
Baby Number Two, Take Two!

Today is my lost due date with Wren. I was supposed to be having my second child today.

But I'm making this a happy, celebratory day instead of feeling sad because...

I am 14 weeks pregnant!!!

(taken September 17, 2011---pose stolen from Pinterest)

(my copy cat, a little worried about that pee stick, but requesting to get his picture taken with the same pose as mommy. And ignore the random tag taped to his shirt--he demanded to wear the tag from my yoga pants this day)

Due Date: 5.29.12 --exactly 6 months {to the day} from my original due date with Wren. Freaky and amazing, huh?

Truman and his sibling will be 27 months apart and we are all ridiculously excited to be expecting again. It's been a long/eventful journey already but oh, so worth it. Details to follow.


(and you can see why I couldn't keep this a secret any longer...)


  1. Congratulations! What exciting news!

  2. Congratulations! So exciting!!

  3. Yay! Congrats! So excited for you! Too funny, I saw your comment and thought, I bet she has one soon! Here you are due before me! HA! I love truman's pic :)

  4. Yay!!! I'm so excited for you and your family!!

    Confession: I've known for 6 weeks. I've been on the bump lately and came across a post of yours and saw your ticker. I've been DYING for you to announce. I knew you'd wait awhile, but I've been anxiously waiting anyway. Also, I love that you already have a little bump! A few pics were posted of you on Facebook (from Thanksgiving) and I thought it looked like you had a bump (but I was seeing them from the perspective of knowing you were pregnant so I thought maybe I was crazy).


  5. Congratulations!! That's such great news. I bet Truman can't wait :)

  6. CONGRATS!! Such lovely news! A happy and healthy pregnancy to you!

  7. What a happy start to the day! Congratulations and enjoy this as much as you can :)

  8. Congratulations! That's fabulous news!

  9. Congrats to all three of you! I love to hear news like this!

  10. Fantastic news! Congratulations!

  11. Oh my goodness!!! Congrats Congrats!!!! So excited for you!!!

    I'm due just 12 days after you :)

  12. Ohhhhhhh I was seriously GIDDY with excitement to read this post today!! I hope the deets are coming SOON :) I hope letting the cat out of the bag makes this pregnancy seem less nerve wracking than I'm sure it was at first!

    Also, I LOVE Kristal's confession - that happened to me last time with one of my "real life" friends - hilarious :) I was more careful about posting this time around, that's for sure!!

  13. Wow! Congratulations! Truman is too cute by the way. :)

  14. CONGRATULATIONS! Looking forward to following your journey again with pregnancy #3! So happy for you that today can be a happy day for you!

  15. I'm in tears over here at work seeing this post - I'm so, so happy for you that you can finally shout your news from the rooftops - you deserve it, girl! You are glowing and Truman is just going to be the best, most adorable big brother! Yay!!!!! :)

  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Congratulations! I'm very happy for you and excited for your journey to becoming a family of four!

  18. What awesome news! Congrats!

  19. CONGRATS, Julia!! I'm so happy for you guys. :)

  20. Well, if that isn't the best news ever! I'm so thrilled that your here. 14 weeks! That's so awesome!!


  21. Yeah...that's wonderful news! Congratulations. (I like the hair, btw.)

  22. How very, very wonderful!! Congratulations to all of you!

  23. Ahhhh this is so freaking exciting!!! Congratulations! I couldn't be more happy for you guys!

  24. As a long time lurker, I'd like to come out of hiding to say Congratulations!

  25. Congratulations!! What happy happy news!

  26. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Julia, this just made my entire day!!! I am so happy for you. SO happy! Don't make us wait too long for the details!

    I'm so glad to see that bump :)

  27. This post makes my day!! Congrats again mama!

  28. So happy for you Julia! Congrats to you and your family :)

  29. Congrats!! Looking forward to hearing about this journey :)

  30. I have been reading your blog for a very long time and I was hoping that you would get some great news for the holiday season!! This is terrific!!! Congrats and really excited for you and your family!

  31. Oh Mrs. Julia...I am just so so happy for you. I will admit that I had a feeling this announcement would be coming soon. You have been pinning A LOT of baby things lately :) Congrats to your whole family!!!

  32. All smiles over here :) I logged on this morning just to see this post! So happy for you guys and can't wait to meet this little babe of yours in May.

    I love your bump! Can't believe you popped already :)

  33. I'm beyond excited for you! I'm 25 weeks with #2 and it's been a wild ride!

  34. This makes me BEYOND HAPPY!!!!!! I've totally been hoping and praying for this post, and I'm so very happy for you all!!!!!

    Yay !!!!!!

  35. Eeek! I was so excited to read this amazing news this morning! Congrats to the three of you!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  36. Amazing news! So happy for you and your family.

  37. Over the moon excited for your family! Congrats Julia, Nate, Truman & Henry!!

  38. Ahhh this post gave me chills! So excited for you. The Truman/pee stick picture cracks me up. Wishing you an easy and healthy ride on the rest of your journey!

