I've been thinking a lot about how different life will be when our new family member arrives. Of course, I can't predict exactly what our days will be like with a new baby here, although a part of me sure would like to know what to expect. I wonder how Truman will handle being a big brother again, in addition to transitioning away from Lori's and into Junior Kindergarten this fall. Will it all be too much for him? Will he somehow be the difficult child all of a sudden even though I have the highest expectations for my first born and probably hold him to unrealistic standards as it is? I wonder how my... ahem, 'demanding' Cecelia will transition to being a big sister. She has such opinions on nearly every minute detail of life and she has her moments of really needing mommy. Will she throw even more tantrums with less of my available time? Will she understand that she will never again be the 'baby' of the family? How will she do as the big kid at Lori's when Truman goes to school?
And what about Nate and I? Will we be good parents to three children? Do we have it in us to dig deep for another set of parenting tools, even more patience, and the ability to mold another little life? I'd like to think we certainly do have the ability to be awesome parents to three...but it's still going to be different.
The change from being our comfortable, somewhat 'easy', family of four to the unknown concept of a family of five is going to be an amazing change. A welcomed change. A celebrated change. But the adjustment period might be pretty freaking crazy and we will certainly look back on our days with 'just' two kids and yearn for the routine. The predictability. The comfort of being settled, somewhat.
I definitely feel a sense of the calm before the storm lately. I am not scared of the storm, but truly SO excited I could burst. But it's absolutely a little bittersweet to say goodbye to these days as we welcome brand new ones. Ah, life. Always changing. Bring it on, baby boy, but first: we plan to savor every moment with just us four.
Last week on Thursday, Nate got home from work around 1:00pm. Once Cecelia woke up from her nap I suggested that the four of us pack a picnic dinner, load the double BOB up with the kids and food, and walk to a nearby favorite playground for some family time outside. The weather was unbeatable: sunshine, light breeze, blue skies, temps in the mid-70s. It was just one of those evenings when everything seemed peaceful and right, and it was a night when I felt extra emotional and reflective.
Since Nate was with me, I brought my big camera along for the occasion and proceeded to take over 200 pictures in the beautiful summery light. Two happy kids who ate well, played hard, got to see a passing train (THE BEST!!), and two parents who thoroughly enjoyed watching them love life.
It was a great night and very worthy of sharing here.
Tent in our back yard before heading to the playground in the BOB. When my kids wear their sunglasses I automatically smile at the cool cats before me.

First train spotted. And picnic time!

Cecelia was looking extra adorable this night and poses for pictures more willingly than her big brother.

My babes.

Our family.

And time to play. Kids on slides in the summer? Can't beat the joy.

And sandboxes, too.

My silhouette/Cecelia's reaction to the second train coming our way.

Such fun.

Classic 'Bruiser Cecelia' face.

Maybe my new favorite picture of her ever.

This girl and her daddy are too much sometimes.

Mister man made a new little friend and they played some sort of 'chasing' game the entire time.

While Cecelia was content to run from her daddy.

Right before we left, I got a few semi-blurry pictures that I will always treasure, imperfections and all.

Riding home.

What a fun, amazing night.
There's a benefit being on the outside looking in. One that you can't see when you're in the thick of things. I read this post and vividly remember a similar post before C was born. About routine and ease and a family of three. And now two years later you can write about how that family of four has that same ease and routine and 'things' figured out. How freakin' awesome is that?? Just imagine two years from now? (And we know how fast time flies, am I right?) I'll be reading about a family of five who is happy and settled and has this thing down.
and waiting for a 4th baby?? Hmmm.... :)
DeleteHa, Erin. You're bad. ;)
DeleteSo sweet, A. I guess I DID feel the same way before Cecelia came. Full circle, or 'here we go again.' I like thinking about 2 years from now when things might be settled again. Hope it happens before then, actually!
DeleteSo funny Erin! I was going to hint at the same thing (baby #4) but decided against it!
DeleteJulia, I think it totally will happen before then. My second is a spirited child, and was a tough infant, and now 14 months in, I can see the light! So, FOR SURE, by two years from now, things will be smooth sailing, if not sooner, for you. And our big boys will be out of K! And our girls will be 3 & 4... Ridiculous!
Being the oldest of three, I can tell you that child 2 will probably develop more patience especially if you involve her I a lot of the 'mommyness' especially since she is a girl. It is hard to transition from two to three, I have seen it many times but three to four or more is just stupid easy (my brother has 5 kids and a step child). You'll be okay. You'll find your center.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous pictures! I remember feeling kind of the same way before my daughter was born (she was our first). Just soaking in the "nothing" time. And when we will have another one on they way, I am sure I will feel the same. I love that you cherish it all.
ReplyDeleteWhat gorgeous pictures - priceless! I need to do this one night soon - the playground is just the perfect backdrop for such happy photos. Your kids are the cutest and I just can't wait to see what their precious baby bro looks like. :) Definitely trying to savor the calm before the storm over here, too. I'll probably say it a few more times before you give birth, but whoa, I kind of can't believe how close 'the storm' is for you! So excited.
ReplyDeleteLove those nights and moments in general. Feels so good to be able to step back from the hustle and bustle of life and see what we've been given!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure "the storm" is coming soon but I have a feeling it's gonna be pretty dang awesome!
Beautiful pictures, as usual! I definitely remember that 'calm before the storm' last May before our 3rd came along. I also remember the 'what was I thinking!?' in June. haha! But after a few months, it becomes a new normal and is just as amazing. :)
ReplyDeletewhat gorgeous photos! Looks like such a fun family night!! I love that photo of Ceclia smiling too - so sweet! You also got some great sunflare shots too :) and I think your transition to a family of 5 will go smoother than you think right now. I don't know why and i've only been reading your blog recently but I just have this feeling you guys will fall into it smoothly!
ReplyDeleteI love the glimpse ahead (without the whole 3rd pregnancy thing). I remember thinking how easy things got with A probably close to a year. Getting out of the house was a breeze, sleep returned, routine was finally routine. Looking forward to that calm hopefully not too far away. Things are definitely easier, but still not breezy.
ReplyDeleteYour picnic looks perfect, I love nights like that. Nothing overly special, but memorable and special in their own way. Can't wait to watch your family grow!
Love the photos of the kids! We're approaching the arrival of Baby #3 here too, and while we've talked about having more than two kids for quite some time, it does seem a little scary. My younger right now is 2.5, and I have been thinking about how "easy" it would be to have 2 kids. We certainly have crazy days, but we can also split up the kids, and have man-on-man coverage. I'm sure things will be fine, but I'll be reading all of the three kid blogs I can before baby gets here :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a perfect night! Can't wait to see those same nights documented with your new addition too!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if since you have gone through this with two lovely but not necessarily easy babys (AHEM - sleep!), you will be adequately prepared for the "storm" and find it less stormy. LIke it seems like your expectation are very realistic and that will help make it all a smoother transition.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's funny how quickly that switch flips to two kids being much easier once you have three! I knew that would happen but it is still striking!
Almost there!!! I saw your belly "drop" pic on IG - so exciting!