
Double take

Did anyone else notice a familiar face on their new J.Crew magazine? How about the girl in pink:
Look again:
It's Mallory from the Real World Paris! Apparently she is a J.Crew swimming suit model:

Because they didn't let her model any regular clothes, only swimming suits. She was a young, soccer player back on the RW and now a J.Crew model? Pretty sweet if you ask me.
And on a somewhat related note, if I was getting married any time soon these would be my first choice bridesmaid dresses. Obsessed! J.Crew why do you do these things to me?


  1. Okay, I am SO SO happy you pointed this out - I actually saw her in last year's catologue, but kept staring and I mean KEPT staring to figure out if it was her or not! Mallory, right?? EVERY single time I get a catalogue I scope her out, just to try and make sure its her. Weird, I know. But yay for you pointing this out!!!

  2. Yep, she's been a J.Crew model for about 4 years now I think...and sometimes, they do even let her wear clothes! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hear ya on the J.Crew dresses! I've got about $600 worth in my "shopping bag" that I need to go through. My hubs probably wouldn't approve that many dresses... but they're all so pretty!!!


  5. Is it sad that I can't even remember her?

  6. yes, she has been gracing the jcrew catalog for a while now. Go mallory. She is super cute.

    I love those dresses too...it was a contender, but I opted for a different one.

  7. OMG I used to love Mallory! She's a great swimsuit model, what a bod on that one. And that fuschia dress is SUPER cute!

  8. I adore that dress. It is stunning and the perfect colour.

  9. I'd say she landed a pretty sweet gig!

    And that dress really is so pretty. I love that color!

  10. So apparently I'm way behind on this one, huh? And mom2lo~$600 in a shopping cart? You go girl. I'd say dresses are my weakness, too.

  11. yes, wine is a good thing to help the wedding projects. :)

  12. I LOVE the simple details on that dress. It's gorgeous!!!

    I've been on a dress kick lately. I've bought 4 of them this season!!

  13. I haven't been to your blog in way too long. I love the face lift! It is so great and so you! ;) glad we are in touch and looking forward to our endeavors- Kamee

  14. Ok...my brain must be fried. I watched Real World Paris and yet I cannot remember this girl. I need to do some google searching :-D

    Love that dress too. I think you deserve a nice pink summer dress this summer!

  15. I may have been slightly obsessed with Mallory... soccer girl from Illinois... she could not have been any cooler. She was in Abercrombie ads right after the Real World and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition right after too. I bet her dad, once a professional football player, is very proud she dropped her soccer scholarship for this type of life, and I'm not kidding. I love her!

  16. Slightly related, you can see some of the girls who were on MTV's 8th and Ocean in commercials and ads too. Specifically, the two twins are the twins you always see on those contact commercials.


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