  39. YAYAYAYYAY! Congratulations! So excited for your family!

  40. Congratulations Julia! I'm also pregnant again and due 06/16/11! I'm so excited for you! :)

  41. Soooooooooo happy for you, Julia! I think 27 months will be a fabulous gap. I cannot WAIT to see/hear more!!!

  42. Congratulations!! It was meant to be this way and so excited for your little family!

  43. its crazy how a blog post from someone you never met and probably never will can bring tears to your eyes...i'm so happy for you, nate and truman! enjoy this blessing. <3

  44. I'm so happy for you guys!

  45. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! :)

  46. So exciting, CONGRATS!!

  47. Congrats!!! So happy that your family is expanding. Can't wait to see this pregnancy progress!

  48. YAY CONGRATS! I am so happy for you. I miscarried a few weeks after you did and I just announced on Saturday that I am 15 weeks pregnant as well. I am so excited to be following along with you this time, as I followed all your pregnancy posts with Truman (even though I wasn't pregnant then - this is my first!)

  49. I'm a long time reader but I've never commented, and as a fellow Jeff City girl, I just have to send my heartfelt congrats to you. I was so sad for you, a total stranger, when I read about your miscarriage, but I'm so happy for you now. Congratulations!

  50. Congrats to you, Nate, and Truman!!!

  51. WONDERFUL news! And so serendipitous! I'm sure it doesn't take away all of the pain from losing Wren, but I'm so glad you have something BIG to celebrate today!

  52. Congratulations!!! So happy for you and your family!

  53. AMAZING!!! Congrats!! can't wait to follow you on another baby journey:-)

  54. I had the same feeling as Lauren. Congratulations!!!!!

  55. YAY! for great news! Can't think of anyone who deserves it more! Congrats to all of you!!!

  56. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and your family!

  57. Julia, I was teary eyed reading your post today. I am sooo excited for you and your family! Congrats dear!

  58. What a wonderful blessing! Congratulations!

  59. Yay! What a blessing! I followed along your pregnancy journey with excited to be doing this same, but this time I am pregnant too! I'm due one day before you, the 28th! :) Congratulations!!!

  60. Oh gosh and here we go even more. Still with the crying. I've been hoping for this post every time I've opened google reader for the past 3 months+. I've been praying and I've been hoping and I'm just SO happy for you Julia!

    I feel like an injustice has been righted, which I know isn't even Christianlike, but still.

    ps:: So didn't stalk you on TB, but now wishing I had.

  61. What happy news!!! I'm thrilled for you!!!

  62. Yay, congrats!

  63. Congratulations on baby #2!!!! May babies are the best...I may be biased though since my birthday is May 12 :)

  64. I've been reading your blog since before you had Truman but I've never commented. Considering I actually clapped when I read this post, I thought I would say congratulations!!!!!!!!!

    God bless,

  65. Congrats! What a blessing!

  66. A well deserved congratulations is in order. Sending all my best wishes from Canada. xo

  67. Congrats!! I first started following your blog during your first pregnancy. I am 20 wks pregnant today!! You gave me so much inspiration for my pregnancy, I can't even thank you enough. Can't wait to keep up on all the excitment of this new adventure!

  68. oh I am just thrilled for you !!! How very wonderful :) xx

  69. Congrats! I have read your blog since before Truman was born and am a local Milwaukeean, and I am so thrilled for you guys!

  70. I am so excited for you and your family! Congratulations and I look forward to following your pregnancy. Post more pictures of Truman, he's gotten so darn big!

  71. Excellent! I am so happy for you all! :) I've been waiting for this post myself. Just a feeling more than anything. You were pretty quiet for a while. :)

  72. Awww! What thrilling news Julia! So happy for you guys. You are certainly 'popping' so much sooner this time around - how exciting. I am currently 29 weeks with our first and I am always referring to your weekly blogs from when you were pregnant with Truman, they've been great. I enjoyed them the first time around but they are even more fun now. And I also want to thank you - you were one of the first blogs I followed that had such a comprehensive view of modern CD-ing. I ordered my bum genius 4.0's this last weekend! So very excited for them to arrive. Can't wait to follow along with this little one!

  73. Oh my gosh you are showing so much faster than with Truman! So adorable. Congratulations to you and your little family!

  74. Congratulations! You were in my thoughts after you lost your baby and reading this gave me goosebumps!

  75. Congratulations, Julia! I'm a long time reader of your blog, but I don't think I've ever posted. I'm so happy for you and your family. I can't wait to follow along with the pregnancy! (And I've peaked at your pictures on flickr - I LOVE your weekly pics!!)

  76. Hooray! So excited for you and your family. Best wishes.

  77. Precious! I have been following your blog since before Truman and your story of loosing Wren broke my heart. This makes me incredibly happy for you all!! Congratulations.

  78. Julia! I am so excited for you! Truly...I'm tearing up over here!

  79. OMG Julia - I am so happy for you!!! What an exciting year 2012 will be!!

  80. OMG I am so happy for you Julia!!! What an exciting year 2012 will be! :)

  81. Woot Woot! So exciting! Love this news :) Where did you get Truman's shirt, by the way? LOVE!

  82. This is super awesome! Congratulations!

  83. Julia~

    I am so happy for you! I know you have gone through a lot and so glad to hear that you are expecting again! Have a great pregnancy and can't wait to see you go through this one just like with little T.

  84. Massive congratulations; sorry its taken me so long to comment!

    Looking forward to hearing all about it and following along again. Im currently 32 weeks pregnant with a boy and due Jan 29th 2012!

  85. Oh Julia! You're pregnant! I know I am SO behind the times and playing catch up, but I am so excited for you! Congratulations - what a wonderful way to celebrate this day!


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