
That's what she said.

So last night was The Office season premier. I've been anticipating the return of my favorite show for months now, especially since I rarely watch TV anymore at all. [I know, it's weird---but I'm either working, running, eating, talking to Nate, sleeping, or working on album time for TV].

So I settled into the couch a little before 8:00 with a nice cup of hot tea. Nate on the other couch, Henry next to me, and the room full of excitement. I didn't realize the first episode would be a full hour long but I quietly thanked NBC for that nice surprise.

The first 30 minutes were HIGH-larious. Loved it. Laughed out loud multiple times and realized how much I missed this crew.

And happened.

Channel 4 had a major spazz attack and the whole screen became scrambled. We frantically flipped through the other channels and sure enough, every other station came through clear as day. We ran downstairs and my in-laws' TV was showing the same chaos on channel 4. Of COURSE this happens to the one and only show I care about, of course! I looked at Nate and told him if Jim proposed to Pam and I missed it, I would throw myself out a window.

So I pouted for awhile as I stared at the snowy screen---we couldn't even hear the audio at this point. I missed the whole last half of the show and was forced to watch Gray's Anatomy. [As a side note: I know a lot of girls my age love that show but it's so freaking ridiculous sometimes. I mean, the Asian chick got stabbed by a fallen icicle last night and it was no big deal. Bleh-so dramatic.]

Moral of the story: I hate NBC!!!!!

Then today I had an epiphany: I went to and found the whole first episode from last night. I love you, NBC! We are friends again. Wouldn't you know it.....Jim popped the big Q!!!

It was worth the wait, my friends. Totally flipping perfect. I love this show.

The best line of the night came from Phyllis:

"I wonder what people like about me? [pause] Probably my jugs."

Ah, all is right with the world again. On top of a fabulous Office, I ran my final long run this morning. My last 8 miler before D-day felt really good--I felt strong and ready for 26.2. Of course, I'll probably be freaking out a week from today but as of right now I'm ready to kick marathon arse. It looks like Nate probably won't run it with me, considering that he didn't 'test his legs' at all this week. I suppose it's still up in the air but I'm preparing myself to do this solo. He mentioned that he might jump in with me for the last 5 miles or so, to help motivate me for the finish. It's pretty much his best idea ever---I think I'll need that extra push after 21 miles!

And now I must pack for our trip to Kansas City where we will attend a fabulous wedding for these two crazy kids:

Fun fact for the day: they invited 760 people to their wedding! [gasp]. Here's to a great wedding, Caleb and Ashleigh!

Also, mad props to Nick and Amy who are also getting married this weekend, in North Carolina.
If we could be in two places at once we would get to attend both weddings, but alas--we are mere mortals. So sorry to miss this one, but can't wait to see pictures.

Anyone else attending weddings this weekend? Anyone watch The Office or are all my readers faithful Gray's fans?


  1. Good luck with your marathon...having someone there to motivate you the last few moments will help. I hit a SERIOUS wall around mile 18 in the one and only marathon I have run and telling myself there were 8 miles left was not helping! Enjoy your wedding this weekend and I totally thought the icicle thing on Grey's Anatomy was ri-donk-u-lous!

  2. Well, I didn't ever get into The Office OR Grey's. I don't have any weddings this weekend either, sigh.

    Have a great trip!

  3. I had to miss The Office last night, and I was SO looking forward to it. (No worries-you didn't spoil the proposal for me... someone else told me this morning.) I will definitely be checking in this weekend on it and Grey's.

    Have fun at the wedding!

  4. How tragic that your tv went out!! I love The Office. I am so in love with Amy Ryan's character. She and Michael together are so fantastic. I still love when Andy calls Jim "Tuna". I also loved when Jim said "Beer Me Five". I am a little wary of where they are going with the storyline of Pam and the dude at school though. If she breaks Jim's heart, I might hate that show.

    I also still watch Grays, but I'm with you, it's totally dramatic and I don't know if I can handle it anymore.

    Good luck on your homestretch before the marathon!

