep up the preggo posts!! LOVE THEM!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog! and the baby updates! and the decorating and fake vino! Keep 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteMy sister survived her pregnancies with Fre wine. I think your belly is adorable and you look great. The crib deal is uber amazing! I am very impressed at your thrifty-ness. I am a craigslist lover!!
ReplyDeleteI read them and really enjoy the updates!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the series where you are showing your progress...and hope to my own series like that soon! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteI read!
ReplyDeleteI read! I don't comment because we're at such different places in life that I don't feel I have much of merit to add, that is all. You're pregnant and married, so you're essentially living the dream I'm working my butt off for (school/work combo).
ReplyDeleteI love to read here. Your pregnancy updates, your gorgeous puppy, your decorating sense, your running recaps-- all of it is what I'd like to be doing in about five years. So if I'm silent, it's simply because I'm too busy living vicariously (in between study breaks, of course).
I always read them! I am so far off from having a baby that I don't have much to comment on (seriously, if I did, I would be all "WOW! Cool!" and that's it), but I like reading a lot!
ReplyDeleteHahaha I totally read. My sister is just a few weeks ahead of you and she doesn't blog so it's nice to get updates on what goes on inside the mind of a pregnant woman. Keep the posts coming! :)
ReplyDeleteStill reading...every week.
ReplyDeleteAnd if I miss a few weeks - I go back and read them all together...
; - )
I read!!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE weekly baby updates.
ReplyDeleteI usually don't comment on them because "you're belly is SO cute" (which it is) gets old and "you're getting SO BIG!" seems like it could totally get taken the wrong way.
But your bump is cute, and yay for Craigslist!
I read them! I'm 4 weeks behind you and have only just made my pregnancy public. I check regularly to see what I'm in for in a few weeks and compare my progress to yours. Definitely keep writing them!
ReplyDeleteNot boring AT ALL!
ReplyDeleteI definitely still read them!
I read them! I just don't always comment because I don't always have something to say...
ReplyDeleteYay for a cheap and cute crib - what a deal! Isn't it strange to have a crib in your house? I still walk into the nursery and think, "weird."
i read them! and this is my first comment ever, so this is also a "nice to meet you."
ReplyDeleteNot boring at all - I love these posts! The crib is adorable, I love the picture of henry sitting in it.
ReplyDeleteNo dont stop!!! i LOVE your belly posts, i look forward to them and i dont even know you...keep'em coming!
ReplyDeleteAwesome deal on the crib. I love that style.
ReplyDeleteI read them cause I'm right behind you at 14 weeks. I have had some friends tell me that they will not read my pregnancy posts, cause they don't have kids and don't care, but I think most of my readers read my prego posts. I write them mostly for me and my book also, so I have a record of how I'm doing.
ReplyDeleteNo! I always read your weekly updates. Although I'm nowhere near even considering wanting babies, it's always fun to read about other people and the whole process!! haha keep em coming!
ReplyDeleteI read! LOVE reading your posts :)
ReplyDeleteI love your weekly updates! Congrats on the awesome crib deal. It's so pretty. I can't wait to see your bedding choice.
ReplyDeleteAWESOME deal on the crib! It's adorable!!
ReplyDeleteI love your pushed out gut. You'll be looking like that in no time :)
Keep writing! These are my absolute favorite posts. Also, I've never commented before..so, HI!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your pregnancy posts! Don't you dare quit!
ReplyDeleteCute crib, cute belly... can't wait to see the completed nursery!
I just started reading your blog and I love these updates. My husband and I are going to start "trying" soon and I love reading about your experiences with pregnancy thus far!
ReplyDeleteI read them everyday!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog, its an awesome way to see life thru someone else's eyes:)
I love finding out what food you're having each week lol!
I recently had my first child in June - just thought I'd give you my 2 cents on having a belly/showing - I didn't even tell anyone I was pregnant until I was over 16 weeks and I was hardly showing. I didn't have a stranger ask if I was pregnant until I was 28 weeks. I wore my normal pants until 22 weeks and wore normal shirts until 26 weeks. Soooo, although we assume we'll be *bam* showing the second the pee stick turns blue, its really quite awhile for some folks...I figure it works out well because you buy less maternity clothes in the long run and you don't get sick of them as quickly! good luck!
