The second evening and night in the hospital was a good one. Tony and Lois came after my Mom and Dad came, and then Nate brought both kids back with him after they allll napped at home that day. Truman felt better and was very eager to see Porter again, so even though we weren't sure if he was sick or not we just made him stay away from breathing on P-man's face. We ordered pizza and had a ball as a big group. Needless to say, these four grandparents are freaking GOD SENDS to us right now.

(my camera is acting really weird for white balance indoors. Super annoying.)

The guys

Big sis

My THREE kids!

Anyway. The second night (Saturday) was good. Nate went back home that night since he truly slept horribly on Friday night with the little pull out couch in my room. He helped with bedtime and everyone got good sleep at home.
I had one of my favorite nurses from Cecelia's birth, Melissa, that night and I loved chatting with her about life while it was just me and Porter in the room. She happily took him to the nursery for me that night around 11, brought him back at 1:30 to nurse, then took him back until 5 am. GLORIOUS. She said he was doing great and was adorable (duh).
Sunday morning, Nate came with Collectivo coffee and a muffin for me, plus we ordered room service for their amazing breakfast sandwiches. YUM. Yet another reason I am obsessed with this hospital is that the nutrition department also sent up a little cup of cookies saying 'congrats on the new baby boy!'. Yes.

We ate, I showered, Porter got his state newborn screening blood test done (hated it), and we visited with the Pediatrician as he gave Porter a glowing report before he discharge him. I mentioned that P is spitting up a lot, my milk came in right after the 24 hour mark, and so I felt like Porter was kind of adjusting to that.

Side note: holy engorgement. I knew my milk came in soon last time with C, and I'm sure nursing her until 16 months and getting pregnant weeks after weaning just means my tats know what to do. But wow. Insane. By the 48 hour mark I was totally uncomfortable, and today---day 3---it's a little out of control. VERY out of control, painful, gigantic, etc etc. More on that in a 'recovery' post someday.
After the Ped came through, my OB came in to discharge me. I love her so much and Nate does, too. She talked with us for about an hour about everything and nothing, mostly about her kids and our kids;) We thanked her for being so amazing because I feel like she made this third experience the best it's ever been (more in the birth story later) and honestly, would like to have a fourth child just to have my OB lead the way again. Nate loves when I say things like that.

Another nurse that I love, Vanessa---she saw me through Truman's birth, discharged us after that. I requested the standard 'leaving from the hospital shot' from her and we were off!

Oh, I wanted Porter to wear this adorable bow tie/cardigan onesie my mom made him for his going home outfit. But alas, I'm not used to having an 8+ pound baby and it didn't fit over his head;( Newborn sizes are usually fine for now but this one was especially tight, so we went with another back up outfit and he looked just as adorable.
He loves to hold the paci in his mouth for us!

We got home around noon on Sunday. The kids and my parents were so happy to see us and for how much I love the hospital stay itself, coming home was pretty freaking amazing, too. Porter got to rock in his MamaRoo a bit, I unpacked, we visited and I got a great nap on the couch with mom and Porter. That night Lois and Tony came over with the BEST meal ever. Love having family support us and help out (again: God sends!)
Signs all over the house, made by the kids and Gogo!

Note the BEER!!!!!

The first night with Porter was pretty.....rough. I think the combination of my milk being in and being so much for him to handle, plus me trying to keep him in the co sleeper without holding him a ton (his favorite) made for an extra hard time. We all went to bed around 10 but Porter did not fall asleep until 1:00. He was awake at 2:00. GAH. I fed him, and I'd change him, but he just kept getting antsy and refusing to sleep. I finally had Nate turn off the AC around 3 am because I thought he was cold. He wanted to nurse but didn't want to nurse and eventually I had to take him into the nursery to rock on the glider a bit. He fell back to sleep around 5 am and we both woke up at 8---I basically held him and let him be in bed with me for that entire time. Breaking the rules already, I know.

