This time we had a lot of our newer neighborhood friends (soon to be school friends!) over along with some of the regular crew, Mom, Memaw, Tony and Lois. I truly did not do anything to prepare for this BBQ other than discuss the menu with Nate and Lois, shop at Target a few hours before the party, and become very obsessed with non-alcoholic lemonade drinks to serve in my new jugs.
I found a recipe for a strawberry lemonade, pineapple juice, and Sierra Mist drink that made me salivate just thinking about it. I added some fruit and ice and probably drank half of that one by myself. The other lemonade was just plain with lemons cut up inside and the kids all loved that one...along with the big self-serve water jug I had outside, too. Oh, and I put a bottle of Aboslut Vodka next to the lemonades to encourage the adults to mix my lemonades with the hard stuff, as needed. Having plenty of plastic cups, two sharpie markers to prevent cup confusion, and also having a cooler full of juice boxes for the kids were also key. I think we are getting the hang of this entertaining thing, and it's so much easier when everyone spends a majority of the night outside!

We served burgers, brats, and hot dogs for the meats and Nate was in charge of this task. Then Lois made her awesome Ramen Noodle Asian salad, her bow tie pasta salad (with asparagus and bacon...mmmmmm), and our favorite Black Bean Quinoa salad. Oh, and she also made her awesome baked beans---the woman can cook, you guys! I made a huge fruit salad, provided potato chips, and made fun-fetti cupcakes iced with pink vanilla frosting at Cecelia's request. She also picked out a number two candle and then proceeded to play with it/pick it apart before her party so I had to use an older version of the candle instead. Silly girl.
Everyone started arriving around 4pm and most were gone around 8pm. The 14 children behaved like angels and had a ball running around in the backyard, digging dirt, and playing various sports. I felt like I could actually sit down and talk to people instead of worrying about being a good 'hostess', since we had our parents/grandma to help out with that part of it. Such a fun time!
CC got a manicure from GoGo before the guests arrived. And what lucky kids to have such amazing grandmas!

Family picture!

Little miss wore this adorable outfit, made by GoGo. She rocked it, I'd say.

Love seeing CC with her grandparents--I don't take nearly enough pictures with Lois and Tony since we see them so often!

'Cheese! I two.' This girl was in heaven all night long. Totally in her element.

Opening presents outside with the 'help' from the big kids---definitely chaos and kind of overwhelming for CC at times, but it all worked out just fine. She now has more princess items than she could have asked for and immediately had to play with a tea set for the rest of the night.

Cupcakes and babies. The best.

Ben was particularly adorable this night, even though I didn't take a ton of pictures of the rest of our guests. Couldn't ignore this guy!

Then came time for cupcakes as the 4 year olds were getting REALLY antsy for dessert. Cecelia literally sang along with the entire group and I even caught her singing 'Happy To Me' later in the night. Could you die over her sometimes? I could.


Big fan of cupcakes over here. Especially pink ones with sprinkles, duh.

Just some of the children going crazy with my mom//the adults sitting in a circle chatting.

Love these of my happy girl playing with bubbles and her wheel barrow.

CC got a new chair. CC loves GoGo so much.

With CC's godparents at the end of the night. Very odd how Nate and Andy are standing SO close together....but whatever!

Eddie found this bean bag toss and decided to wear it for a bit.

Baby bellies//mommy's necklace is fun//me and my girl.

And I had to do a few comparison shots;) First birthday party versus the second. Cecelia has changed a ton, Truman and Nate have NOT, and my hair is shorter/face is fuller/am pregnant.

And then the godparents at Cecelia's baptism and at her second birthday. Growing families!!!! Love comparison shots so much.

Another birthday party in the books, for our second weekend in a row hosting a BBQ. We had a blast and yet, I'm looking forward to a few quiet weekends before baby comes!
I nearly died over the cuteness in the picture of CC labeled "Cheese, I two"! Instantly made my day a little brighter
ReplyDeleteI LOVE how you guys do parties! So much more about the fun than the napkins and cake topper. It's perfect. And I think your seeing things... Your face looks identical. That bump though... So cute!
ReplyDeleteAnother super fun party! Great weather, food, company, kids ... and my favorite picture of Nate and Andy :)
ReplyDeleteYou deserve a few quiet weekends, girl!
ReplyDeleteI think that "cheese" pic of Cece is one of the best pics ever taken of her, I adore it. She is something special!!
Love the pics you got of my Benny that night, thanks again.
Glorious to be outside finally, and thanks for your hospitality two weekends in a row. :) Summer!!!
Love it! What a fun birthday party! We did a very low key party for Mac's 2nd too. I think being pregnant really curbed my desire/need to go all out. Easy and quick was the name of the game. Love the photos. Looks like a great time. I'm totally stealing that lemonade recipe and making it this weekend. Mim is still lemonade-obsessed.
ReplyDeleteFun! Still bummed we couldn't make it! CC and her expressions…the best and so hilarious!
ReplyDeleteDude, and your outfit that day rocks :)
You make party hosting seem so easy and fun. I would have been in a frenzy trying to host a party at 35 weeks (but parties STRESS. ME. OUT!) Glad you guys had such a nice day to celebrate outside with your special girl!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun birthday!!! I love the low key parties. I am all over them for my own kids. Henry's April birthday is pretty hit or miss for BBQ season. Last year it was the first nice weekend and this year it snowed. I'm super excited for this July baby to have the option of outdoor, low key parties!
ReplyDeleteThe "Cheese, I two" picture is the cutest! And where is your awesome necklace from?! I love it!