ReplyDeleteOf course I read these updates! You better keep them coming! I swear your pregnancy is going faster then mine! How are you at 16 weeks already!?
ReplyDeleteOf course I read these updates! You better keep them coming! I swear your pregnancy is going faster then mine! How are you at 16 weeks already!?
ReplyDeleteI've been keeping track of your baby blogs and I think it's cute. I'm also from Milwaukee, so it's cool to read about someone who's here. Congratulations on your baby. The crib is so cute.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the pregnancy updates! Don't quit! While we don't plan on having kids for another 1.5 years, I'm always curious about pregnancy and the transition to parenthood - thank you for your honesty and willingness to share!
ReplyDeleteDon't you dare stop posting about fruit babies!! I get so excited each week when there is a new one!
ReplyDeleteI love these posts! Sometimes I feel like a broken record with my comments, so I stop for a while to give you a break.
ReplyDeleteI love that crib. So cute! Congrats on finding such a good deal!
I love the weekly updates and hoping that someday when I'm pregnant, all goes just as well for me!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't fishing for comments, I swear! But I'm glad to hear you do enjoy these posts as much as me. I'll keep on posting them for the public, then, instead of banning them right to my album for personal use only.
ReplyDeleteWelcome lurkers! Hello, regulars!
The wine was from a liquor store around the corner. I just HAD to ask one night if they carried non-alchie red wine and sure enough...they have multiple kinds! Next time I might go for the Cab, knowing it will never match up to the real deal.
I don't normally post because I am too lazy to click on the post title from Google Reader to go to your main page (I know - it is just SO hard)...but I wanted to let you know that I do read and like your updates on baby! I am not pregnant, but reading your posts makes me excited to be at that point - maybe in a year or two. :) Keep doing what you're doing!
ReplyDeletePlease, please, please don't stop your posts about the growing fruit in your belly! I love reading about your experiences and would be so sad without them! I'm not pregnant and don't plan to be for quite some time, but you are a fabulous writer and I find pregnancy fascinating. One day, I hope to feel what you are feeling!
ReplyDeleteLove the crib and the decorations!
still reading:)
ReplyDeleteI can't get enough of the pregnancy posts! The only problem is that your cute posts are making me want to get pregnant a lot sooner than I originally thought!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely reading them! I always wondered how hard it is to just stop drinking cold turkey for 9+ months so it's good to hear that it's not that difficult
ReplyDeleteduh, always reading! check it DAILY. write more.
ReplyDeleteDude...keep em coming. Looooove reading anything you write. You could write about digging up dirt in your backyard, and it would probably be funny and interesting.
ReplyDeleteI am so envious of your belly pics. You should model for pregnancy.
Crib is adorable and I am sure you will find awesome bedding for it.
Have you decided on the flu vaccines yet?
Wow! Holy Comments!
ReplyDeleteI read too, of course! :)
I like your "I'm gonna kill you" face in the belly sticking out picture, intentional or not.
The crib is fabulous! And the bedding is pretty fab too!
Hi Julia!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your kind words about our bedding. I love those Jenny Lind Cribs, I think they always look fresh and such a bonus that they are affordable. Wanted to pass on to you and your readers our 35% off code DCPIXIE good until 10/22. Its a daily candy deal and we can't thank them enough.
All the best for you and your new arrival.
Thank you again,
My good friend was a classmate of yours at SLU and passed along your blog for me to read as I am also pregnant. As I am the first of my friends to be having a baby, it is fun to read your posts and hear someone else's experiences and perspective while going through this life transition. Keep up the great posts!
ReplyDeleteLoving your blog! Crib rocks :) I have officially made craigslist my BF, we just found the $500 futon from Ikea for only $100 in a NEW condition, yay!!!
ReplyDeleteI was also pleasantly surprised by FRE