Today is Monday--his fourth day of life and of course, since he partied all night, he was sleepy all day long. As I type this, he has been snoozing in the MamaRoo for 3 hours without a peep. Why didn't he sleep like this last night? Silly babies. But I got a shower, brushed my teeth, and even napped so I'm calling it a great day. The kids and I have had a ball with Mom and Dad today. It was incredibly sad to see them go tonight, though. Truman cried the most he's ever cried saying, 'I'm going to miss Popo and Gogo, I don't want them to leave. I'm sad.' So I cried, too. Truman wouldn't let go of me, CC wouldn't let go of me, and we were all just a mess. Ugh. My dad and Tony held it together for us, of course, and Tony took them to the airport. But it's just hard to see my parents go. Mom comes back in 10 days so we are trying to focus on that.

I know Nate must have been SO tired at work today but he is off on Tuesday and Thursday for this week AND next week. LOVE this set up so much. So tomorrow Nate and I will take Porter to the Pediatrician while Tony stays with the big kids.
I can't wait to get into a new rhythm with Porter---especially at night. But I know these early days will just be pure chaos and weird, so I'm trying to roll with it. He is the best baby and SO stinking cute. He takes a pacifier like a champ, unlike his sister ever did at this age, and is really quite chill during this super sleepy phase. I sort of forgot what it's like to worry your baby is sleeping TOO much during the day and probably should wake him up now to feed him. Lord help us tonight. And help my boobs not to explode.

A few other things I don't want to forget:
-Both kids have been sprinting over to the swing randomly, kissing Porter on his feet and head. No reason other than, 'We love Porter, mom.'

-CC tells me 'I like him.' She was fascinated that he could move, really likes to watch him nurse, and is carrying around a ziploc bag of pacifiers for him to use at some point. Oh boy.

-Mom made cupcakes with the kids, after I suggested we have a little birthday party for Porter. Obviously, this was a big hit.

-Truman regularly tells me, 'I love Porter so much mommy. I'm glad he came out. I love my family.' Yes, emotions are running high around here. He also asked, 'How do your boobs make milk?' Ha.

-The kids love Porter's belly button cord. They have heard his newborn poops and think it's hilarious that he goes so often. The like to fight over who gives him the pacifier. Such big helpers I have!

-CC has had a few extra clingy moments to me, where she wants to sit right next to me (on top of me?) while nursing, but nothing too bad just yet. We will see how she is now that mom is gone. They are quite the pair.
So far, so good. As Nate said last night, 'There is just something about having the baby here, healthy,'s the best.' Right on, Nate ;)
Love this! So glad you guys are settling in well so far. Ride that high as long as you can!
ReplyDeleteI just ... can't even. As I just told you in my email, I'm just overwhelmed with happiness for you to the point that it might be weird. ;) I just love you all and am so freakin happy for you! And I see my near future and I could burst. I can only hope that my experience bringing #3 into this world will be HALF as smooth as yours has been. He's here and he's perfect!
ReplyDeleteAlso - rules? On day four? No rules, girl! Just survival! And wow, crazy your milk comes in so fast!! I think mine didn't come in til day 3 with both boys.
Figured it'd be super tough with your parents leaving - but wonderful that your mom will be back so soon!!
Good luck tonight and the rest of the week! I can't wait to see him again!!
Perfect. love, Val
Oh I broke ALL the rules with #3! You just do what you've got to do, mama ;) Hope you got some more sleep last night and that this early adjustment period continues to go well for you!
ReplyDeleteHaha at 'how do your boobs make milk?'...I mean it really is pretty fascinating! :) So glad your little Porter is here to get loved on by his big brother & sister!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Julia! He's just too darn cute! Sounds like the transition to three has gone relatively smooth for you guys!
ReplyDeleteCan I just say how impressed I am for:
ReplyDeletea. how many photos you guys have taken
b. how you're blogging like every other day still
c. how amazingly beautiful and rested you look!
Bringing home baby #3 obviously looks good on ya ;)
Also, I want to snuggle that cute baby boy!!!
It is a magical time and you will be so glad you captured it in detail. Glad you had some parental help for these early days and that your mom will be back again soon!
ReplyDeleteHe is so adorable! I can't believe you had time to post during the crazy newborn days, so kudos to you!
ReplyDeleteSide note: my hubby used to work at that hospital :) such a great maternity ward there!