  5. 760 people?! Oh jeez, that makes my heart hurt.

    Enjoy the weddings and I can't wait to hear all about the marathon - I can't believe it's only a week away!!

  6. I lost the rest of the stuff I was going to say when you said 760 people. WHaaaaa?! I don't think I even know that many people. Wow!! Have a fun weekend! :)

  7. Grey's, people. With an E.

    I watched Grey's and DVRed The Office, which we watched after the Brewers game. LOVE The Office. Was totally worth staying up past 11:30 p.m. on a weeknight! :)

    As for Grey's, I do believe I'm done with that show. I can't believe I wasted two hours watching that last night. It makes me really sad because I used to LOVE that show, but it's really gotten ridiculous.

    Have fun this weekend at the wedding!!!!!!

  8. Ohhhh, I assumed it was Gray's with an A like the actual Mr. Gray who wrote my anatomy book. Guess not:)

    And yes, 760 freaking people. I thought inviting 200 to our was PLENTY so I can only imagine. It could be pretty crazy! :)

  9. Ha! Erin cracked me up.

    Anyway. Channel 4 did that the other night for my poor husband when he wanted to watch Knight Rider. Yeah, let's just say he wasn't pleased.

    I gave up on Grey's last year. I just can't bring myself to watch it.

    And, 760 people?!?!?! I don't think my husband and I know half that many people! Have fun!

  10. Last night I was sooooo tired and couldn't keep my eyes open. I was watching a Cosby Show re-run and I accidently fell asleep before 8:00!!! Grrr...the hazards of pregnancy!!
    So I'm assuming Pam accepted? I will have to watch it on

  11. Whew! Someone already caught the GrAy. :)

    I love both shows, but last night was out supporting my Twins. :( Luckily they won so it was all worth it!

    Nice job to Nate on coming up with that solution. Now I'm starting to think you're crazy though woman. :)

  12. Good luck on the marathon! Key is to make sure he is pre-set areas for support. I've supported a friend in several marathons. Goo, jelly bellys, whatever you use come in handy at miles 10 and 15. We call the dark place miles 18-23. I usually will jump in an run on this stretch and there are usually tears. It is an amazing accomplishment and you should be so proud of all your hard work. I actually ran my first half this year.

  13. The Office premiere was freaking AWESOME!!! Best.proposal.ever. There were so many great one liners in that episode that I can't even remember them all.

    I have never heard of someone inviting 760 people to a wedding. I can't even imagine. You have to get pictures somehow.

    No weddings for me this weekend, but next weekend is our wedding. I can't freaking believe it!!!

    I wish you all the luck in the world next weekend on your marathon. You will rock it!!!

  14. I think I am in shock over the 760 wedding invitees...holy smokes!!
    And what happened to you with the Office has totally happened to me too, when i was watching something I looked forward to. Or maybe it was that my DVR cut off the last 25 minutes of a 2 hour season finale of House. Dumb DVR.

    I watch Grey's Anatomy, but I am soooooo over it. I think the actors are so full of themselves (the women, anyway) that they have let it affect their acting skills. And the plot lines from last season were atrocious. I have not seen the one from this week, but now I am really not looking forward to it.

    Anyway, have fun at the ginormous wedding.

  15. Mike watches The Office and I watch Greys! I wish that I started watching The Office because people are obsessed with it! Good luck with your are almost there!!!

  16. Ah! I shouldn't have read this! We were up north this weekend since Thursday so I totally missed The Office. I planned on watching it tonight on..yup..the internet.

    Oh well, I knew he would propose..
    Can't wait!

  17. Hey, Julia, I know I haven't been on your blog much lately, but with your marathon coming up so close I have been thinking a lot about you and sending good vibes your way.

    Good luck, I know you will kick some serious ass!

    Oh, and the Office was fan freaking tabulous!!! I cannot wait to see the rest of the season!!

  18. I literally had a countdown to The Office Premiere on my blog. Love. This. Show. My life isn't complete without awkward Michael Scott moments.


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